Title: Teacher Services
1Teacher Services
- Charles County Public Schools
- Human Resources Office
- October 14, 2008
2Estimated Cost of Employee Turnover
- Cost of termination (including any pay out
- arrangements)
- Cost of hiring (including advertising expenses,
- recruitment fairs, air and hotel costs)
- Cost of the new hire (only 60 as effective in
the first - 3 months compared to an experienced employee)
Saratoga Institute - The cost of replacing an employee averages
between one and two times the candidates salary
plus benefits - For a 50,000 salary the cost of losing that
candidate ranges between 65,000 and 115,000 - Barrett Consulting Group
3Hidden Cost of Employee Turnover
- Loss of productivity when the
- he/she knows they are leaving
- Loss of productivity of the
- employees team
- Time to review resumes, arrange
- and conduct interviews
- Travel expenses for recruiters
- Additional bookkeeping such as
- payroll, 403(b), retirement, etc.
4Hidden Cost of Employee Turnover
- Annual cost of design, organization,
- conducting orientation and new employee training
- Lower productivity of the
- replacement employee
- Increased supervision costs of
- new staff
- Low staff morale
- Increased workload for employees team
5National Teacher Profile
- The average teacher is a married, 43-year-old
white woman who is religious - Six percent of teachers are African-American, and
5 percent are Hispanic, Asian or of other ethnic
groups - Men represent less than a quarter of teachers
6MetLife Survey of the American Teacher - 2006
- Profile of At-Risk Teachers
- One in 11 teachers (9) is dissatisfied with
teaching as a career and one-quarter (27) say
they are likely to leave the profession within
the next five years - Dissatisfied teachers are more likely to teach in
schools with more minority or below-average
7MetLife Survey of the American Teacher - 2006
- Predictors of satisfied teachers include
- Respect
- Principals leadership abilities
- School culture
- Student behavior
- Teachers involvement in and ability to influence
key activities - Issues can be addressed at the school level
- Assigning a mentor
- Teaching in classes they feel qualified to teach
8 MetLife Survey of the American Teacher - 2006
- Solutions for Teacher Recruitment and
- Retention from teachers
- Provide a decent salary
- Increase financial support for the
- school system
- More respect for teachers in
- todays society
- Better resources and supplies
- for them to do their job and retain
- quality people in the profession
- Allow them to organize their
- classes their way
- Reduce time spent on
- non-teaching duties
9MetLife Survey of The American Teacher - 2006
- Recruitment and retention ideas
- from prospective and former
- teachers
- Pay bonus for longevity
- Tuition reimbursement
- Support mentoring programs
- Provide seminars on
- Discipline
- Classroom management
- Networking
- Paperwork management
- Time and stress management
10Charles County Public Schools Teacher
Turnover/Retention Data
11Recruitment and Retention Assistance
12CCPS Mentor Teacher Program
- Mentor Program
- Elementary
- Currently work in 9 schools with highest
percentage of 1st and 2nd year teachers - Focus on time and classroom management, record
keeping and behavioral strategies - Consult with Instructional Leadership Teams (ILT
) - Middle School
- - Supported by ILTs and Office of Program
13CCPS Emeritus Colleague Program
- Emeritus Colleagues
- High Schools
- Retired teachers work 15 hours a week with
teacher colleagues - Program since 2006 and works directly with
14Teachers Services - Recruitment
- Recruitment
- Assist in recruiting and interviewing teacher
candidates - Trainers for CCPS Diversity and Blended Culture
(DABC) classes - Assist and present at local, state and national
Future Educators of America (FEA) conferences
15Teachers Services - Certification
- Certification
- Assist in collection of required paperwork for
local, state and federal agencies - Assist and distribute Praxis 1 support materials
- Loan Praxis I books
- Help teachers register for on-line practice
Praxis tests - Formed cadre of Praxis I Praxis II tutors
16Teacher Services - Housing
- Housing
- Assist new teachers with housing
- Oversee and update the housing listings
- Obtain rental discounts for new teachers
- Visit apartment complexes and view facilities
17Teacher Services - Employment
- Employment
- Help plan and participate in new teacher
orientation - Assist in obtaining required human resources
paperwork - Support new teachers in obtaining supplies and
resources - Conduct Stay interviews expanding interviews to
2nd 4th year teachers - Provide Mentor Teacher programs through Human
Resources and Office of Program Support
18Teachers Services - Communication
- Communication
- Visit teachers (new and experienced) at school
sites - Use Board e-mail to assist teachers with concerns
and problems - Contact mentors, principals, supervisors and
content specialists to assist new teachers - Plan professional and personal seminars for
teachers and staff
19Teacher Services - Personal
- Personal
- Visit new teachers when an emergency occurs
- Assist new teachers in finding doctors and
dentists - Help with collection of documentation for MSDE
scholarship (1,000) for new teachers attaining
3.5 GPA or above - Refer new teachers to Employee Assistance Plan
(EAP) when needed - Develop partnerships with local businesses and
arrange discounts
20Teachers Services - Social Events
- Social Events
- Plan socials and events for new teachers by grade
level, by school, by their home state and/or by
ethnic background - Invite Chamber of Commerce, parent teacher
organizations and healthcare organizations to
participate in welcoming activities - Kick ball and bowling league, etc.
- Blue Crabs Events
- New Teacher Reception
21Teachers Services - Future Plans
- Organize regional support groups using middle
schools and vice principals as facilitators - Meet with all new school leadership and
Instructional Leadership Teams to discuss Teacher
Services purpose - Present monthly presentation on timely topics at
New Teacher Breakfast - Contact local Blue Crabs organization for
possible events - Organize social committee using recently hired
teachers - Provide a Praxis tutor in every school