Title: Terrorist Groups, Strategies, and Tactics: Religious Terrorism
1Terrorist Groups, Strategies, and Tactics
Religious Terrorism
- PO 483 The Politics of Terrorism
2Millenarian Terrorist Groups
- Millenarianism A system of beliefs that is
predicated on the capacity to predict, and
therefore act in anticipation for, the coming of
the Apocalypse. - Many millenarian sects/groups further believe
that the coming of the Apocalypse is near. - Messianism Messianic groups believe centrally in
the coming of a spiritual messiah, or a being
that will either provide living believers comfort
from the evils of the world, or free the world of
its misery by ending it and introducing living
believers to eternal paradise in the afterlife.
3Millenarian Terrorist Groups
- Differences Millenarianism necessarily deals
with end of the world but not the coming of a
messiah messianism deals with messiah, not
necessarily the end of the world.
4What Are the Major Types of Millenarian and
Messianic Religious Groups?
- Passive
- Prophesize the end of the world
- Believe that only they can be saved
- Do not think they can act to hasten the end of
the world themselves - Time spent in spiritual purification
- Preach with eye to conversion
- Examples Mainstream monotheism
5What Are the Major Types of Millenarian and
Messianic Religious Groups?
- Active
- Similar belief structures, but believe they can
play a role in the timing of the Apocalypse - Often believe they can hasten the end of the
world by simulating/ initiating violence of the
Judgment (suicide or violence on others). - Messianic seek to actively hasten the coming of
the messiah
6What Types of Violence Do We Associate with
Messianic/Millenarian Groups?
- Defensive Violence
- Normally Associated with Passive Groups
- Take up arms only to defend themselves against
attack from outside, non-believing forces - Commensurate with their beliefs, they do not want
to use violence to hasten the end of the world,
but only to protect what they believe is the true
and righteous religion
7Example of Defensive Violence David Koresh and
the Branch Davidians
- Connections to Seventh Day Adventists
- God, who is always revealing more truth to his
rightful followers, will always send a prophet to
guide them - We are living near the end of time true
followers must protect themselves - Koresh 5th Prophet unlocked secrets to Seven
Seals - 1993 Holed up in compound in Waco, TX
- Weapons stockpiled, ostensibly to protect
followers from government forces - ATF/FBI Seemed to misunderstand purpose attack
compound. - Siege for nearly two months
- Government forces attack
- Given nature of group, government attack seemed
8What Types of Violence Do We Associate with
Messianic/Millenarian Groups?
- Offensive Violence
- Most closely associated with sects that believe
their actions on earth can hasten the end of the
world (active). - The types of offensive violence that such groups
employ are commensurate with their beliefs. - For example, if a group thinks it is their
ordained responsibility to destroy the world, we
expect attempts at large scale violence. If a
group believes that small-scale violence will put
into motion a chain reaction that will bring
about the Apocalypse, then we expect attempts at
large scale violence.
9Example of Offensive Violence Concerned
- Denver, early 1980s
- Miller shift from attacks on New Age/media to
Christianity generally - Radio show patriotism and love of God are
antithetical canceled - Apocalyptic edge
- US as Satan
- Miller claimed he was one of two witnesses to
Revelation - Claimed he would be martyred in Jerusalem in
1999, and rise three days later - Apocalypse would begin after earthquake in
Denver group moved to Israel - Israelis fearing violence, arrest members
- M/M violence is not political terrorism still,
however, a potential threat to stability of
UNAVAILABLE - Can identify differences in groups based on
beliefs (passive/active), and type of violence
likely to be used to reach those goals minimize
likelihood of large-scale violence when
applicable - Can subsequently look at ways to address this
type of violence, attempting to avoid costly
engagements - Some individual and group similarities with
politico-religious terrorism, but crucial
differences as well
11Politico-Religious Terrorism
- Genesis of politico-religious terrorism is
twofold - Political Prerogatives of one Group
- Religious Prerogatives of another
- International powers maintain presence in foreign
societies that differ from themselves - Historical trend, more obvious with globalization
- Places may be important source of material,
manufacturing sites, or labor - Presence not always direct or pronounced
(cultural, information)
12Areas Susceptible to P-R Terrorism
- State of the political situation must allow for
unfavorable in-group/out-group comparison by some
part of indigenous people, based on perceived
encroachment on traditional conduct of religion - Unfavorable political situation perceived as
threatening, necessitates defense of religion - May not result in total loss of sovereignty
- Differ from offensive-minded millenarians
(political message to perceived offender) differ
from defensive-minded millenarians (initiation of
violence for defensive purpose) - Power differential still crucial for choice of
13Differences between Politico-Religious and
Separatist/Irredentist Groups
- Primary Motivations Statehood or joining for
S/I, defense of religious integrity for P-R - P-R Defend status quo ante
- Tactics Related to Differences in Strategy
- P-R Plan/execute attacks resulting in much
destruction - S/I Symbolic, severity carefully planned
- Why are P-R more deadly?
- Deity/Clergy as audience
- Killing of threatening non-believers ordained
- Political
- Inflict vast costs different type of enemy
unfettered by international opinion
14How can Religion Facilitate Terrorism?
- Unity of Principles
- Can increase prospects of indoctrination into
group - Allows for cell-type structure
- Decreases need to maintain intra-group discipline
- Integral to success, given strategy and tactics
- Can Work to Validate Violence
- Assuaging guilt
- Holy War/Martyrdom
15Traditions of Holy War and Martyrdom in
Christianity and Islam
- Christianity
- Early Martyrdom
- Crusades
- Rise of Nationalism Supplants Religious
Imperatives - Islam
- Shiite
- Leader Revealed Special Knowledge by Allah
- History of Persecution within Islam
- Illegitimacy of all Secular Government Islamic
Law - Violence and Coercion Sanctioned to spread
Islamic law - Extremists