Title: Faster tracking in hadron collider experiments
1Faster tracking in hadron collider experiments
- The problem
- The solution
- Conclusions
Hans Drevermann (CERN) Nikos Konstantinidis
( Santa Cruz)
2The problem
- General problem with tracking is combinatorics
- Soon, at hadron colliders many pp interactions in
one the physics event plus several pile-up
events (20 at LHC design L ) - increased hit occupancy, especially in inner
layers - higher combinatorics
gt longer processing time gt increased hit
(i.e. performance
degradation of the tracking algorithms) - At the LHC (design L )
- typically 20K-40K hits/event
- bunch crossing every 25ns
gt LVL2
trigger algorithms should take not more than 20ms
3A typical event in ATLAS
4A traditional approach (ATLAS)
- To reduce combinatorics work in a Region of
Interest (RoI), defined from calorimeter info - RoI a rectangular slice in (h,f), but extended
in z
5The new idea
- Use differences between physics event and pile-up
to clean up the event first! - Physics event vs. pile-up two main differences
- pp interactions happen at different z positions
- (at LHC sz 6 cm, i.e. pp interactions within
30 cm) - the physics event has (on average) higher pT
- Use these two differences to reduce combinatorics
- First, find the z position of the physics event
- Then, select groups of hits which could be due to
a track coming from the above z position, reject
all other hits (pile-up, noise, ghost)
6Physics event vs. pile-up
7Quantitative Examples
- ATLAS at the LHC design luminosity
- Results demonstrated with RoIs from
- pT40GeV/c isolated electrons
- Size of RoI Dh0.2 Df0.2 Dz11cm
- Average number of hits per RoI 230
- Thin QCD jets (bkg to electron RoIs)
- Size of RoI Dh0.2 Df0.2 Dz11cm
- Average number of hits per RoI 250
- Jets from WH (mH100GeV/c2 and H bb)
- Size of RoI Dh1.0 Df1.0 Dz15cm
- Average number of hits per RoI 1250
8The z - finder
- The principle
- Divide the RoI into many small f bins
- In each f bin, make all pairs of hits from
different layers - For each pair, find the z by linear extrapolation
and fill a 1D-histogram - z is the bin of the 1D-histogram with the max.
of entries - No need to reconstruct tracks
- Key are the small f bins
- they naturally give more weight to high pT tracks
(i.e. physics event vs. pile-up) - they reduce combinatorics drastically, hence,
reduce the quadratic time behaviour of the
9Example of a z-histogram
From a WH(100) jet RoI
10Performance issues
- Efficiency - Resolution - Timing
- ( Timing measurements with a Pentium- III 600MHz
processor ) - Flexibility - Robustness
- ( Very important for trigger algorithms )
11Efficiency - Resolution - Timing
Efficiency (pT40GeV electrons)
( RoIs with zreco-ztruelt5mm )
Resolution (pT40GeV electrons)
Timing (in ms)
pT40GeV electrons lttgt 340ms
QCD jets lttgt 370ms
12Flexibility - Robustness
- Robustness is very important for trigger
algorithms and is closely linked to flexibility - Example what if the first pixel layer of ATLAS
dies (due to radiation)? (studied with electron
RoIs) - Efficiency 96.5 gt 94.5
- Resolution 250mm gt 400mm
- Speed 340msec gt 230msec
- Same algorithm can be used in widely different
physics cases (e.g. electrons/jets), by simple
change of parameters - first / last Si layer to be used
- f bin width
- Example
- electron RoIs one high-pT track giving the
z-info, so very thin f bins use all layers (
benefit from combinatorics 7 hits give 6x7/221
entries) - WH RoIs several tracks, so no need to use more
than 3 layers
13The hit filter a simple example
14The hit filter in words
- The principle
- After finding the z position of the physics
event, make a 2D-histogram in
(h,f) - Each bin in that histo corresponds to a small
solid angle - A track (above certain pT) from the physics event
will be fully contained in one such bin, while a
pile-up track from a different z will cross many
bins - Therefore, in each bin, count how many DIFFERENT
LAYERS have been hit. If more than N, accept all
hits in this bin, else reject all hits in this
bin - Cluster hits from neighboring bins into groups
(very often a group contains the hits of just one
track, i.e. this is a 1st order pattern
15Example electron RoI
16Example QCD jet RoI
17Performance of the hit filter
- The efficiency depends on the curvature of tracks
(pT, magnetic field) and the size of f bins in
the 2D-histogram - In ATLAS, for f bins of 2o gt eff100 for
pTgt2GeV/c (modulo detector inefficiencies) - Timing the algorithm is linear (for ATLAS
t(ms)2.5xNhits) - pT40GeV/c electron RoIs lttgt 600ms
- Two general algorithms to clean up the
spacepoints of the tracking detectors at hadron
collider experiments - z-finder it determines the z-position of the
physics event - hit-filter once z is known, it rejects
pile-up/noise/ghost hits - Both algorithms are fast / efficient / robust /
flexible - Can help to prepare data for further processing,
leading to significant reduction of
combinatorics. - General enough to be usable in many physics cases
- single isolated electron/muon track
reconstruction - tracking inside hadronic jets gt b-tagging at the
LVL2 trigger
Focusing on just the physics event at the trigger
level should give great benefits in performance!