Managerial Economics - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Managerial Economics


Cournot on Monopoly & Oligopoly. Monopoly profit-maximises by ... Cournot on Monopoly & Oligopoly. To solve, substitute value for q2 into ... Oligopoly ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Managerial Economics

Managerial Economics
  • Lecture Five
  • What is competition?
  • The standard view (warts all!)

  • Last week
  • Schumpeterian view of innovation process
  • Pricing freed from constraints of supply/demand
  • Endogenous creation of new money to finance
  • Ability to undercut rivals/take over old markets
    with new technology
  • creative destruction
  • Logistic process of
  • product diffusion
  • Price setting/change (high for early adopters,
    falling to same input-output basis as for
    standard commodities)
  • This week just what is competition? First, the
    standard view

Neoclassical models of strategic interaction
  • Standard (Marshallian) model critiqued in first 2
    lectures has fundamental flaws
  • Horizontal firm demand curve cant co-exist
    with downward sloping market demand
  • Neoclassical profit-maximisation formula
    ignores impact of other firms on profit in
    multi-firm industry
  • Corrected equilibrium profit maximisation formula
    predicts competitive industry will produce same
    amount as monopoly for same price
  • Assumption of upward sloping marginal cost
    doesnt apply in real world
  • Newer Cournot-Nash-Game Theory strategic
    interaction model not so (obviously) flawed

Cournot-Game Theoretic Competition Models
  • Game theory approach implicitly acknowledges
    firms produce more than profit-maximising amount
  • But then sees outcome as result of strategic
    interactions between firms
  • Key difference with perfect competition/Marshall
    ian analysis
  • Marshallian presumes firms atomistic
  • Too small (blah blah blah) to worry about what
    competitors are doing just tries to maximise
    profit w.r.t. market
  • Problem shown earlier atomistic behavior means
    slope of individual firm demand curve equals
    slope of market demand curve
  • End result competitive outcome same as monopoly

Cournot-Game Theoretic Competition Models
  • Game theory models dont have this problem
  • Firms presumed to react to expected strategies of
  • In Marshallian theory dqj/dqi0 one firm doesnt
    react to what other firms (might) do
  • In Game theory dqj/dqi not zero one firm does
    react to what other firms (might) do
  • Curiousity point model predates neoclassical
  • French mathematician Augustin Cournot derived
    mathematical model of how two competing spas
    might price of access to spa in 1838!
  • Neoclassical school didnt begin till 1870s
  • But one founder (Walras) corresponded with Cournot

Cournot-Game Theoretic Competition Models
  • Cournot concluded
  • Duopoly price lower than price if spas colluded
  • Price converges from monopoly level to perfect
    competition as number of competitors increases
  • Cournots analysis firms reach Cournot
    equilibrium levels of output by independently
    pursuing profit maximising strategies
  • Set own-output marginal revenue equal to
    marginal cost
  • NOT an interactive, strategic explanationbut
    reaches same result as later game theory approach
    of John von Neumann beautiful minds John Nash
  • with a little problem well discuss after
    trudging through the math

Cournot on Monopoly Oligopoly
  • Cournots analysis assume linear demand cost
  • (original paper actually assumed zero costs!)
  • ProfitRevenue minus Cost
  • Maximum profit when gap between functions biggest
  • Biggest gap when differential w.r.t. Q is zero

Add these
Cournot on Monopoly Oligopoly
  • Monopoly profit-maximises by producing Q such that
  • Cournot applied same analysis to two firms in
  • Argued profit-maximise by equating marginal
    revenue and marginal cost w.r.t. own outputs (q1
  • Each firm in a duopoly wants to maximise

where Qq1q2
  • Therefore each firm in a duopoly solves

Cournot on Monopoly Oligopoly
  • Assume identical costs C(x)cdx
  • Working out quantity for firm 1
  • Get symmetrical result for second firm

