Title: ChE 414 Chemical Engineering Laboratory II
1ChE 414Chemical Engineering Laboratory II
Instructor Dr. C. Niu
2- Website http//www.engr.usask.ca/classes/CHE/414/
index.html - Text ChE 414.2 Laboratory Manual
- (available online at course website)
- Office hours Thurs Fri 1000 a.m. 1100 a.m.
- Rm 1C129 Eng. Bld.
3What Labs ?
- Surge Tank Data Acquisition and Process Dynamics
- Fermentation Kinetics of Yeast Growth
- Packed Column Pressure Drop and Flooding
- Filtration
- Centrifugal Pump
4What Courses related?
- Surge Tank CHE 413, 423
- (process dynamics and control)
- CHE 210, 320 (fluid mechanics)
- Fermentation CHE 461 (biochemical engineering)
- Packed column CHE 315, 421 (mass transfer)
- Filtration CHE 315, 421 (mass transfer)
- CHE 210, 320 (fluid mechanics)
- Centrifugal Pump CHE 210, 320 (fluid mechanics)
5Develop skills in - Equipment operation -
Data recording - Analysis of the data using
academic theory - Technical report writing in
the selected typical Chem. Eng. processes
- Lab performance (4X2.5)
- Lab notebook 10
- Technical letters (2X10)
- Brief report 25
- Formal report 35
- Overall mark 100
No exam
7- Plagiarism is DEFINITELY NOT acceptable!
- Copy other peoples report
- Citing without referencing the source
- Plagiarism results in 0 mark for the report
- Be aware of Follow the new University of
Saskatchewan Academic Honesty/Dishonesty
definitions, rules and procedures
8Due Date and Overdue Penalty
- Due date
- 2 weeks after the experiment date.
- 10 free late hand-in days for the whole course
- Indicate on your report when use it.
- Penalty
- 10 of the full marks (100) per week (2/day)
deducted from the late reports - submissions will NOT be accepted after
- Dec. 18th, 2006.
- Lab performance
- Write-ups technical writing
- Fundamentals of each lab
10Lab performance
- Be prepared for
- Objectives
- Theory / knowledge
- Design of experiment
- Parameters to be measured
- Apparatuses, procedures and principles
- Find out what to learn
- Initiate the contact for the pre-lab help
- with the demonstrators the lab coordinator
11Lab performance
During the experiments
- Follow the experimental procedures
- Record observations in Lab Notebook
- Test the validity of data and/or results
- Pay attention to SAFETY issues
- personnel
- equipment
12Write-ups / Reports
- Technical memo
- Brief report
- Formal report
- Lab notebook during the experiments
13Write-ups / Reports
- Evaluate
- - understanding from the experimental labs.
- - technical writing skills
- Technical content academic theory, results.
- Writing organized, neat
- Language no grammar or typographic error
- Communication clearly delivery
14Write-ups / Reports
- One student is required to hand in
- 2 technical letters
- 1 brief report
- 1 formal report
- 1 lab notebook
15Write-ups / Reports
- No repetition in each group for
- formal report
- brief report
- technical letters
16Write-ups / Reports
In one group, you may label the 4 labs by A, B,
C, and D in your own order. Each member of the
group should keep the same order.
17Lab Notebook
- No sheets of paper
- Permanently bounded recorded
- Briefly outline the title, apparatus,
experimental conditions and procedures before
labs - Suggest making table for recording data
- Record clearly all original observations
- simple calculations of data
- MUST be examined, dated and initialed by the TAs
before leaving the laboratory
18Lab Notebook
- Refer to ChE 333 class website for
- Submit the lab notebook
- at the end of the term for marking
19Technical Memorandum
- Body of text maximum two pages
- Introduction
- - concise introduction of the system used
- - a brief statement of the objectives of the
experiment - - a general description of the procedure
followed - Results
- - discussions and comparison of all required
results with values from literature - - equations used
- - a brief table of results or major graphs
attached to support the conclusions. - Conclusions and recommendations
- Sign your memo on the last page below the text
20To From (your name, group X) Re (Lab
name) Date (of the preparation of the memo)
Your group logo (optional)
The text of memo is put here below the line.
