Title: 24 october, Vienna, Austria
12-4 october, Vienna, Austria
Jan Berglund, Manager AMR, Jämtkraft
22-4 october, Vienna, Austria
A Grid Industry Cooperation in Sweden - SAMS
Jan Berglund, Manager AMR, Jämtkraft
4JämtkraftBackground of the cooperation
SAMSSAMS-NorthPLCExperiencesThe future outlook
Presentation Agenda and Topics
5But first, being in up north, you might wonder
Where are Jämtkraft, in the middle of Sweden.
6You'll find us here
Offices ELECTRICAL POWER Approximately 930 GWh
of hydroelectricity, 200 GWh of combined heat and
power, 4 GWh of biogas electricity and just over
30 GWh of wind-power-generated electricity are
produced in an average year (from
2007). Hydroelectric power stations 1
.......................................... Hissmof
ors 2 ................................ Kattstrupe
forsen 3 ...................................... G
ranboforsen 4 ...................................
............. Högfors 5 .........................
..................... Långfors 6
......................................... Näsafors
en 7 ............................................
.... Ålviken 8 ..................................
......... Lövhöjden 9 ...........................
.................. Dammån 10 ....................
......................... Slagsån 11
............................................... Du
ved 12 .................................... Handö
l nedre 13 ......................................
Handöl övre 14 .................................
............... Billsta 15 ......................
................ Strömbacka 16
. Lillå 17 ......................................
... Rönnöfors ELECTRICITY NETWORK The length of
the grid is 7,971 kilometres, of which 588
kilometres are regional networks, 3,216
kilometres are distribution networks and 4,167
kilometres are low voltage networks. There are
2,580 network stations and 40 transmission and
distribution stations in the grid. Combined
heat and power plant Wind power
stations Regional power lines 45 kV Regional
power lines 145 kV Distribution stations
Electricity network boundary DISTRICT
HEATING Jämtkraft has district heating operations
in the following locations Östersund, Brunflo,
Ås, Krokom, Nälden, Föllinge, Järpen, Mörsil,
Åre, Duved, Kall and Hallen. It produces
approximately 645 GWh in an average
year. District heating plant TELECOMMUNICATIONS
Jämtkraft provides broadband to companies,
property owners and private individuals. The
optical network is approximately 3,000 kilometres
long. Current broadband network Planned
broadband offering
7Networks and plants
- Swedish AMR Cooperation
9These companies has joined SAMS, so far...
10Background of the cooperation SAMS
- User defined development rather then supplier
defined. - Build a knowledge base, within the companies not
educate concultants. - Possibilities to share recourses, for example,
for example during summer vacations, spare parts
pooling, installation manpower etc - Advantage of scale- better price, stronger in
negotiations for an agreement - Try to avoid vertical integration from the
suppliers and open up the systems
11The new Generation of Meters Basic vs. the
New Generation
- Correct Invoice, Change of supplier,
- Monthly values
- Time of use, hourly values
- Power tariffs
- 2-Way communication
- Interruption info on low tension
- Direct read Online
- -Remote connect and disconnect of
customers - -Control of external load
Basic STEM 2009
12Why NG-meters
- Increasing customer demands
- Outage info to reduce outage costs
- Active load control
- New tariffs, tariff optimization
- Develop a more efficient utiity
- Assetmanagement
- Netcontrol, reduce losses, circuit/equipment
engineering analysis - Systemload analysis
- Administrationdevelopment-reduce losses improve
effiency - Customerservice
- Energysaving
13Example of the New Generation of Meters
14SAMS regional cooperation groups
Middle-SAMS Tekniska Verken i Linköping Mälar
Energi Eskilstuna Energi Miljö Telge Energi
Nät Tidaholm Energi MTEAB
North-SAMS Umeå Energi BTEA Bodens Energi
Nät Jämtkraft Elnät Härnösand Elnät Åkab Nät
Sundsvall Energi Elnät Härjeåns Nät
- South-SAMS
- Göteborg Energi
- Energiverken i Halmstad
- Habo Kraft
- Ale Elförening
- Härryda Energi
- Jönköping Energi Nät
- Kungälv Energi
- Lerum Energi
- Ystad Energi
- Vaggeryds Elverk
- NG meters
- Interoperability
- Common multivendor softwaresystem for
meterreading. - Our communication choice is primarly PLC-MV.
- Common Data Base software
- Hourly values
- 2-way communication
16Why MV PLC
- GSM/GPRS isnt covering our network in many
places. - Topological reasons makes radiocommunication too
expensive to cover all the network -
- Few customers under many MV/LV substations makes
LV PLC expensive - Remains PLC-solution from HV/MV substation(11
eller 24 kV) down to customer on LV as
communication choice. - By using MV PLC you have long term control over
costs and quality trough communication on yuor
own network
18Net metering structure in th network
Substation 145/22 kV
Substation 22/0,4 kV
Substation 22/0,4 kV
Substation 22/0,4 kV
- Open standard protocols and communication
interfaces - Known flexible technology
- Interoperability hybrid systems
- Every network har their own techincal problems to
solve and adjust the plc-equipment to - You must have the plc-communication equipment
installd before you install meters - Solve upcoming problems immediately
- Approx 3 of installations need more than 1 vist
at customer site
21Future outlook
- IP-based AMM down to a IP meter over PLC
- Net metering
- Extend scada systems down to the breaker at the
customers meter - Integrate AMM with energy end-use and energy
services - Separate metersadministration and AMR from
Billing systems
- 90 60 000 meters 6000 missing
meterreadings - 99 60 000 meters 600 missing
meterreadings - 99,9 60 000 meters 60 missing
meterreadings - Quality and reliability in AMM must be over 99,9
23Thank you for the attention !