Title: Lecture 1 EPSY 625
1Lecture 1EPSY 625
Chinese Greek European Stat- Measure- Exams s
ystem univ. exam istics meant
2000BCE 400BCE 800AD 1800AD 1900AD 2000AD
31000 BC Chinese civil service exam
- Democratic in principle anyone could sit for the
exam - limitation opportunity to learn access to
schooling low for peasants - many modern issues
- reliability test-retest, interrater agreement
- validity content, face, predictive
- test formats written vs. oral
- Greek emphasis on oral examination
- Roman emulation of Greek systems (used Greek
slaves as teachers for private tutoring) - Use of papyrus for written work
- Carryover to European university systems created
about 800 AD- 1800 - Oral examinations for degrees- paper was very
expensive - Arabic university systems somewhat like European
systems in 1000-1500AD
51800 Error of Measurement - astronomy gambling
- Discovery of Normal distribution
- scoring agreement among astronomers
disagreements as poor work vs. individual
differences - gambling with dice or cards statistics and
probability were invented- gambling noblemen
wanted an edge
61850 Wundt's lab - physiological measurement
- Measurement of human performance and perception
- jnd just noticeable difference in perception
- Cheap paper and lead pencil invented in 1840s
- Written essay advocated by American educators
such as Horace Mann - Reduction in emphasis on oral presentation,
recitation - Essay examination becomes important
81880 Galton's anthropometry human physical
- Measurement of human physiognomy
- notion of relationships among variables
- correlation and causation
- ratio scaling led to Pearsons correlation
- nominal scaling led to chi square association
91890 reaction time, "mental test"
- J.M. Cattell - child intelligence
- Binet - Simon - individual testing
- developmental perspective
- deviation at an age compared to cross-age
development - factor analysis - Spearman concept of construct
underlying observed measurement
101905 educational psychology - Thorndike
- learning and assessment
- First educational psychology text- 1906
- 1914 text topics
- The Original Nature of Man
- The Psychology of Learning
- Individual Differences and Their Causes
- sex and race
- ancestry (genetics) or family etc.
111920s Group testing
- IQ testing from WW I
- need to classify men efficiently for military
duties - need to assess large numbers group testing
- attitude assessment - Thurstone - Chave
- Fisher ANOVA (beginning of experimental design)
121930s Theory development
- Thurstone and Likert assessment of affect,
methodology - KR-20, Rulon, etc. internal consistency
- Spearman-Brown prediction of test characteristics
131940s More theory
- Hoyts reliability using ANOVA
- Guttman scaling of attitude
- Decision theory and WWII
- Computer-based analysis
- Cronbachs alpha- pulling theory together
- construct validity - Cronbach, Meehl
- multitrait-multimethod validity - MacCorquodale
151960s Computers and statistics
- latent trait theory- Rasch
- formalized true score theory - Lord Novick
- covariance structure analysis - Jorekog
- multidimensional scaling - Torgeson
- latent partition analysis - Wiley
- generalizability theory- Cronbach
- criterion-referenced testing (CRT)
- bias in testing theory, differential item
function (DIF) - 2- and 3- parameter latent trait models - Lord
- statewide assessments minimum competency
171980s multitrait linear logistic model - Embretson
- Multitrait linear logistic model- Embretson
- Item-individual interaction cognitive
function task demand item
function (Mislevy, Willson) - Development of testing standards
181990s Web-based assessment
- Automated response web testing, computer
adaptive testing - AI systems
- widespread use of measurement model in
quantitative theory (Structural equation
modeling) - accountability systems based on testing
- No Child Left Behind
- Multilevel modeling (HLM)
- Federal testing requirements for US States
- Great demands on testing industry to develop many