Title: James Ledgerwood
1James Ledgerwood
James Ledgerwood
3Why youthbuild?
Once the euphoria of seeing areas transformed by
new housing investment had passed, the residents
of those same areas rightly began to question the
value of this investment against a backdrop of
serious youth unemployment.
4or simply because...
all these houses are getting builtbut where
are the jobs for our weans?
5Our challenge
- We needed a way to link...
- training
- employment
- physical investment (housing)
...for the most disadvantaged young people
6The result was...
youthbuild A scheme that directly links socially
rented housing (its construction and
renovation)with the employment and tenancy needs
of local young people.
7youthbuild is
...the best example of on-site training in
Scotland. (SQA External Evaluator)
...an idea whose time has come. (Scottish Homes
Scottish EnterpriseIndependent Evaluation)
8Success of youthbuild
- Since April 2000...
- 17 young people recruited
- 12 achieved full-time employment
- 9 gained Level 2 VQ and...
- 47 new homes built (on time and to budget!)
9How did we get youthbuild?
- First principles
- Best Practice?
- Dipped toe in water
- Green for GO!
- The many hurdles
- Room for more
10First things first
- Needs of young people remain paramount
- Community organisations reps remain at centre of
project development - No partners agenda allowed to dominate
- Everyone gives a bit
- Co-ordination role of Paisley Partnership
identified and underlined
11Better practice than us?
Surely not!
- Young Builders Trust
- Offered model that could be adopted but more
importantly adapted - YBT gave Partners taste of success
12Toe in water
- Try to ensure best endeavours
- if that meant tag-on-end,well so be it (even
site-security!) - June 1999 small scale pre-vocational training
13Green for GO!
- wee steering group formed
- Local Housing Federation Commission Feasibility
Study with emphasis uponadditional cost (Feb
2000) - Ferguslie Park (47 houses September 2000)
14The many hurdles
- Funding cocktail
- The time
- The risk! e.g. drugs and the weather
but help was at hand...
- Federation of Housing Associations
- D Campbell Co.
- Paisley Partnership!
15Room for more
- As issues arose help had to be found
- Health Social Issues - CITB
- Educational Support - Reid Kerr
And of course success brought youthbuildto
attention of others!
16Those who have given a bit
Barnardos Scottish Homes Renfrewshire Partnership
Forum Scottish Enterprise Renfrewshire Renfrewshir
e Council Federation of Local Associations in
Renfrewshire Reid Kerr College Renfrewshire
Careers Partnership NHBC D Campbell Co SCVO
(New Deal Voluntary Sector Option Co-ordinators)
17The future
- youthbuild 2 (September 2001)
- youthbuild 3 (early 2002)
- Gorbals, North Ayr, Inverclyde,Dumbarton Road
Corridor all looking at youthbuild - Scottish Prison Service
- YOU?
18and finally...
James Ledgerwood