Title: Possessive Pronouns
1Possessive Pronouns
If you've already learned the possessive
adjectives, you already know the possessive
pronouns of Spanish. (In fact, some grammarians
classify the possessive adjectives as pronouns,
even though they are used to describe nouns.)
Possessive pronouns are the equivalent of the
English pronouns "mine," "yours," "his," "hers,"
"theirs" and "its," and ours but they aren't
used in exactly the same way in Spanish as they
are in English. Here are the possessive
pronouns of Spanish
2In Spain, you will come across these pronouns
3Usage Examples
4As you can see from the examples, possessive
pronouns must match the noun they represent in
both number and gender, just as the possessive
adjectives do.
5Definite articles Note that unlike the
equivalent pronouns in English, the Spanish
possessive pronouns are usually preceded by the
definite article (el, la, los or las), the
equivalent of "the." The article is usually
dispensed with when the possessive pronoun
follows a form of the verb ser, such as son or
es, as in the examples, although it is sometimes
retained for emphasis.
6Ambiguous suyo Suyo and the related forms can
be ambiguous, since they can mean "his," "hers,"
"yours," "theirs" or "its." When context doesn't
make its meaning clear, the possessive pronoun
can be omitted and replaced by a prepositional
phrase such as de él (instead of "his") or de
ellos (instead of "theirs"). Examples No es mi
coche. Es de ella. (It's not my car. It's hers.)
Dónde están mis zapatos? Los de él están aquÃ.
(Where are my shoes? His are here.)
7Possessive Pronouns ____________________________
____________________________________________ Spani
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