- (Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Elena Maria PICA)
- (Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Horea Iustin NASCU)
- (Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Mihaela UNGURESAN)
Elena Maria PICA)
3Concentration gradient in an oscillating reaction
- The oscillating reactions are more than a
laboratory curiosity. - If in the industrial processes they appear in few
cases, in biochemical systems there are numerous
examples of oscillating reactions. - For instance, the oscillating reactions maintain
the rhythm. - All live processes are based on one or more
oscillating reactions.
4The MathCad parameters for the animation
5Lotka Volterra autocatalytic oscillator model
- Phenomena
- complex reaction, in homogeneous phase (stage),
which shows damped or undamped oscillations - Kinetic model
- R X ? 2X, ? ?1RX (a)
- X Y ? 2Y, ? ?2XY (b)
- Y ? P, ? ?3Y (c)
- P ? , ? ?4P (d)
6Mathematical model
- ?(a) - ?(b) ?1RX - ?2XY (1)
- ?(b) - ?(c) ?2XY - ?3Y (2)
Numerical model
xn1 xn (tn1-tn)xn(?1R-?2yn) (3)yn1
yn(tn1-tn)yn(?2xn-?3) (4)x0 X0 1,
y0 Y0 1, ?1 3, ?2 4, ?3 5, R 2
7Graphs produced/generated the numerical
series/systems (xn)n0 and (yn)n0 corresponding
to the temporal series (tn)n0
The oscillation of the intermediaries in L-V
8- The variation path (X,Y) in the L-V mechanism
9Product evolution
The variation of the product concentration in
L-V mechanism
Product storage in L-V mechanism
10A model of damped oscillations
- Phenomena
- let it be a chemical process that takes place
according to the following model of a reaction
mechanism - Kinetic model
- R1 ? X, ? ?1R1 (a)
- 2X Y ? 3Y, ? ?2X2Y (b)
- R2 X ? Y P1, ? ?3R2X (c)
- Y ? P2, ? ?4Y (d)
11- Observation
- As in Lotka Volterra, model, the concentrations
of the R1 and R2 reacting substances remain
constant during the process. - Mathematical model
?(a) - 2?(b) - ?(c) (1) ?1R1 -
2?2X2Y - ?3R2X 2?(b) ?(c) -
?(d) (2) 2?2X2Y ?3R2X -
12- Numerical model
- xn1 xn(tn1-tn)(?1R1-xn(2?2xnyn?3R
2)) - (3)
- yn1 yn(tn1-tn)(xn(2?2xnyn?3R2)-?4y
n) - (4)
- Data output
- x0 0, y0 1, ?1 3, ?2 4, ?3 5, ?4 7,
- R1 2, R2 2,
- tn n/100000 with n 0,1..300000
13The damped oscillations in chemical reactions
(a) the conc. of the intermediary X
14The damped oscillations in chemical reactions
(b) the concentration of the intermediary Y
15The damped oscillations in chemical reactions
(c) the damped oscillation path (X,Y)
16- Data results
- equilibrium concentration are
- X 2.315 and Y 0.176
- and the equilibrium ratio are
- X/Y 13.53
- the dependence on time (tn)n0 of the
accumulation of the - reaction products P1 (p1n)n0 and
P2 (p2n)n0 - is linear (see next graphs)
17The linear variation of the amount of products in
damped oscillating reactions (products P1 and P2)
Conclusion the concentration of the reaction
products changes linearity even if the
concentrations of the agents X and Y
oscillate towards the equilibrium value
18The brussel model of autocatalytic oscillation
- Remarks
- The brussel model was initiated by a group from
Bruxelles directed by Ilya Prigogine (Nobel
Prize) it introduce for the first time, mechanism
of a reaction whose scheme of evolution converged
on an attractor. - More authors have changed this variant and have
studied the systems running according to this
mechanism. - Simplified variant of kinetic model
- R ? X, ? ?1R (a)
- X 2Y ? 3Y, ? ?2XY2 (b)
- Y ? P, ? ?3Y (c)
19Mathematical model
- ?(a) - ?(b) ?1R1 - ?2XY2 (1)
- ?(b) - ?(c) ?2XY2 - ?3Y (2)
Observations Though the equations (1) and (2)
seem simpler, at first sight, they are even more
difficult to be solved by integration than
previous cases. Moreover, the literature has not
recorded their integration into the general case
described by (1-2). Besides, the equations do not
lead to an attractor model not matter by values
of the constants of speed and of the
concentrations R, X0 and Y0.
20- The attempt of solving (1-2) is full of
surprises. For most of the values a system which
develops towards a position of equilibrium is
obtained there are values for which damped
oscillations to equilibrium are found again the
undamped periodical oscillations have also an
important role, which is confirmed by the
majority of the organisms in which the cellular
biochemical processes are based on such
oscillations. - The processes taking place within the heart are a
conclusive example the periodical heart beats
are due to processes of this type. The importance
of these processes is great. - This was the reason for which Ilya Prigogine was
awarded the Nobel Prize for chemistry in 1977,
namely for his theories on the dissipative
21- The equations (1-2) are simplified if
- R 1, ?1 1 and ?3 1,
- are chosen and when the differential system of
equations becomes - x 1 ?2xy2 y ?2xy2 y (3)
- However, the numerical simulation is made in the
same way. Thus the iteration equation of
variation for (3) is written - xn1 xn(tn1-tn)(1-?2xnyn2),
- yn1 yn(tn1-tn)(?2xnyn2-yn) (4)
- Now choosing ?2 0.88 and taking into
consideration two cases, the first one in which
the initial concentrations of the agents are x10
X1,0 1.5 and y10 Y1,0 2 and second
case in which x20 X2,0 2 and y20 Y2,0
2.5 and the series tn n/100 with n 0,1..150,
22- following representations for the concentrations
of the - agents X (xn)n0 and Y (yn)n0 are
The concentrations of the intermediaries up to
the attractor for two cases with different I.C.
