Title: Information and Communication Technologies User Profiles
1Information and Communication Technologies User
- Jonas Hoffmann, Philippe Mallein, Gilles
Roehrich, Jean-François Tchernia, Michel Brun
Evelyne Janeau - June 2007
2ICT User Profiles Definition
- Users profiles in their context are related to
social identity issues which are projected by the
user on the ICTs when he is using them
- Profiles are analyzed with eight indicator
levels. - These levels explore the user relation to
3ICT User Profiles Definition
Profiles way of change with device
On each level we can observe what sort of change
the ICTs uses induce in the user way of life. We
can measure this change on a scale between two
extremes poles
- Time Change ?? Continuity
- Self Subject ?? Object
- Others Opened ?? Closed
- Space Wide ?? Limited
- Action Active ?? Passive
- Knowledge/know-how Progression ??
Regression - Authority Dominant ?? Dominated
- Organization Management ?? Disorder
4Profiles Definition
Socio-Anthropological variables
ICT User profiles
ICT acceptance
- Fans
- Detractors
- Utilitarians
- Humanists
No negotiation
- Organization
- Power
- Action
- Know how
5Research method
- Qualitative Study 23 in-depth interviews
- Quantitative Study
- Development of the measurement scale 3
pre-tests - n300, telephone survey with a representative
sample of the French population - n560, face-to-face survey with a representative
sample of the population of Grenoble - n160, on-line survey with a convenience sample
Measurement scale with 8 dimensions and 32 items
6Scale Items
- Report to the Self
- You have the feeling that everything is
accessible (Vous avez le sentiment que tout est à
votre portée) - You have the impression to really exist (Vous
avez l'impression d'exister vraiment) - Report to the Time
- You have the feeling to already live in the
future (Vous avez le sentiment davoir un pied
dans lavenir) - You are sensitive at the ICT speed of operation
(Vous êtes sensible à la vitesse de
fonctionnement) - You lose the notion of the time (Vous perdez la
notion du temps qui passe)
7Scale Items
- Report to the Others
- Your exchanges with the others are superficial
(Vos échanges avec les autres sont superficiels) - You feel isolated from the others (Vous vous
sentez isolé(e) des autres) - Report to the Space
- Your space widens (Votre espace s'élargit)
- You feel at home everywhere (Vous vous sentez
partout chez vous) - You fell close of everything (Vous vous sentez
proche de tout) - Report to the Power
- You feel monitored (Vous vous sentez
surveillé(e)) - You feel manipulated(Vous vous sentez
manipulé(e)) - You feel vulnerable (Vous vous sentez vulnérable)
8Scale Items
- Report to the Organization
- You can, without risk, to allow you not to comply
with certain rules (Vous pouvez, sans risque,
vous permettre de ne pas respecter certaines
règles) - You free yourself from certain rules (Vous vous
libérez de certaines règles) - You can disrespect the rules more easily (Vous
pouvez contourner les règles plus facilement) - You feel integrated in your family (Vous vous
sentez intégré(e) dans votre milieu familial) - You feel integrated in your work or your
activities (Vous vous sentez intégré(e) dans
votre travail ou vos activités)
9Scale Items
- Report to the Action
- You appreciate to be able to join the others when
you wish it (Vous appréciez de pouvoir joindre
les autres quand vous le souhaitez) - You appreciate to be always reachable (Vous
appréciez d'être toujours joignable) - You appreciate to permanently be able to be
connected (Vous appréciez de pouvoir être
connecté(e) en permanence) - Report to the Knowledge and Know-How
- You have the possibility of becoming expert in
what interests you (Vous avez la possibilité de
devenir expert(e) dans ce qui vous intéresse) - You can increase your knowledge in what interests
you (Vous pouvez augmenter vos connaissances dans
ce qui vous intéresse) - You have more access to the Knowledge (Vous avez
accès à plus de savoir)
10Research Method
- First Data collection
- Telephone survey with a sample of 1000
individuals representative of the French
population - Filter Question Have you already used ,at
least once, a mobile phone ?
11Profiles Distribution
- Humanists represent the biggest group - 40,1
- They are divided in 3 sub-groups
- Connected Humanist
- Humanist
- Paranoid Humanist
- Fans are the second group - 23,4
12Profiles Characteristics
Values in blue indicate values that are
significantly above the average and values in
rose indicate values that are significantly below
the average
- Legend 1 utilization 0 non-utilization
13Profiles Characteristics
Profiles x Internet Usage (per day)
1 - 2 hours
Less than 1 hour
More than 4 hours
3 - 4 hours
- These results confirm that fans and connected
humanists are those that in average use most ICT - In opposition, detractors are those who use less
14Profiles Characteristics
- Consumer Innovativeness, or consumption of
newness, is the tendency to buy new products
more often and more quickly than other people
(Midgley and Dowling, 1978) - Innovativeness is measured by three dimensions
hedonist and social innovativeness (Roehrich,
1994) plus hesitation (Tellis, Yin Bell, 2005)
15Research Method
- Second Data collection
- On-line survey with a sample of 1600 individuals
representative of the French on-line population - Main Results
- ICT Usage Profiles vs. ICT Usage
- ICT Usage Profiles vs. ICT Involvement
- ICT Usage Profiles vs. ICT Knowledge
- ICT Usage Profiles vs. Consumer Innovativeness
- ICT Usage Profiles vs. Purchase Intention of a
new product (Mapmobile)
16ICT Usage Profiles vs. ICT Usage
- Fans are those that in average use most ICT
17ICT Usage Profiles vs. ICT Involvement
- Fans are the most involved with ICT and
Detractors the less involved - Differences are statistically significant (F
92,869 p lt ,001)
18ICT Usage Profiles vs. ICT Knowledge
- Fans are those who know most about ICT and
Detractors are those who know less - Differences are statistically significant (F
20,062 p lt ,001)
19ICT Usage Profiles vs. Consumer Innovativeness
- Fans have the highest degree of innovativeness
and Detractors have the lower degree - Differences are statistically significant (F
94,903 p lt ,001)
20ICT Usage Profiles vs. Purchase Intention of a
new product (Mapmobile)
- Fans have the highest purchase intention of a new
product and Detractors have the lowest purchase
intention - Differences are statistically significant (F
71,105 p lt ,001)
21Next Steps
- Validation of the ICT User Profiles Scale in the
Finnish context - Validation of the ICT User Profiles in relation
with constructs like innovativeness, ICT
involvement, ICT usage and other items in the
Finnish context - Other relations to be defined
22Thanks !
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