Cournot on Monopoly Oligopoly
  • To solve, substitute value for q2 into equation
    for q1

Cancel these
Multiply across
Multiply all terms
Ditto for q2
Cournot on Monopoly Oligopoly
  • General rule is
  • The more firms the higher the output lower the
  • If n is the number of firms in the industry, then

Output converges to perfect competition level as
  • Perfect competition price equals marginal cost
  • But theres a problem

Cournot on Monopoly Oligopoly
  • Equating MC and MR not profit maximising
  • Firms revenue a function not only of what it
    does, but what other firms do (especially since
    cant control what they do!)
  • So need to find maximum gap not w.r.t own output,
    but w.r.t. industry output
  • This is total derivative

  • What happens when firm really does maximise
    profits by setting total derivative equal to zero?

This is impact of 2nd firm on profit of 1st
ignored by Cournot
This is MR-MC
Cournot on Monopoly Oligopoly
  • The real profit maximisation point for firm 1 is
    where this equals zero

What is this bit?
This weve already worked out
This is zero
This expands to
For profit maximisation for firm 1,the sum of
these must equal zero
This equals
Cournot on Monopoly Oligopoly
  • Adding them together

Adding these three together
Symmetrical result for q2
Multiply by 3
Cancel terms
Ditto for q2
Cournot on Monopoly Oligopoly
  • So total output is
  • Oh dear same as for monopoly!
  • General formula is
  • Oh dear same as for monopoly again!
  • Output independent of number of firms in
  • So if firms are profit maximisers, competition
    makes no difference.

Cournot on Monopoly Oligopoly
  • Cournot oligopoly analysis therefore flawed
  • But game theoretic version (which reaches same
    result) is not
  • Implicitly assumes strategic interactions force
    firms not to profit-maximise but to produce more
    than profit-maximising ouput
  • Based on analogy to police interrogation trick
  • The prisoners dilemma

Von Neumann Games Strategic Behavior
  • Two people have
  • Committed a crime together
  • Been captured
  • Suspected but only weak evidence
  • Police offer deal to each
  • rat on the other and well let you go free
  • if you dont, youll get a year anyway
  • Prisoners face trade-off
  • Keep quiet and go to gaol for a year
  • Rat on the other and go free
  • But accomplice gets 10 years
  • If both rat, the sentence is split 5050

Von Neumann Games Strategic Behavior
  • Prisoners Dilemma trade-off table
  • Dilemma
  • If both keep mum, 1 year each
  • If one rats, gets off scot-free
  • If not and other does, could get ten years
  • Analysis
  • Both have incentive to rat both get 5 years

Von Neumann Games Strategic Behavior
  • Same analysis applied by analogy to duopolists
  • Maximum equilibrium profit if both follow Keen
    profit-maximisation strategy (called collusive
    in economic literature, cooperate in game
  • If one defects to MCMR strategy while other
    sticks with profit-maximisation, gets
  • Large increase in sales ( 1/3 1/4 1/12th
  • Smaller fall in price
  • Reduces profit of other firm too
  • So both have incentive to defect
  • Profit-maximisation equilibrium unstable
  • Each gains if defects
  • Defect/Defect combination a Nash equilibrium
  • Higher output/Lower profit outcome of strategic

Von Neumann Games Strategic Behavior
  • With any price/cost combination
  • Profit maximising strategy (MR-MCn-1/n
    P-MC) best for both
  • Defect (increase output to where MRMC) better
    for one if other doesnt change output
  • MCMR strategy best response of initial
    non-defector to defection
  • E.g. P(Q)100- 1/100000000 Q
  • C(q) 100000000 50 q

Von Neumann Games Strategic Behavior
  • Firstly, quantities
  • Then the price

Von Neumann Games Strategic Behavior
  • Finally profits
  • Aggregate profits higher if both profit maximise
  • But both have incentive to increase output if
    other doesnt do so
  • So both increase and get higher output, lower
    profit with some output sold at a loss