SHEET Student ___________________________________
___ Experiment __________________________________
____ Due Date ___/___/___ Date Recd
___/___/___ Late Penalty ___
22Formal Technical Report
- Title page and Table of Contents
- Abstract
- Table of contents, table of figures, table of
tables - Introduction
- Review of theory or literature
- Experimental Section apparatus and procedure
- Results and Discussion
- Conclusions
- Recommendations
- Nomenclature
- Reference
- Appendices
23Formal Technical Report
- Title page
- Course number
- Name (Your name and state the partners name)
- Lab title
- Prepared for (instructors name)
- Date lab done
- Date report due
- Table of contents
24Formal Technical Report
- Abstract
- State briefly the purpose of the investigation
- Describe briefly how the results are obtained
- Give all required results in a concise and
quantitative format if possible. - Use words, no tables, figures and equations
- Normally no more than 250 words.
25Formal Technical Report
- Introduction
- Include information on the subject of the
investigation and its importance in industry - Cite the references
- Describe clearly the objectives of the lab.
26Formal Technical Report
- Literature review or theory
- Provide sufficient theoretical background
- to the particular experiments
- Develop the equations or models to correlate your
experimental data. - detailed derivation placed in Appendix
- Describe how to obtain the model parameters and
predict the particular system - Cite the references
27Formal Technical Report
- Apparatus and Experimental Procedures
- Specify the main apparatuses used
- make, model and use
- Describe the procedures
- Highlight important experimental conditions
- Give the names of quality of the materials.
- Make sure other people can repeat your work and
obtain the same results if they follow your
28Formal Technical Report
- Results and Discussions
- Present the significant experiment results
- required in the Lab Manual in words and graphs.
- State the data treatment processes and the
outcomes. - Discuss the results of experiments and model
simulations or predictions. - Compare your results with that in literatures if
available. - Logically discuss and lead to conclusions.
- Consistent format
- The unit for every parameters in the equations
has to be conformed. - Figures or Tables in the body of text
- Titles of figures, axes, and tables
- Briefly state the experimental conditions
- Experimental data represented by unique symbol
for each group of data in figures - Modeling curves different lines with legends
- Show model significance when fitting models
30 error bar 95 confidence interval
Modeling the effect of IS on Cr uptakes401 mg
AWUS, 200.2 mL solution
31Formal Technical Report
- Conclusions and Recommendations
- Conclusions should be summarized following the
discussions. - Lists your suggestions on how we can improve the
32Formal Technical Report
- Nomenclature
- Completely lists the symbols that appear in your
report, their definition and unit in a
professional and consistent format. - Refer to a published paper.
33Formal Technical Report
- Reference
- Completely lists every reference cited, mentioned
or used in the text of the report in a
professional and consistent format. - Follows either the number order or the
alphabetical order.
34Formal Technical Report
- Reference format examples
- In the text
- Adams concluded that 1. However, that
conclusion may be suspicious because 2 - In the Reference section
- References
- 1. Adams, A. B. title of publication.
- 2. Cook, H. M., Author 2,
- Ref Industrial and Engineering Chemistry
Research -
- or in the text
- It was concluded ( Adams, 2001) that .
However, that conclusion may be suspicious (Davis
and Volesky, 2001) because (Niu, et. al., 2005) -
- References
- Adams, A. B. year, title of publication,
publisher, page (book) - Davis, T. and B. Volesky, year, title of paper,
volume, issue, pages (paper) - Niu, C., M. Huang and M.Volesky, year .
35Formal Technical Report
- Appendices
- Raw data (neat with tables)
- Calculated data
- Sample calculation (using a set of data to show
the steps of calculations) - Tables and Figures
36Brief Technical Report
- Title page and Table of contents
- Summary
- a brief introduction stating the nature and
purpose of the investigation - a brief explanation of the procedures and
apparatuses a summary of all the required
results - Results and Discussion include major graphs or
tables - Conclusions
- Recommendations
- Appendices only raw experimental data and a
sample calculation - Absence of abstract, introduction,
theory/literature review, materials and methods
37A good report
- Careful measurements
- Correct calculations
- Understanding and use of the theory or models
- Logical discussions
- Correct conclusions
- Organized
- Clarity
- No grammar typographical errors
- References
38Fundamentals of labs
- A Standard Unit Operation
- physical separation of solid particles from
liquid or gas. - a porous medium fluid to pass through
- solid particles to be retained.
