Title: Coastal Geospatial Services Contract CGSC NOAA Coastal Services Center
1Coastal Geospatial Services Contract(CGSC)NOAA
Coastal Services Center
Miki Schmidt
National States Geographic Information Council
(NSGIC) Annual Conference Sept 27, 2007 Madison,
2- Coastal Geospatial Services Contract
Purpose Acquire data and develop tools for
coastal resource management applications to help
build the Digital Coast
- Four prime contractors with over 70 subs
- State access through memorandums of
- understanding (MOU)
- No overhead charges to states
3What is CGSC?
- Coastal Geospatial Services Contract
- Brooks Act AE, FAR Part 36
- Indefinite Delivery/ Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ)
- Task Orders
- 5 yrs
- 4 Prime Contractors w/ over 70 subcontractors
- 10M Maximum per contractor for the life of the
contract - Seventeen Geospatial Services
4Services Provided
- Thematic mapping
- Aircraft data acquisition
- Commercial and civil satellite imagery
acquisition - Spectral image processing, analysis, and
interpretation - Aerial photo interpretation
- High-resolution topographic / bathymetric product
generation - Photogrammetric mapping, aerotriangulation, and
orthophotography development - Geographic information system (GIS) data
development - Software applications and decision support tools
5Services (cont)
- Survey and control services
- Data analysis, integration, assimilation, and
modeling for both land and seabottom
characterization - Data conversion and scanning
- Data manipulations
- Generation of Federal Geographic Data Committee
(FGDC) compliant metadata for all geospatial data
and derived products, including all forms of
remotely sensed data - Acoustic data acquisition
- Sediment profile imaging and analysis
- Geospatial analyses that incorporate social,
economic, and ecological factors
6Use by Other Agencies
- Primary purpose of CGSC is for the purchase of
geospatial data and services to support coastal
resource management issues. -
- Available to State, Local, and Federal Agencies
if criteria is met - Funds transferred using an MOU
7Use by Other Agencies - Criteria
- Project fits into the scope of the contract
Geospatial - Coastal application
- The partner coordinates with the applicable
Coastal Zone Management Program - CSC has internal resources to support
- Room under the contract ceiling
- Partner responsible for Quality Assurance
8Coastal Geospatial Services Contract
MOUs in place or under development
- CA Coastal Conservancy
- FL Northwest Florida Water Management District
- FL Nassau County Board of Commissioners
- FL Fish and Wildlife Commission
- MI Dept of Natural Resources
- MD Department of Natural Resources
- NC Dept of Environment and Natural Resources
- NY Dept of State
- SC Dept of Natural Resources
9- Coastal Geospatial Services Contract
Process for States to use the contract
- Discuss project with CSC POC
- Develop SOW
- Fill out template MOU (Umbrella and annex)
- Get preliminary approval from State legal
authority - NOAA approves MOU State approves MOU
- NOAA sends invoice to State for entire amount of
project - Task order awarded after receipt of payment
- NOAA pays contractor as deliverables/invoices are
approved by State
10- Coastal Geospatial Services Contract
- NOAA is the contractor
- Reality
- NOAA is providing a contract vehicle
- NOAA is providing contract management
- NOAA may provide some technical oversight
- CGSC is a Sole Source contract
- Reality
- CGSC was competed at time of award
- Full and open competition
- Task Orders awarded to the
- highest qualified contractor
11Issues for consideration
- Full payment to NOAA in advance
- NOAA puts the States funds in a separate account
- Contractors are not paid until authorized by the
State - Unused funds are returned
- States capability or resources to perform QA
- NOAA will assist with QA if resources are
available - Use the contract to have a third party contractor
perform QA -
12Miki Schmidt NOAA Coastal Services
Center Nicholas.Schmidt_at_noaa.gov Dennis Hall
Dennis.Hall_at_noaa.gov 843.740.1323