- q Intake of Sick Newborn at the mercy of
neonatologist. - q Small amount of fluid can make a big
difference. - q Fluid Overload - may lead to NEC, PDA, CLD.
q TBW - 0.7 L/kg in Newborn
0.6 L/kg at 1yr. Age q ECF 40 -
Newborn 20 - Older Children
q Infant lt 30 wks. lt1250 gm. q
Sick Term Newborns - Severe birth
asphyxia - Apnoea - RDS -
Sepsis - Seizure
- lt1 kg 1-1.5 kg. gt1.5 kg.
- 1st day 100 ml/kg. 80 ml/kg. 60 ml/kg.
- 7th day 190/ml/kg 170 ml/kg 150 ml/kg.
- q increase 15 ml/kg/day upto 6th day
- q Add ? 20 ml/kg/day for Phototherapy Warmer.
- q All calculation done on birth wt. till body
wt. exceeds birth wt. - q ? Fluid if prematures nursed in Plastic heat
1st 48 hrs. lt1 kg - 5 Dextrose 1-1.5
kg. - 10 Dextrose gt1.5 kg. - 10
Dextrose After that ? ISO P ? Na - 20 mEq /
lit K - 20 mEq / lit Cl - 25
mEq / lit D - 5 25ml 25 D
75ml ISO P ? Na - 22.7 mEq / lit K
- 18 mEq / lit Cl - 22 mEq /
lit D - 10
Birth asphyxia Meningitis Pneumothorax IVH PDA
CLD 2/3 of Maintenance
- q NEC other condition with loss in 3rd space
- May require upto 200ml / kg repeated 10ml /
kg RL/NS bolus. - q ELBW / VLBW neonates Due to high IWL.
Term 1 Per day q Allow a wt.
Loss Preterm 2 Per day q 1st 48
hrs no electrolyte required q Replace ?
Gastric fluid loss ? ½ NS KCL ? Other
body fluids ? NS KCL q Give fluid direction
8-12 hrly in sick neonates
9Premature 1.25 kg. day 1 give fluid direction
q 10 Dextrose q 80 ml / day q 20 ml 6
hourly q 10 Dextrose 3.5ml / hr 3 drops /
10A 3 kgs., term sick newborn on 4th day under
radiant warmer phototherapy, calculate fluid
requirement q ISO P q 315 ml 60 ml
60 ml 435 ml q 108 ml / 6 hrs. q 18
ml / hr. 18 drops / min.
- Add - from day 2 - 3
- In VLBW add when lost 6 wt.
- Require - Term LBW ? 2 - 3 mEq / kg / day
- ELBW ? 3 - 5 mEq / kg / day
- Add - from day 3
- can wait till serum K lt 4 in small
- prematures
- Require - 2 - 3 mEq / kg / day
C. CALCIUM q Give to IDM
Preterm Birth asphyxia
lt1500 gm. q Add from day 1. q 36-72
mEq / kg / day or 4- 8 ml / kg / day
of 10 Cal. gluconate
- q Optimum requirement 4-6 mg / kg / min
- q Conc. Used - 5, 10, 12.5 (max)
- q Glucose infuse (mg / kg / min) Gx rate
(ml / hr.) - x 0.167 x wt.
- q Thumb rule 3 ml / kg / hr of 10 D 5mg /
kg / min - q Remain careful about glucose in LBW
- q Urine output 1 3 ml/kg/hr.
- q Allow a weight loss 1 2 / day in 1st wk.
- (weigh the splint before putting i/v line)
- q Absence of Edema / Dehydration /
Hepatomegaly - q Urine Sp. gravity 1005 - 1015
- q Euglycaemia - 75 100 mg / dl
- q Normonatremia - 135 - 145 mEq / lit
- q Normokalemia - 4 5 mEq / lit
Check Daily - Definitely q Wt. - loss gt 3 -
dehydration lt1 over dehydration q
Urine output lt1 ml / kg / hr dehydration or
SIADH (Hourly) gt4 ml / kg / hr.
overhydration / dieresis Napkin weight
technique Collect in syringe from
cotton q Urine specific gravity gt1015
fluid deficit (each sample if possible)
lt1005 fluid overload q Blood Glucose q Clinical
Check Daily --- if possible q Serum Na
q Serum K q Blood Urea q Serum Creatinine
18(No Transcript)
19(No Transcript)
20(No Transcript)
21Peripheral lines Indications Purpose
- Maintain fluid, electrolyte acid-base balance
in neonate - Provide IV medications.
