Title: The Case for the Regeneration Masterplan
1Visioning Workshop
24th April 2008
- Approach
- Opportunity and Challenge
- Developing a Vision
- A Spatial Framework
- Early Win Priorities
- Delivering Vision
- Discussion
4 5Growth Context
- Greater Nottingham punching above its weight
- GVA growth of 37 last five years, above England
average (30) - Productivity (GVA per person) greater than
England average - net increase of 16,700 jobs growth of 6 above
English average - and driving Population and Household Growth
- Growth Point demand for 38,000 new houses 2006
2021 across Greater Nottingham
6Investment / Development Potential
- Transformation of educational facilities
- 150m planned investment
- Planned investment in housing stock
- c127m planned investment
- Commitment to improve green spaces
- 1m planned investment in North West area
- Investment in Bulwell Town Centre
- Historic core and commercial hub of North West
Nottingham - Significant quantum of available housing sites
- Potential 100ha early-to-medium developable
7 8Addressing Challenges
- Overcoming negative perceptions of place
- Multi-faceted deprivation almost whole area
falls within bottom 30 and western areas in
bottom 5 - North West Nottingham accounts for a quarter of
Nottingham's total crime improvements being
made - Isolated housing estates physical / sensory
gating reinforcing territorialism (in this
sense not a good thing) - Need to provide the right housing offer - lack of
housing choice
9Multiple Deprivation
- Indices of multiple deprivation - 2007
2004 2007 Change
10Lessons from history
11 12North West Nottingham Framework Vision
- Reconnecting North West Nottingham and its
residents to the economic growth of city and
wider city region by creating safer, more
sustainable, balanced and attractive
neighbourhoods, building on the areas natural
assets and attracting new households into the
13Four Distinct Localities
14Four Distinct Localities
- ,,,historic grain and linear relationship with
the city centre
character and identity
15Bulwell and Bulwell Forest
- The Beating Heart of North West Nottingham
- The focal point for North West Nottingham and
counter-point to the Nottingham city centre
quality service, retail and leisure mix of
aspirational housing and ease-of-entry housing a
fun place to be a destination
16Bulwell and Bulwell Forest
- Nottinghams Green and Healthy Suburbs
- the creation of a new heart within the urban
area key service centre but which draws upon
the high quality green character of the open
accessible countryside and seeks to target
linkages and investment with the Hospital and
healthy living programmes
17Bulwell and Bulwell Forest
- North West Nottinghams Growth Corridor A New
Economic Future Quality Jobs Quality Living
- A new future for an historic place recognising
that the role and function of the area draws from
an expanding city centre with new links to
Bulwell. Repositioning the employment offer to
become a new corridor of enterprise, creativity
and innovation enveloped by a high quality
residential context
18Bulwell and Bulwell Forest
- Nottinghams Connected Neighbourhoods
- Overcoming isolation and connecting Nottinghams
strong neighbourhoods physical, social,
cultural with the city centre and North West
Nottingham. Sustained investment in the
remodelling of the monolithic housing estates,
working with the community, to establish a new
housing offer and destination of choice.
Transformational actions focussed on educational
investment Nottinghams Learning Arc
19 20Opportunity Sites
- Vacant industrial / retail sites
- Under-utilised green space
- Education sites identified for rationalisation /
improvement - Existing masterplans
21New Hearts and links
- Four Hearts
- Creating attractors
- Consolidation of facilities
- Civic hubs
- Linking communities
- Critical mass
22Areas of Change
- Transformational Change A New Approach
- Creating sustainable and balanced communities
not just housing - Future of education provision embedded in a
sustained programme of intervention - Particular focus in creating attractive public
realm and green space
23Green Space Networks
- An interconnected green network and defined
hierarchy - Important relationship between suburbs and open
countryside - Joined-up development and green space
24A Concept Plan
- Principles
- Re-connecting neighbourhoods
- Developing strong hearts
- Re-integrating green spaces
- Distinct and legible areas
- Hierarchy of service provision
- Educational facilities as focal points
- Connecting household growth with service
25Four Spatial Building Blocks
26 27Number of Quick Win Projects Stand Out
- Chingford Playing Fields
- System built stock in Bilborough
- Padstow Sites
- Stanton Tip investigation
important role for the Local Housing Company
28Number of Quick Win Projects Stand Out
- Not just housing interventions
- Harvey Hadden Campus
- Bulwell Town Centre
- Broxtowe Park
- Southglade Park
- Environmental / public realm
29 30Large scale estate renewal
31High quality residential development
32Streetscape improvements
33New educational establishments
34New and revitalised centres
35Well connected communities
36Added value projects
37Over to you
38Further Details
- Iain Jenkinson, Director
- 81 Fountain Street
- Manchester
- M2 2EE
- 0161 956 4016
- iain.jenkinson_at_gvagrimley.co.uk
- Antony Pollard, Senior Consultant
- 81 Fountain Street
- Manchester
- M2 2EE
- 0161 956 4255
- anthony.pollard_at_gvagrimley.co.uk