23- And the variation diagram of Y depending on X
and the variation in time of the storage of
reaction product is
(a) The entrance of Y related to X on the
same gravitational orbit for (b) different
product quantities obtained in two cases having
different initial conditions
24- If the previous figures are not very conclusive
and fig. 10b seems to confirm this, the figures
shows that, though the two systems start from
different values of the concentrations of the
agents, in both cases the system comes to evolve
rather early on the same trajectory. - Now, increasing the time interval by choosing
another n 0,1..3000 the following
concentrations of the agents are obtained X1
(x1n)n0, X2 (x2n)n0, Y2 (y2n)n0 and
Y2 (y2n)n0 for the two cases 1 and 2 of the
chosen system (see next figures). - It is noticed that, even if they do not evolve
according the same values, same period and
amplitude of the oscillations are recorded.
25The periodical evolution having the same
oscillation periodT 0.226 of (a) X and (b)
Y, for two cases having different initial
The dependence of Y under X for the cases as
well as the accumulation of the product is
printed in the next figures
26Convergence at atractor of brusselator system
independent from initial conditions and (b)
different quantities of resulted product
start point
- The difference between the Lotka-Voltera model
and Bruxelles model one is the following - The Lotka-Voltera model oscillates around the
initial values of the concentrations of the
agents, whereas the Bruxelles one converges, in
time on the same variation equation irrespective
of the initial values of the concentrations of
the agents. - In fact the attractor does not appear for any of
their values for a given k2 there are minimum
y0,min and x0,min values from which the
periodical oscillations arise and the system
tends towards the curve given in previous figures.
- M. Diudea, I. Gutman, L. Jäntschi (2001),
Molecular Topology, Nova Science, Huntington, New
York, 332 p., ISBN 1-56072-957-0. - M. V. Diudea, Ed. (2001), QSPR / QSAR Studies by
Molecular Descriptors, Nova Science, Huntington,
New York, 438 p., ISBN 1-56072-859-0. - L. Jäntschi, M. Unguresan (2001), Chimie Fizica.
Cinetica si Dinamica Moleculara, Mediamira,
Cluj-Napoca, 159 p., ISBN 973-9358-71-3. - L. Jäntschi (2002), Studii Fitosanitare, Amici,
Cluj-Napoca, 140 p., in press.
- Abstract
- The analytical methods of qualitative and
quantitative determination of ions in solutions
are very flexible to automation. - The process of titration is a recurrent process
that can be watched by permanent measurement of a
simple property such as mass, current intensity,
tension, volume or a complex property such as
adsorption, heat of reaction, which need a
complex evaluation. - The present work is focused on modeling the
process of titration and presents a numerical
simulation of acid-base titration. Titration
parameter selected is the pH. - The method permits to observe the titration
process and identify the equivalence point of
30Modeled reaction
31- If we consider that initially there exist 100
mmols of the first solution (NH3) and no reaction
product (CH3COONH4) and we note with a letter
quantities from first solution and with b, the
quantities from second solution, initial
conditions (IC) can be written as
Integer values of substances from solution let be
evolve by steps of 1 mmol added solution. The
corresponding equation is
32- A correction is now necessary. The concentrations
are of natural values (not negative numbers) and
supplementary adding of one reactant in solution
lead only to deplete the other one reactant. In
conclusion, must reconsider previous equations
with following corrections for iteration n
In every moment of titration, the pH is given by
(where another environment condition was
considered, the normal temperature, that make
that pH pOH 14)
33- The following step is now simple. Fitting the
dependencies pHn for n 0, 1, , 200 with
MathCad (as example) will be obtain a graphic in
Numerically fitted data in simulated titration
34Conclusions and remarks
- The titration process is simple in appearance but
shows to be complex in details. Even the simple
case of titration of monobasic base ammonia with
a monoprotic acid, such as acetic acid, hangs up
unexpected difficulties in simulation process.
The difficulties exists especially because is no
approximations in model. Only one (so called)
approximation is sequent adding of titrate, that
are also perfectly possible in practice. - The method permits to investigate more complex
processes such as titration of polyprotic acids
and polybasic bases. If no approximation will be
made, more complex equations will be necessary
and superior rank equations will appear to be
- Abstract
- A MATHLab computer program is implemented. The
program presented demonstrates the power of
MATHLab in working with statistical processing,
and can be considered as an example for future
applications. - The program draws an exportable figure of fitted
data and regression curve and calculates the
correlation coefficient r and sum of residues.
- The execution of the program makes the posting
of a window like in the figures attached, in
which we can modify the expression of the
function (y P(x)) or the form of posting (box
or grid). - For exemplifying lets consider a correlation
study of efficiency time executing of numerical
methods that are using a Runge-Kuta-Niström
predictor corrector
37There is an automatic calculus for every defined
function the values of the correlation between Y
P(X) and X and the value of residues sum given
by the formula
In first figure are presented fitted dates from
table with a parabolic regression and program
makes the corresponding correlations and sums of
residues. In second figure, in same execution,
with same dates from table are fitted with a
linear regression model and program makes rebuild
corresponding correlations and sums of residues.
38Linear regression demo of the program
39Parabolic regression demo of the program