Title: Vassilis Kopanas
1Information Society TechnologiesIn the 6th
Framework ProgrammeWhats new in FP6 and how to
participateBudapest, 2 April 2003
- Vassilis Kopanas
- DG Information Society / Unit D3
2Presentation Outline
- New instruments
- New evaluation procedures
- New financial provisions
3FP6 Documents
- Council Decisions adopting the FP6 its specific
programmes - Rules for participation, Regulation (EC) No.
2321/2002 - Call text (call 2 text not yet available)
- IST Workprogramme 2003-4
- The Guides for proposers for all relevant
instruments - Model Contract
- Financial Guidelines (will be soon available)
- Evaluation Manual (will be soon available)
- Negotiation Guidelines (will be soon available)
- http//www.cordis.lu/fp6/find-doc.htm
4FP6 is Not Business as Usual
- From project-thinking to initiative-thinking
- New instruments
- Focused strategic objectives
- Concentration of efforts resources
- European Research Area perspective
- To help aggregate EU, Member State private
funded efforts - Not just supporting RTD
- New approach to administration
- One workprogramme
- Cross-priority research
- Less Commission bureaucracy
5FP6 Instruments for Priority Areas
- Integrated Projects (IP)
- objective driven RTD
- critical mass of resources
- Networks of Excellence (NoE)
- to support RTD excellence
- to integrate long-term European expertise RTD
resources - Article 169
- jointly conducted RTD between European national
programmes - Specific Targeted Research Projects (STREP)
- shared-cost RTD demonstration projects (similar
to FP5) - Co-ordination Actions (CA)
- to network co-ordinate RTD innovation
activities - Specific Support Actions (SSA)
- to support implementation of FP6 activities
6Integrated Projects (IPs) at a Glance
- Why we need them?
- Increase impact of results
- Simplify project administration while preserving
public accountability - What to do?
- Pull together a critical mass of resources for
focused goal-oriented RTD - Include various elements of technology value
chain - Define a new model contract
- How to do it?
- Size Several M to tens of M (no lower limit)
- Duration 3-5 years
- Participants Min 3 legal entities (2 from MS or
ACC) - Industry-academia collaboration, including SMEs
- Simplified proposal making project management
7Networks of Excellence (NoE) at a Glance
- Why we need NoE?
- Based on existing European excellence on
particular topics - To address fragmentation of European research
- To progress knowledge on established or emerging
fields - What to do?
- Finance structural interventions on RTD
- Aim at lasting integration of RTD in Europe
- How to do it?
- Define Joint Programme of Activities (JPA)
- Size/Duration Several M/year, 5-7(max) years
- Participants Minimum 3 (2 from MS or ACC)
Universities, research labs, industrial labs,
enterprises (including SMEs) - Critical mass of key actors
- Simplified proposal making project management
8NoE - Joint Programme of Activities
The NoE field
Partner 2
Partner 1
Partner 4
Partner 3
RTD activities in Europe with the NoE (the JPA)
RTD activities in Europe before the NoE (today)
9Article 169
- Support to national RTD programmes, jointly
executed according to Art. 169 of the Amsterdam
Treaty - At the initiative of the MemberStates
- EC funding used to supportjointly executed
10Specific Targeted RTD Projects (STREP)
- Why we still need them?
- Provide a bridge between FP5 FP6
- Support research activities of more limited scope
ambition than Integrated Projects - Build further the constituency
- What to do?
- Focused RTD, innovation demonstration
- How?