Von Neumann Games Strategic Behavior
  • So game theory gives valid justification for
    Cournot outcome convergence to PC as number of
    firms rises
  • Firms quantity not decided in isolation but with
    respect to expected strategies of competitors
  • Strategic interaction force non-profit-maximising
    outcome on each firm
  • Extrapolated to many firms, result gives
    convergence to perfect competition
  • Non-profit-maximising strategy of setting MRMC
    converges to PMC as number of firms rises
  • But theres a problem (or four)

Von Neumann Games Strategic Behavior
  • Nash equilibrium unstable
  • Both firms have incentive to reduce production
  • Prisoners Dilemma solution also breaks down
  • If firms dont have complete information
  • If game played more than once and
  • Experimental outcomes contradict theory
  • Artificial firms
  • Dont follow Nash strategy in actual interactions
  • Get higher profits by deviating from it

Von Neumann Games Strategic Behavior
  • Defect/Defect strategy unstable
  • One firm can increase profits if reduces output
    to Keen level while other stays at Cournot
  • Both firms have incentive to increase production
  • More on instability later

Von Neumann Games Strategic Behavior
  • Information
  • In true Prisoners Dilemma
  • Both suspects know they are guilty
  • Both know that the other one knows
  • Both know the consequences of ratting or not
  • Assumption of perfect information (except for
    knowing whether accomplice will rat) justified
  • In true industrial competition
  • No firm knows any other firms costs
  • No firm knows any other firms sales
  • Assumption of perfect information unjustified
  • Experiments with artificial firms result in no
    equilibrium, or non-predicted equilibrium, once
    information reduced from perfect

Von Neumann Games Strategic Behavior
  • Multiple equilibria are the norm in multi-period
    games of incomplete information, and Folk
    Theorems indicate that a small amount of
    incomplete information can produce almost any
    equilibrium payoffs when the discount rate is low
    and the horizon is long. Richard Schmalensee,
    (1988), Industrial Economics An Overview,
    Economic Journal, 98, p. 447
  • And repeated games
  • If prisoners know they will be made the same
    offer many times, sensible thing is not to rat
  • If rat this time, one can punish other by
    ratting next timeso best strategy is to keep
  • Ditto repeated artificial economy simulations
  • Firms converge to cooperate strategy and make
    more profits as result

Von Neumann Games Strategic Behavior
  • Some economists try to sidestep problem by
    backward iteration
  • We know that if the stage game is only played
    once the potential for cooperation is quite
    slim playing D is a strictly dominant strategy
    for each player
  • An extension of this logic suggests that we
    should not expect to see cooperative behavior if
    the game is played twice, or 10 times, or even
    100 times. To see this, apply backward induction
    in the final game playing D is a strictly
    dominant strategy for both players, so both
    players should expect the outcome (D, D) in the
    final game. We now look at the penultimate
    (second-to-last) game knowing that (D, D) will
    be the outcome in the final game, playing D
    becomes a strictly dominant strategy in the
    penultimate game as well! We continue working
    backwards all the way to the beginning of the
    game, and conclude that the only rational
    prediction is for the players to play (D, D) in
    each of the stage games. So we cannot expect any
    cooperative behavior (Yoram Bauman 2004,
    Quantum Microeconomics, p. 98)

Von Neumann Games Strategic Behavior
  • But this depends on beliefs of other players
  • Consider the prisoners' dilemma Players believe
    that the opponent cooperates in the first period.
    From period 2 until period m-3, the opponent
    cooperates if both players have always
    cooperated. Otherwise the opponent defects. If
    both players have cooperated in period m-3, then,
    in period m-2, the opponent cooperates or defects
    with equal probability. Otherwise the opponent
    defects. In the last two periods, the opponent
    defects. Both players' best response is to
    cooperate until period m-3 (included), and to
    defect in the last three periods. (Alvaro
    Sandroni, 1998. Does Rational Learning Lead to
    Nash Equilibrium in Finitely Repeated Games?
    Journal of Economic Theory (78), p. 200)