- Provide blood or blood components.
- Provide peripheral parenteral nutrition.
- N B do not try gt 2consecutive times by the same
person !
22Preliminary steps
23Insertion of Line
24Monitoring Discontinuation
- Observe rate, patency ,air within the line.
- Observe for local warmth, pain,leak redeness
,edema, blanching. - Flush with 2 ml N.Saline (with asepsis) if needed
to check the line.
- Indication on order / leak / phlebitis /
thrombosis / blanching (except with ionotrope
infusion). - Stop fluid / asepsis / remove dressings / remove
cannula / press until bleeding stops / dress with
iodine. - Send cannula tip for culture if phlebitis.
25Umbilical venous line
- Purpose Central line for medication, exchange
transfusion, pressure monitoring and fluid
(rarely) - Policy Should be done by a doctor only.
- Emphasis Tip in ductus/IVC, do not advance once
secured, do not keep open, very careful about
sepsis. - Equipment 5Fr for lt 3.5 kg 8Fr for gt 3.5kg.(
It should have side holes at tip ), forceps,
scalpel,probe, suture, drapes, asepsis utensils,
tapes, ties etc. )
26UVC Procedure
- Estimate length of the catheter(graph), assemble
equipments - Universal asepsis.
- Identify UV( patulous, single, bleeding, at 12
oclock) / grasp cord with toothed forceps /
remove clots from vein by iris forcep - Introduce fluid filled catheter with stop cock
2-3 cm inside vein / suck for blood / remove clot
if no free flow of blood /remove, rotate
reinsert until free flow comes / advance to
desired length - Fix UVC once free flow established with tapes.
Radiology confirmation (D9-D10 or just above
right diaphragm).
27Capillary Blood Sampling
- Purpose heel prick blood sampling
- Emphasis safe and effective / maxm. 2 pricks
per heel (except sick newborn). - Policy preferably doctors/ only trained nurse.
- Indications sugar / blood gas / Hct / sepsis
screen / bilirubin / biochemistry. - Equipment asepsis utensils, lancet, capillary
tubes, gauze.
28Procedure of CBS
- Ask sister to bundle the neonate. Chose the site
(picture). Warm the area with dry warm cloth. - Universal asepsis. Perform lancet puncture in
most medial or lateral aspect of plantar surface
(avoid puncture on previous or previous weight
bearing sites of the neonates). - Discard first drop of blood / hold the site
downward / keep gentle continuous pressure /avoid
milking / Collect in capillary tube / - Stop bleeding by pressure / apply Iodine / label
each tube / send with details quickly / document
all details.
29Special situations
- 1250 gm. 26 wk. Premature, intubated Ventilated
- ? dev. apnoea on day 5 started i/v aminophylline
- ? day 15 Switched to oral theophylline
- ? day 20 on EBM 150 ml/kg
- ? day 28 ? Na 133 mEq / lit, K 4mEq / lit
urine output 2-4 ml / kg / hr - Day 30 ? Na lt100 mEq / lit , serum osmola 204
mosm / lit -
Urine Sp gr. 1040. - ? From 28 30th day gained wt. 25 gm / day
despite a fall of - Urine vol from 3 ml / kg / hr. 0.5 ml / kg /
hr - q Diagnosis
- q Management
- A 30 yrs Woman P2o taken to labour room -
In last 1 hr of labour woman drunk 3L water
received 5 D i/v - Delivered male baby
3kg, apgar 18 59 - after 6 hrs. the baby dev.