- Similar to current RTD projects but different
financial regime - Size/Duration Several M, 2-3 years
- Participants Minimum 3 legal entities (2 from MS
or ACC) - Industry-academia collaboration, including SMEs
11Co-ordination Specific Support Actions
- Co-ordination Actions (CA)
- Similar to FP5 Thematic Networks
- Support to co-ordination of RTD/innovation
activities at national/ regional/EU levels - EC funding can cover up to 100 of additional
costs - Min 3 participants (2 from MS or ACC)
- Specific Support Actions (SSA)
- A limited scope FP5 Accompanying Measure
- Emphasis on support activities for the
Workprogramme - EC funding can cover up to 100 of additional
costs - Exceptionally could be proposed by a single
12FP6 How to Participate
13Proposal Positioning Impact
- Proposal Relevance to the objectives of the WP
- WP Strategic objectives (SO)
- Multidisciplinary Proposals
- Proposal Center of gravity on an open SO
- Proposal Potential Impact
- Reinforcing competitiveness, solving societal
problems, added value of doing the work on EC
level - ST excellence, Degree of integration, Quality of
co-ordination, Quality of Support Action - Assessment of work content depending on the
instrument used - Highest threshold (except for SSA)
14Consortium Management
- Quality of the Consortium
- Partner eligibility for participation, consortium
size - High quality partners suited to the tasks,
complementing each other, critical mass of
expertise resources - Involvement of SMEs
- Quality of Management
- Organisational structure, Project knowl.
management (IPR) - Mobilisation of resources
- Resource allocation, integration critical mass
- Financial plans
15Contractual Arrangements Comparison with FP5
- FP 5
FP6 - - 5 model contract families - 1 Model contract
(plus annexes) (38 types) -Annex I
Description of Work - -Annex II General Conditions
- -Annex III Instrument-Specific provisions
- - 5 different Annex II - 1 Annex II
- (General conditions) - 5 different Annex III
SSA) - - Annex I for full duration - Annex I for full
duration (all instruments) - Annex I for 18
monthly periods (IP/NoEs) -
- Voluntary Consortium Agreement - Mandatory
Consortium Agreement - (if not excluded by call text)
- - Members in CA/TN/Take-ups - Only contractors
(in all instruments)
16Signature and Entry into Force
- Contract enters into force upon signature by the
coordinator and the EC - Coordinator must ensure other contractors sign
without delay - Contractual link of all contractors with the EC
- Distribution of advance payments shortly after
entry into force - Project begins on the date established in the
contract (this may in exceptional cases be before
the contract is signed)
17Changes in Consortium Membership
- Fixed overall EC financial contribution
- Consortium issues calls for proposals for new
contractors - if so identified in Joint Programme
of Activities (NoE) or Implementation Plan (IP) - Consortium evaluates proposals with independent
experts - Commission may object to extension of number of
contractors - Additional overall EC financial contribution
- Commission issues call for proposals for new
Incremental funding
18Financial Provisions - Costs
- Cost categories not defined
- Costs must be
- actual, economic and necessary for the project
- incurred during the duration of the project
- recorded in the accounts
- follow contractors own accounting rules
- and must exclude indirect taxes, duties,
interests, costs reimbursed in respect of another
Community project, and not give rise to profit - Audit certificates by external auditor
- in some instruments (IP/NoE) each partner, each
year - for public bodies competent public auditor
19Financial Provisions - Payments
- Periodic advances (pre-financing)
- yearly, for IPs and NoEs
- period to be specified in the contract for other
instruments - up to 85 of estimated EC contribution /-
adjustments (up to 80 for instruments without
collective responsibility) - EC contribution depends
- on instrument used
- on contractors cost model (AC, FCF, FC)
- on type of activity (research, demonstration,
training etc.) - Distribution of EC contribution depends on
consortium decisions
20Reimbursement of Eligible Costs
21Payment and Reporting Schedule
Activity report
Reported costs
( example of a four year IP contract )
Activity report
Detailed work plan
Reported costs
Adjusted advance
Activity report
Detailed work plan
Reported costs
Adjusted advance
Activity report
Detailed work plan
Reported costs
Adjusted advance
Detailed work plan
Initial advance
0 6 12
18 24 30
36 42 48
22Further Information
DG-Research FP6 main Web page
New Instruments
Model Contracts
Asked Questions
The European Research Area
CORDIS RTD beyond 2002
IST in FP6
IST Helpdesk
Fax. 322 2968388 E-mail