Title: The State of College of Health and Human Services2009
1The State of College of Health and Human
- delivering academic, research, and service
excellence in our communities
2Happy Birthday CHHS 3 Years Old!
3Our Strategic Goals 2009 - 2014
Create vigorous program of research Address
global workforce demands in health and human
services Increase number of formal local,
regional, national, or global community
partnerships Increase revenue through academic
outreach and new faculty practice opportunities
4Our Research Productivity..
- FY08
- 51 proposals 9,154,592
- 17 awards 1,739,933
- FY09
- 57 proposals 18,779,918
- 23 awards 1,386,985
5Areas of research strength as indicated by
research publications and external funding
- Health Economics
- Health Care Financing
- Health Care Reform
- Aging and Long Term Care
- Chronic Disease Management
- Disability and Rehabilitation Sciences
6The CHHS Picture - Our Students
- Fall 2009 1125 (40 graduate FTEs)
- Fall 2008 997
- Fall 2007 834
- Fall 2006 738 (30.5 graduate FTEs)
- ------------------------------------Transition to
CHHS - Fall 2005 601
- Fall 2004 609 (26 graduate FTEs)
7New programs in CHHS to meet current and
emerging career opportunities in HHS
- ? Public Health, MPH (implement Fall 09)
- ? Doctorate in Nursing Practice (pending)
- ? PhD in Rehabilitation Science (pending)
- ? Medical and Health Policy, MS (pending
- with School of Public Policy)
- For finishing touches in 2010
- PhD in Health Services Research and Policy
8New activities and innovations
- Distance Education and Academic Outreach
- every academic unit in the college has an
outreach and/or distance education commitment
Fall 09 - Connect with our stakeholders and create
essential pipelines to our graduate programs
where students live and work - Faculty Practice after our pilot year in 09,
ready to formally implement faculty practice
opportunities in CHHS.. - Attract clinical faculty who are among the most
skilled clinicians in their fields at practicing
and developing evidence-based practice and best
9Performance Indicators to Guide Us
- 100 of faculty members on research workloads
will publish annually in high quality,
respectable peer reviewed journals - Tenure track faculty members will have programs
of research of sufficient maturity and quality to
submit proposals for extramural funding by the
tenure decision year - All tenured faculty members on research
appointments will have programs of research that
address important topics and provide opportunity
for regular submission of competitive grants and
10- Performance Indicators Continued
- 4. Each year, at least one faculty member in
CHHS will receive a prestigious national award
for his or her research or be recognized for his
or her body of work through lifetime achievement
awards or other notable award processes. - 5. CHHS will experience annual increases in
graduation rates of 15 through 2013 followed by
an increase of 25 by 2015. - 6. All new academic programs will be awarded
accreditation, certification, or external stamps
of approval on the first application.
11- Performance Indicators Continued
- 7. Every academic unit will have an advisory
committee that - meets regularly by 2011.
- 8. The College Advisory Board will expand from
15 members in - 2009 to 25 members by 2014.
- 9. Each year college investigators will submit
proposals to at - least two funding agencies, organizations,
or foundations that - have not been approached for CHHS funding
in the past. - 10. The number of sites at which CHHS faculty
engage in faculty - practice will increase from two in 2009 to
twelve by 2014.
12CHHS Budget 2004-2010
13CHHS Building One Step at a Time and Year to
- - Distance education has forever changed our
- thinking about class size and teaching
strategies. -
- - Cathy Tompkins taught 50 students
- online this year!
- - Ivory towers are in foreclosure workloads
must - make sense, be equitable, and include annual
- performance expectations.
14CHHS Building One Step at a Time and Year to
- Professional programs in higher education must
have faculty members with research, clinical, or
clinical research expertise of the highest
caliber everyone must be able to teach well. -
15CHHS Building One Step at a Time and Year to
- Our long-term success will require a
college-wide team effort by all faculty and staff
in order to - - stay focused on our strategic goals
- - maintain a self-disciplined environment
- - remain nimble (quick and clever in thinking,
- understanding, or responding)
16CHHS Building One Step at a Time and Year to
- Successful organizations support each other by
- Open communication all around
- Participation in discussions/decision making
- Willingness to take on assignments, complete
them on time, and of the highest quality - Making timely and decisive decisions