Seizure q What is the most likely cause of
seizure? q How to prevent this?
q Serum Na lt130 mEq / lit q Neurological Signs
or Na lt120 mEq / lit ? treat promptly q
What to give 3 Nacl ? 0.5 mEq Na /
ml ? 2 3 ml /kg initial dose
? use 3 Nacl to raise Na upto 125
mEq / lit q NaHco3 7.5 solution ? 0.9 mEq
Na / ml (if 3 Nacl not available)
q How to calculate deficit ? Na deficit (mEq)
(desired Na - obs Na) x wt x 0.6 ? Add
next 2 days daily requirement 2-3 mEq / kg /
day ? correct in 48 hrs. q Thumb rule -
correct 1/3rd 8hr 1/3rd 16 hr
1/3rd 24 - 48 hr.
34- Male baby of 7 days wt. 1.5 kgs., serum Na obs.
122 mEq. / lt. - How to correct the hyponatremia ?
- q Deficit of Na (135 122) x 1.5 x 0.6 11.7
mEq. - q Maintenance Na 3 x 1.5 x 2 (correction made
in 48 hrs.) - 9 mEq.
- q Total requirements 11.7 9 20.7 mEq. 21
mEq. - q Fluid requirements for 48 hrs. 1.5 x 150 x 2
450 ml. - q 21 mEq Na in 450 ml. fluid 50 mEq. Na in 1
lit. - q Fluid required 450 ml. N/3 Solution.
q Serum Nagt 150 mEq / lit q Excess free water
loss than Na q Do not treat with Na free
water q Fluid therapy -- 2/3 maintenance with
N2 / N5 sol. 5 D. -- correct Na
over 24 48 hrs. Do not drop gt10 mEq / lit
/ day. -- May require 3 NaCl if
over correction leads to CNS signs.
q Predisposing factors present Feature ? q
wt. Gain with out oedema q hypotonic
hyponatremia q ? Urine output q
Urine osmolality gt plasma osmolality Treat ?
q Water restriction 2/3 maintenance x 24 hrs
q 3 Nacl if Na lt120 mEq / lit or CNS
sign q Frusemide ? ? Urinary electrolyte
free H2o excretion
A Newborn 3kgs on 2nd day developed abdominal
distension, NG tube inserted, on 3rd day Serum K
observed was 2.1 mEq / lit. How to correct. K
deficit (Req K - obs K) x body wt.
3 (3.5 - 2.1) x 3
3 1.4 mEq
38HYPOKALEMIA q Max K i/v without ECG -
monitoring 40 mEq / lit 2ml 1.5ml KCL /
100ml of Fluid. q Max K i/v with ECG
monitoring 60 - 80 mEq / lit q Signs of
hypokalenia in newborn ileus Obtundation
? QT / ST depression
q Serum K gt 6 mEq / lit q How to manage 1.
Check Sampling error and Recheck Value 2.
Remove all sources of K 3. Upto 7mEq / lit ?
Kayexelate 1gm / kg at 0.5gm / ml of NS
given as enema (upto 1- 3 cm) ? minimum
retention time 30 min.
- K gt 7 mEq / lit - Co gluconate 1- 2ml / kg
over 5 min - - NaHCo3 1 2ml / kg slowly
- - 2ml / kg of 10 D 0.05 units / kg
regular insulin followed by infusion - - Kayexelate
- - Salbatatnoe Nebalisation 4mcg / kg
- 5. If above measure fails ?
- Peritoneal dialysis
- ? Exchange transfusion
- ECG ? Tall ? T / ? PR / ? QRS
41Commercial electrolyte and dextrose stock sol.
42Composition of commercial I.V. fluid available
Serum Calcium lt7.0 mg / dl Ionised Cal lt4.0 mg /
dl Seizure Treatment of Hypocalcaemic
Crisis apnoea Tetaxy 1 2ml
Ca-glu. / kg 5 - 10 D 10ml over 10 min.
? No response in 10min ? REPEAT DOSE
? Maintenance Cal ? 8ml / kg / day x 48 hrs.
? Switch to oral therapy
44HYPOCALCAEMIA Refactory hypocalcaemia ?
think hypomagnesaemia ? 0.2ml of 50 mgso4 2
doses 12hr. Apart i/v or deep im Caution in
Ca therapy q Rapid i/v infusion -
dysrythmia / bradycardia q Extravasation of
Ca Solution ? S/C necrosis
45Thank U