Title: Secularity and Religious Symbols
1Secularity and Religious Symbols
Xavier Landes University of Montreal University
of Paris IV Sorbonne xavier.landes_at_umontreal.ca
- First Headscarve Cases (1989 1993-1994)
- Laïcité Republicanism
- The  Last Case (2003-2004)
- Two Views on State Neutrality
31989 Case
- Background (September)
- Three young girls in Creil
- Refused to school by the Director
- Official replies (September - December)
- Minister of Education (Lionel Jospin) advice of
the State Council - State Council Decision of November 1989
- Â The wearing of headscarves is not inconsistent
with any value of the Laïque and Republican
school. - The directors should negotiate in each case
- Lionel Jospin Circular of December 1989
4Jospins Circular
- General dispositions
- Headscarves are not in opposite with the Laïcité
- Proselytism, provocation and propaganda are not
allowed in schools - School directors have to
- Evaluate the situation
- Negotiate with young women
- Take the appropriate decision
- Some schools have added to their internal rule
that ALL religious symbols are prohibited - Decision of the State Council in November 1992 on
cancelling an exclusion - Directors and professors are left without any
clear rules to settle the cases - Hard criticism from politicians and intellectuals
- Opposition between French and Anglo-Saxon models
 In France, the National project and the
Republican project are gathered in a certain idea
of citizenship. This French idea of the Nation
and the Republic shows, by nature, respect to all
beliefs, especially religious, and political
beliefs and cultural traditions. But it excludes
that the Nation may split into separated
communities, indifferent to each other, ruled by
their own rules and laws, involved in a simple
coexistence. The Nation is not only a group of
citizens who bear individual rigths. It is a
community of fate. (Bayrous Circular -
September 1994)
Problems remain the same
- First Headscarve Cases (1989 1993-1994)
- Laïcité Republicanism
- The  Last Case (2003-2004)
- Two Views on State Neutrality
8Republicanism and Republic
A set of political and philosophical
justifications in favor of a Republican regime
Res Publica
Public object, public matter
Republicanism would figure the promotion of the
commitment to the common good, to the high
interest of this  community of fate and its
priority upon other interests (especially
individual ones) i.e. nothing is superior to the
Republic interest
Several Republican traditions
9The French Revolution
- Main attempts
- To erase Ancient Regime inequalities and
differences - Differences as inequalities
- To unify the French Republic
- Jacobinism vs Girondism
- Two examples
- Deputy Clermont-Tonnerre (1789)
- Â We must give everything to Jews as individuals
and nothing as a people. - Saint-Just (????)
- Â The sovereignity of people wants the people to
be united so the sovereignity is opposed to
factions each faction is a crime against
10Jules Ferry
- IIIrd Republic (1871-1940)
-  Laïcité de combat (Fighting Secularism)
- 1880 Law Religious schools lose their right to
give university diplomas all  non-authorizedÂ
churches are disbanded - 1882 Law
- All religious teachings are banned from public
school programs and replaced by a  civic and
moral courseÂ
11The French Republicanism
People enjoy a real freedom only if they are
freed from
Each group is a political threat
Philosophical reasons
Individuals are able to impose on themselves
their own rules of life
Be free is to be autonomous
Religions as former states of human evolution
If someone does not want to be free, one will
force him to be free
121905 Law
- Title Law on the Separation Between Churches
and the State - Article 1
- Â The Republic guarantees the freedom of
consciousness. - Only restriction the respect of the public
order - Article 2
- Â The Republic does not recognize and give
funding to any cult. - State neutrality
- First Headscarve Cases (1989 1993-1994)
- Laïcité Republicanism
- The  Last Case (2003-2004)
- Two Views on State Neutrality
14Stasi Commission
- Set up by the President Jacques Chirac
- Composed of scholars, politicians, school
directors - Auditing people
- Deal with the secularism in general, not only
with the Laïcité at schools
152004 Law
- A big part of the Stasi Report was ignored
- The focus stays on religious symbols at schools
- Some members of the Commission were disappointed
- René Rémond -  Secularist integrismÂ
- Article 1
- Â In public schools, colleges and high schools,
the wearing of signs and dresses by which
students ostensibly show a religious membership
is forbidded. The interior rule should remind
that all sanctions must come after a dialogue
with students.Â
16Outcomes of the law
- Numerous students left public schools
- Official numbers 143 (2004), 3 Â hard casesÂ
in 2005 - Between 200 and 800 (Cedetim)
- What are they doing?
- Take long-distance courses
- Go to private schools (mainly Catholic)
- Renounce to education
- Main troubles
- Some fundamentalists want to set up private
schools - Law applies to Sikh people for instance
- Leaving these girls in their family is the
- First Headscarve Cases (1989 1993-1994)
- Laïcité Republicanism
- The  Last Case (2003-2004)
- Two Views on State Neutrality
18Neutrality I vs Neutrality II
State neutrality
Solution to the Wars of Religion
Two forms
Neutrality I
Neutrality II
The State should remain neutral in front of
religious beliefs
The State should stay neutral, as well as people
in some or all public areas
No public preference or no support to a religion
in particular
All religious symbols are allowed mainly in the
private sphere
19A best model?
- It is a social choice
- It depends on the kind of society that people
want - Each model has its own advantages
- Neutrality I the more tolerant model, compatible
with a multicultural society - Neutrality II the more uniting model
- and its disadvantages
- Neutrality I might favorize a distinctive
competition among religious communities - Neutrality II might create inequalities for
certain groups