Title: Barnabas
1Barnabas Pauls History
- Both Hellenistic Jews
- Barnabas introduced Paul to Jerusalem Church
- Barnabas invited Paul to join him in ministry at
Antioch - Barnabas Paul commissioned by God church as
2(No Transcript)
3- Island of Cyprus
- Paul assumes key leader role
- Perform miracles, see people believe in Jesus
start churches - Persecuted
- Paul stoned and left for dead
- Returned to Antioch for home visit
4Barnabas Pauls History
- Both Hellenistic Jews
- Barnabas introduced Paul to Jerusalem Church
- Barnabas invited Paul to join him in ministry at
Antioch - Barnabas Paul commissioned by God church as
Missionaries - Paul Barnabas spoke at Jerusalem Council
- Paul Barnabas returned to Antioch with Council
Decision - Known each other for 12 years, and served
together for 3
5How would you describe Barnabas Pauls
6Barnabas Paul were bonded together by ministry,
memories, and mission.
7John Mark
- Mothers home used from church gatherings Acts
12.25 - Cousin of Barnabas Colossians 4.10
- Helper on first missionary trip
- Left first missionary trip
8 Deserted ?f?st?µ? aphistemi
9 Deserted ?f?st?µ? aphistemi
From, away from
10 Deserted ?f?st?µ? aphistemi
From, away from
To stand firm, hold, establish
To depart from, deserted, fall away, leave, to
stand off from, to fall away. An angry dispute
is indicated. Our word apostatize is the
English spelling of a form of the Greek word.
11Why did John Mark leave/defect?
- Gentiles
- Danger/Difficulties
- Malaria
- Homesick
- Change of leadership
12Why didnt Paul want to include John Mark on trip
13Why did Barnabas want to include John Mark on
trip 2?
14What risks were involved in including John Mark
on trip 2?
15Expectation Cycle
Expectations (expressed/ unexpressed)
Uncomfortable/ Uncertainty
Stability/ Productivity
? Disappointment
16Barnabas Paul disagreed.
17Love one another with brotherly affection
(Romans 1210)
18Live in harmony with one another (Romans 1216)
19 If possible, so far as it depends on you, live
peaceably with all (Romans 1218)
20 (Be) eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit
in the bond of peace (Ephesians 43)
21Complete my joy by being of the same mind,
having the same love, being in full accord and of
one mind (Philippians 22)
22 Bearing with one another and, if one has a
complaint against another, forgiving each other
as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must
forgive (Colossians 313)
23Sharp disagreementpa????sµ?? paroxusmos
From to sharpen, metaphorically to stimulate
for good or bad, to provoke or rouse to anger., a
sharp contention. Only here and Heb. 1024. Our
word paroxysm is a transcription of pa????sµ??.
An angry dispute is indicated.
24Barnabas Paul disagreed, strongly.
25Ephesians 426 (NASB)
- BE ANGRY, AND yet DO NOT SIN do not let the sun
go down on your anger,
1. Direct
1. Admit
2. Analyze
3. Act
- Direct
- Indirect
- Non-Direct
30Expectation Cycle
Confess Forgive Negotiate
Expectations (expressed/ unexpressed)
4 Restoration
3 Recommit
Uncomfortable/ Uncertainty
Stability/ Productivity
? Disappointment
31Denial Flight Suicide
Overlook Reconciliation Negotiation Mediation Arbi
tration Accountability
Assault Litigations Murder
327 As of Confession
- Address everyone involved
- Avoid if, but, and maybe
- Admit specifically your mistake(s)
- Acknowledge the hurt
- Accept the consequences
- Alter your behavior
- Ask for forgiveness
334 Promises of Forgiveness
- I will not dwell on this incident.
- I will not bring this incident up and use it
against you. - I will not talk to others about this incident.
- I will not allow this incident to stand between
us or hinder our personal relationship.
34What was the original plan or expectation?
35Paul-1st Missionary Journey
36 Where did they go?
37Paul-1st Missionary Journey
381 Corinthians 96 (NASB)
- Or do only Barnabas and I not have a right to
refrain from working?
39 Colossians 410 (NASB)
- Aristarchus, my fellow prisoner, sends you his
greetings and also Barnabas's cousin Mark (about
whom you received instructions if he comes to
you, welcome him)
40 Barnabas Paul parted peacefully and
41(No Transcript)