Von Neumann Games Strategic Behavior
  • Much interest in recent years has attached to
    repeated games in which a relatively simple
    constituent or stage game (such as the one-period
    Cournot or Prisoners Dilemma games) is played
    repeatedly by a fixed set of players. Strategies
    of simply playing Nash equilibrium strategies of
    the constituent game in each period form a Nash
    equilibrium of the repeated game. But strategies
    in the repeated game may involve taking actions
    conditional on past history, and there are
    usually many other equilibria when the horizon is
    infinite. In fact, many of the main results in
    the supergame literature are variants on the
    so-called Folk Theorem, which says that virtually
    any set of payoffs can arise in a perfect
    equilibrium if the horizon is long enough and the
    discount rate is low enough. Schmalensee p. 647.

Von Neumann Games Strategic Behavior
  • So game theory looks like a sound way to justify
    perfect competition
  • Until you go beyond one-off game
  • Perfect competition only applies for single
    shot game
  • Recommended economic strategy is always defect
  • But always defect just one of many possible
    strategies in repeated games
  • Others include tit for tat
  • cooperate on first play
  • cooperate if opponent cooperates
  • if opponent defects, defect yourself next time
    punish non-cooperation
  • Tends to win game contests

Reality check time!
Economic modelling
  • What is game theory supposed to do?
  • Make economic theory more realistic by
    considering interaction between agents
  • Marshallian theory assumes atomism
  • No reaction to what other firms might do
  • Game theory allows for reactions to what other
    firms might do
  • While still assuming rational behavior
  • Both Marshallian game theory not supposed to be
    what firms actually do
  • Instead, supposed to model as if behavior
  • Whatever they say theyre doing, they must
    really be doing this if they are to be
  • Friedmans argument

Economic modelling
  • Consider the problem of predicting the shots
    made by an expert billiard player excellent
    predictions would be yielded by the hypothesis
    that the billiard player made his shots as if he
    knew the complicated mathematical formulas that
    would give the optimum directions of travel, ,
    could make lightning calculations from the
    formulas, and could then make the balls travel in
    the direction indicated by the formulas. Our
    confidence in this hypothesis is not based on the
    belief that billiard players, even expert ones,
    can or do go through the process described it
    derives rather from the belief that, unless in
    some way or other they were capable of reaching
    essentially the same result, they would not in
    fact be expert billiard players. (Friedman 1953
    The Methodology of Positive Economics)

Economic modelling
  • It is only a short step from these examples to
    the economic hypothesis that under a wide range
    of circumstances individual firms behave as if
    they were seeking rationally to maximize ...
    "profits" ... as if, that is, they knew the
    relevant cost and demand functions, calculated
    marginal cost and marginal revenue from all
    actions open to them, and pushed each line of
    action to the point at which the relevant
    marginal cost and marginal revenue were equal.
    Now, of course, businessmen do not actually and
    literally solve the system of simultaneous
    equations ... The billiard player, if asked how
    he decides where to hit the ball, may say that he
    "just figures it out" the businessman may well
    say that he prices at average cost, with of
    course some minor deviations when the market
    makes it necessary. The one statement is about as
    helpful as the other, and neither is a relevant
    test of the associated hypothesis. (Friedman

Multi-agent modelling
  • Friedmans purpose in The Methodology of
    Positive Economics to stop economists looking
    at empirical research (Blinders predecessors)
  • Economists prefer to try to prove what firms do
    rather than find out
  • But fail proofs either wrong (Marshallian) or
    inconclusive, not robust as realism increases
    (game theory)
  • Computers offer new approach between proof and
    questionnaires simulate see what happens
  • Model large populations using computer
    simulations of agents
  • Carefully design behavior see what well-defined
    agents do

Multi-agent modelling
  • Rather than predicting what profit-maximising
    firms will do, lets find out with simulation
  • Define profit maximisers in terms of behavior
    rather than calculus
  • instrumental profit maximisers
  • Try something (e.g., increase output)
  • If profit increases, do same again
  • If profit falls, reduce output
  • Model single market, demand curve
  • No assumptions about knowing/applying calculus,
  • Just computer programming
  • Give computer precise instructions
  • See what happens!