Filter cake
Filter medium
Slurry flow
40a filtration plant for Water Treatment
System (http//www.carrolltown.pa.us/CBMA/)
41Filtration Theory
- The driving force of filtration separation
- the pressure upstream of the filter
- Objectives
- - Determine the relationship between the
upstream filter pressure and the flowrate - - Evaluate the applicability of the selected
model - - Determine the model parameters
- - Demonstrate the effect of filter aid (perlite)
on the filtration of CaCO3 slurry - - Develop skills on design of a filtration
43TheoryThe upstream filter pressure P
(Pa)(Bennett and Myers, 1982) P(K1VK2)Q if
the cake is incompressibleFor constant flowrate
filtration Q, VQt, then PK1Q2tK2Q Plot
Pt, get K1 and K2 where V the volume of
filtrate collected (m3) Q the flowrate of
filtrate (m3/s)t time(s)K1 and K2
constants, highly dependent on the
characteristics of cake and filter medium,
44- K1 and K2 values
- Dependent on the characteristics
- of cake, liquid and filter medium
- Determined by measuring
- the upstream filter pressure P
- as a function of time at specific Q
- Evaluate the resistances of the cake
- and filter medium
- for filter design
- theoretically predict the required driving force
45Fermentation Kinetics of Yeast Growth
- Involves in Yeast growth on substrate glucose
- Major end products
- Ethanol beer, wine, fuel
- yeast biomass high poundage product
500million pounds/year -
46Yeast needed for daily life
47Fermentation Kinetics of Yeast Growth
- Objectives
- - Demonstrate the yeast batch growth curve
- - Determine the parameters of Monod equation.
- - Calculate the yields of the products
- - Design a fermentor for ethanol production
48Fermentation theory(J.M. Lee, 1992)
- C6H12O6 ? 2C2H5OH 2CO2
- Substrate glucose
- Microorganism yeast
- Low oxygen concentration
- theoretical yielded ethanol 51.1 by weight
49Typical growth curve for microorganism cells
50Theory cont.
51Theory cont.
52Theory cont.
53Theory cont.
54Surge Tank Data Acquisition and Process Dynamics
- Common problem propagation of disturbances
between processes - Solution surge tank
- Damp out the changes of the inlet flowrate
- Deliver a steadier outlet flowrate to the
downstream process
55Surge Tank Data Acquisition and Process Dynamics
- Objectives
- - Evaluate the applicability of selected models
relating the outlet flowrate versus head - - Derive and test mathematical models for the
transient behavior of a liquid surge tank - - Record the data with automatic acquisition
system - LabVIEW
56Surge Tank
- Data acquisition and control a computer with
LABVIEW Software package - Automation, more precise.
- Collect data water flow rate and water head in
the tank - Familiar with the software
57Surge Tank
h the height of the liquid level in the surge
tank (head) (ft) qin the inlet water flowrate
(ft3/s) qout the outlet water flowrate
(ft3/s) A the cross sectional area (ft2).
58Surge Tank Theory
- Mass balance at transient period
t time (s), where the density of the liquid is
59Theory cont.
- Flow exit a surge tank through a valve follows
- (D. R. Coughanowr and L. B. Koppel, 1965, p.60)
- qout h½
- e. g. qout C1h½ (qout is linearly proportional
to h½ ) - qout CoC1h½
- or
- qout CoC1h½ C2 (h½)2 C3 (h½)3 Cn
(h½)n - (ngt 1, qout is non-linearly proportional to h½
) - Constant Ci is determined by fitting the above
equations, respectively, to the experimental data
(qout h1/2) at steady state, where qout qin.
(Microsoft Excel) - Compare the fitting results of different models
60Theory cont.
Substituting the qout in the mass balance
equation yields non-linear differential
- Solutions
- Analytical
- closed-form, a general picture of the process
behavior - independently of the particular values of the
input variables - process design and control limited to linear
processes - Numerical
- dependent on the values of the input variables.
61Analytical Solution
- Linearize the non-linear differential equation by
Taylor series expansion of the non linear term
around a point - (e.q. steady state) (Stephanopoulos, G., 1985,
p.116-121) -
- Convert the differential equation to algebraic
equation by Laplace transforming - (D. R. Coughanowr and L. B. Koppel, 1965,
p.13-41, 67-70) -
- Invert the transform to get h as a function of
time - (D. R. Coughanowr and L. B. Koppel, 1965,
p.13-41) - Use this equation to describe the experimental
data at unsteady state -
62Analytical Solution
- For example, qout C1h½ ,
- Linearize the non-linear differential equation
- (Stephanopoulos, G., 1985, p.116-121)
Take the first order of Taylor series expansion
of the term qout around a point (e.q. steady
Linear form
Subscript s represents the steady state.
63Analytical Solution
Substitute the first order Taylor series
expansion of qout in the differential equation,
64Analytical Solution
Convert the differential equation to algebraic
equation by Laplace transforming (D. R.
