Title: ENT meeting workshop
1ENT meeting / workshop
Voice Quality Systems
- Odense
- Friday 6th October 2006.
- Interpretation
- Peter Pabon
- Voice Quality Systems
- Alphatron Medical Systems BV
2Interpretation speech area
3With louder phonation the voice follows an upward
Physiological ideal trace
Physiological principle the sound level
increases with the fundamental frequency and vice
- A larger vocal fold vibration amplitude also
means a larger average tension in the vibrating
vocal folds and thus a higher pitch (passive). - More tension needed to compensate larger forces
from higher air pressure (active).
5A comparable mechanism controls the shape in the
phonetogram of
- Bottom contour/threshold of phonation
- Upper contour, max. phonation level
- Register boundaries
6Maximum shifts with louder spreech along a
parallel trajectory
Calling voice?
7Models / objective parameters,what is normal for
a speaking voice?
- Helbert Damstés rule of thumb, centre first
octave (6 semitones from lowest pitch). - Peter Pabon 70 dB with normal/soft phonation
(many handbooks specify 80 dB) - Rosemary Orr
- Renée Speyer (dec.03) speech position is point
of reference, no numerical data. - Adrian Fourcin (fundamental frequency) movement
pattern for a given text is vary variable in
between individuals, but very reproducible within
individuals (pers. comm).
8Interpretation shapeand contour
9Reproducability contour measurement higher with
max ( 3 dB). then with min (3..6 dB).
The line is also smoother, more straight, does
not improve with longer integration times, no
shifts or up and down dancing during recording.
More uncertain, jagged, more difficult to set
one value, instable but not less important!
10Typical shape parameters
11Which contour / shape parameters are important?
- Minimum SPL (Heylen, Speyer, Wuyts-DSI, and many
others). - Parameters that rate the phonetogram contour
around the speech area (Orr, Speyer, Heylen) - Highest tone, tone range, Intensity range
(Heylen, normal versus group noduli to test
relevance) - Sloping bottom contour (Heylen, noduli) Soft and
high in falsetto, the first area that is
sacrificed, high jitter
12Speyer, multidimensional analysis to factors that
rate therapy effects finds two factors
- Changes in lowest frequency and the area under
the mean speaking fundamental. - Changes in minimal intensity together with size
of speech area
13Comment authors
- Logopeds that cooperated were focussed on
improvement of the speaking voice. This could
explain why the largest changes were found in the
speech area. - remark speech therapy works!
14Shape changes with pathologies
- In general voice pathology will lead to a
reduction of the tonal range and the dynamic
range, a decrease of the total area. - De contour gets more jagged, with sharp edges up
and down. Large holes start to show, sometimes
the phonetogram breaks up in pieces, islands of
sustained vibration. This makes it more difficult
to apply general shape parameters in case of
15As multiple factors effect the shape, it is
impossible to link one specific shape (change) to
one specific pathology or type of vocal use /
- The voice as a musical instrument The more
physical differences occur (for instance due to
pathologies), the more different the control
settings and the more different the resulting
phonetogram shape. - Speyer (dec. 2003) The effect of voice therapy
on the VRP is multidimensional, many different
changes in VRP are possible