Multi-agent modelling
  • Basic idea
  • Define demand curve cost functions
  • Create random list of initial outputs for n firms
  • Work out initial price given sum of outputs
  • Create random list of variations in output for n
  • FOR a number of iterations
  • Add variation to output of each firm
  • Work out new price level
  • FOR each firm
  • Work out whether profit has risen or fallen
  • IF rose, keep going the same way ELSE
  • IF fell, reverse direction
  • See whether output converges to Cournot or Keen
  • Trying it out with sample demand curve ten

Multi-agent modelling
  • P(Q)100- 1/100000000 Q
  • C(q) 100000000 50 q
  • Cournot/Game theory prediction firms equate MR
  • Keen profit maximisation prediction firms
    produce where MRMC equals (n-1)/n times P-MC

Multi-agent modelling
  • Start with randomly allocated list of outputs by
    ten firms
  • Random initial quantity between Cournot Keen
    predictions for each firm
  • Initial outputs
  • Next step work out initial profits

Multi-agent modelling
  • Work out vector of changes in output (much
    smaller amounts than the initial output so that
    firms won't end up producing negative amounts)
  • 6 firms reduce output and 4 increase
  • Aggregate output drops a bit
  • Next what are new profit levels?

Multi-agent modelling
  • Curiousity point some firms lose profit by
    reducing output others increase!
  • Firms 0-4 decreased output saw profit fall
  • Firm 6 decreased output saw profit rise
  • Cause elasticity interactions between size of
    aggregate price change size of individual
    output change

Multi-agent modelling
  • Firms 0-4 saw profit fall, so they will alter the
    direction of their output changes
  • Firms 4-9 increased profit, so they continue in
    the same direction
  • If profit rose, this function returns 1 if it
    fell -1
  • This is multiplied by the dq amounts and added to
    second period output to work out third period

Multi-agent modelling
  • The entire program

Random number generator
Random initial outputs
Random change amounts
For r iterations
Calculate market price
Change outputs
Calculate new market price
For each firm
Change direction if profit has fallen
Multi-agent modelling
  • Result for 400 firms
  • Converges towards Keen rather than Cournot
  • BUT doesnt quite reach it apparent complex
    interaction effects between firms

Multi-agent modelling
  • But not ones predicted by game theory
  • Reason local instability of Cournot equilibrium,
    stability of Keen
  • If duopoly begins at Cournot or Keen level
    firms change output seeking higher profit, 1st
    mover will gain at expense of 2nd
  • 2nd will change behavior, affecting 1st mover
  • Sustainable change only if both increase profit
  • Local region around equilibria determines what
    happens next
  • Region around Cournot unstable both firms gain
    if both reduce output
  • Region around Keen stable no sustainable pattern
    of output change possible

Multi-agent modelling
  • Cournot near-equilibrium dynamics
  • True means profit rise from change in output
  • Only sustainable pattern where both firms have
    True result
  • Sustainable change from Cournot, not from Keen
  • Keen near-equilibrium dynamics

Multi-agent modelling
  • Outputs from 3 sample firms
  • Many varying individual behaviors

Multi-agent modelling
  • Multi-agent results show
  • Generally Keen formula better predictor of
    behavior than Cournot
  • Increasing number of firms reduces likelihood of
    Cournot outcome
  • Model still makes false assumption of rising
    marginal cost
  • But shows new analytic approach
  • Accurately define conditions of economy
  • Simulate behavior to see whether theories
    describe reality well
  • Next week sophisticated multi-agent model of
    innovation competition
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