Coughanowr and L. B. Koppel, 1965, p.13-41, 67-70)
is Laplace transform of derivation variable h-hs
is Laplace transform of derivation variable
s represents the Laplace function.
65Analytical Solution
When the inlet flowrate is increased or decreased
around certain steady state
Take the transform of Qin
66Input the time conditions,
Invert the transform, (D. R. Coughanowr and L. B.
Koppel, 1965, p.13-41)
t 0
67Numerical Solution
Where qout CoC1h½ C2 (h½)2 C3 (h½)3 Cn
(h½)n n 1, n
- Eularian theory (Rice, RG, 1995)
Compare the analytical model solution with the
numerical solution. Use two equations of qout
h1/2 at n1 ngt1 for all cases in this lab.
68(No Transcript)
69Packed Column
- Gas-liquid counter-current flow in packed column
- Liquid downwards flow
- Gas upwards flow
- Flooding conditions
70Design Criteria
- pressure drop caused by the resistance of
packing to fluid flow. - The flood velocity an important parameter for
gas-liquid packed column design
71Packed Column Pressure Drop and Flooding
- Objectives
- - Determine the relationship of pressure drop
and the flowrate in a packed column - - Evaluate the applicability of Ergun equation
for a single gas flow system - - To determine the pressure drop
- and flooding condition in a gas-liquid system
72Packed Column
Pressure drop for a single flow through packed
bed-Ergun equation
(Treybal, R.E., 1980, P.200.)
73Packed Column Theory
Flooding conditions for a gas-liquid flow
through packed bed (B. Miline, 1994)
Y a function of gas flowrate a, b, e constants
for a specific system. Symbol definition! Units!
74Packed Column
- Models are empirical equations.
- Different models fit differential systems.
- Evaluate the applicability of the selected model
for the experiment system
75Centrifugal Pump
- The most common type of fluid mover in the
chemical industry - To convert energy of a prime mover (an electric
motor or turbine) first into velocity or kinetic
energy and then into pressure energy of a fluid
that is being pumped.
76Centrifugal Pump
- To determine the characteristics of a centrifugal
pump including total head, brake horse power,
efficiency and net positive suction power (NPSH)
versus flowrate. - - To determine the size of a geometrically
similar pump needed to pump against a total head
of 100 feet of water at peak efficiency
77Reference Books
C.O. Bennett J.E. Myers, "Momentum, Heat, and
Mass Transfer", 3rd Edition, McGraw-Hill,
1982. D.R. Coughanowr L.B. Koppel, "Process
Systems Analysis and Control", McGraw-Hill,
1965. G. Stephanopoulos, Chemical Process
Control Introduction to Theory Practice,
Prentice Hall, 1984. J.M. Lee, "Biochemical
Engineering", Prentice Hall, 1992, pp
100-152. R.E. Treybal, "Mass-Transfer
Operations", McGraw-Hill, 1980. R.S. Blicq.
"Technically-Write!", Prentice Hall, 2nd Edition,
1981. R.G. Rice, Applied Mathematics and
modeling for chemical engineers, John Wiley and
Sons, Inc. 1995, pp231.
78Other References
- James R. Welty, Charles E. Wicks, Robert E.
Wilson, and Gregory Rorrer, Fundamentals of
Momentum, Heat and Mass Transfer. 4th Edition,
John Wiley and Sons, Inc. 2001 - Jaime Benitez, Principles and Modern Applications
of Mass Transfer Operations. John Wiley and Sons,
Inc. 2002 - Donald R. Coughanowr, Process Systems Analysis
and Control. McGraw-Hill, Inc. 1991 - Hans, F. Ebel, Claus Bliefert, and William E.
Russey, The Art of Scientific Writing. 2nd
Edition, John Wiley and Sons, Inc. 2004 - Christie J. Geankoplis, Transport Processes and
Separation Process Principles. 4th Edition,
Prentise-Hall, Inc. 2003 - Milne, W.E., Numerical Solution of Differential
Equations, Wiley, NY, 1953. - Quinney, D., Introduction to the numerical
solution of differential equations, research
Studies Press, NY, 1987. - Have your own references to make your report
79Important dates
- 19 Sep Last day to change first term
registration. - 9 Oct Thanksgiving (University Closed),
- 4 Dec Last day of classes.
- 18 Dec Last day to hand in laboratory reports
and laboratory notebooks for marking
- Academic theory understanding
- Lab performance
- Successful!