Understanding Managerial Roles - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Understanding Managerial Roles


If performance results do not match the plan, ... or a business or an organization. ... Understanding Managerial Roles – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Understanding Managerial Roles

Understanding Managerial Roles
  • - Tarak Bahadur KC, PhDtarakbkc_at_nasc.org.np

Discussion Points
  • Organisation and Management
  • Manager
  • Managerial Roles and Skills
  • Key Competencies and Personal Qualities of a

  • A systematic arrangement of people brought
    together to accomplish some specific purpose.
  • Two or more people working together toward one or
    more shared goal(s). It is an entity with
  • Specific objectives
  • Structure of authority
  • Division of work
  • Resources
  • System of communication
  • A set of customs (culture)

  • What comes in your mind when you think about
    management and managers? Please express in the
    form of picture or diagram in the flip chart. You
    have five minutes.

  • Management is the art of getting things done
    effectively and efficiently through people using
    organizational resources in a dynamic environment.

Management ensures that these resources are
combined into a total system to accomplish an
objective. It is a process of deciding
  • How many people are to be economically employed,
  • What kinds of people to assign to what jobs,
  • How much money to spend on specific problems,
  • What kinds of activities to perform first and
    what to perform last,
  • How much time should be spent on one activity,
  • Who are the customers and whether they are
    satisfied with its products and services.

(No Transcript)
  • Management is what managers do. Managers perform
    functions Planning, Organising, Directing,
  • Planning analyzing situation, setting goals,
    devising a systematic process for attaining the
    goals of the organization. It prepares the
    organization for the future. What / How / When /
    Who / Where / to do with What resources?
  • This requires an ability to foresee, to
    visualize, to look ahead purposefully.

  • 2. Organizing organising resources to complete
    the job, coordinating activities, coordinating
    and arranging the necessary resources to carry
    out the plan. It is the process of designing /
    creating structure, establishing relationships,
    grouping activities, job descriptions, authority
    and allocating resources to accomplish the goals
    of the organization.

  • 3. Directing / Leading Move to action.
    Communicating, influencing and motivating people.
    Guiding, supervising, coordinating, motivating,
    leading, and overseeing of employees to achieve
    organizational goals. Developing, instructing,
    and helping maintaining a work environment within
    which the members want to perform the best.

  • 4. Controlling monitoring organizational
    performance. Verifying that actual performance
    matches the plan. If performance results do not
    match the plan, corrective action is taken. 1, 2,
    3 do not assure that the undertaking will be a
  • How well should work be done?
  • How well is it being done maintaining
    organizational performance?

  • People who manage other people and resources are
    called managers. A manager is a person who is
    responsible for running a particular section, or
    a business or an organization. Without his
    leadership the resources of production remain
    resources and never become production. A manager
  • Targets to achieve
  • People to manage
  • Tasks to perform
  • An organisation to liaise with, and
  • A distinct shortage of time
  • Basically there are two types of managers doer
    and developer.

Exercise Types of Manager
  • Spend few minutes reflecting on how you see
    yourself as a manager are you mainly a doer or
    developer? Focus on how much you
  • Delegate work when possible
  • Invest time in developing people

Exercise Types of Manager
  • Now, place a mark on the line below to indicate
    where you think you are on the continuum between
    the two.
  • Doer .Developer
  • Most effective way of Want someone getting the
    job done for a more
  • on time senior position

Types of Manager
Doer Developer
Performing tasks and achieving targets Do not like delegating, prefer to lead by example Doing as much as can Do not invest time in developing the capabilities of their people Enabling the team to perform tasks and achieve targets Delegate as much as possible to have time for strategic functions Motivating and supporting to take increasing responsibility Invest considerable time in developing the capabilities of people
Depends on several factors nature of work,
capabilities of people, organisational culture,
own preferences, etc.
Traditional vs. Entrepreneurial Manager
Traditional Manager Entrepreneurial Manager
Tries to avoid mistakes Postpones recognizing failure Agrees with those in power Wants to please top management Likes the system and sees it as nurturing and protective Works out problems by working within the system Utilizes the hierarchy as a basic power differentiation between levels Is wiling to make mistakes in order to learn Admits mistakes and moves on Gets those in power to be committed to what should be done Wants to please sponsors, customers and staff Dislikes the system and learns how to manipulate it Works out problems by learning how to bypass the system Uses the hierarchy as only a tool for getting things done more efficiently
Levels of Managers
Supervise Others
Top Managers
Middle Managers
First-Line Managers
Work on Jobs
Front-Line Employees
The Levels of an Organization
Levels of Managers
  • First-line managers
  • Responsible for day-to-day operations. Supervise
    people performing activities required to make the
    good or service.
  • Middle managers
  • Supervise first-line managers. Are responsible to
    find the best way to use departmental resources
    to achieve goals.
  • Top managers
  • Responsible for the performance of all
    departments and have cross-departmental
    responsibility. Establish organizational goals
    and monitor middle managers.

Areas of Involvement
  • In order to manage people, a manager has to be
    involved in the following areas
  • Activity what people do.
  • Performance how well people do.
  • Career planning of career development.
  • Life non-work issues (personal).

What is a Role?
  • A role is a set of responsibilities organised
    (or a pattern of behaviours used) to produce
    specific outputs related to a specific function/

Exercise Managerial Roles
  • What you do as a manager (tasks / functions)?

The Managerial Roles
- Henry Mintzberg

  • A. Interpersonal Roles arise directly from the
    formal authority the manager has and involve
    interpersonal relationships.
  • 1. Figurehead role
  • The manager performs ceremonial and symbolic
    duties by virtue of his position. They include
    receiving dignitaries, attending parties,
    visiting the sick employees, etc.
  • 2. Leadership role
  • This role is particularly performed by heads of
    units or departments. As heads managers are
    responsible for the work of people in that unit.
    As a leader he gives directions, appraises
    performance, correct mistakes, disciplines staff,
    motivates subordinates, determines rewards and
    punishments, etc.
  • 3. Liaison role
  • The manager ensures contacts with other units
    and outside agencies on behalf of own unit. He
    works more as a public relations officer.

  • B. Informational Roles. Due to his status and
    contacts the manager gets to know a lot of
    information which may not be available to his
    subordinates. This information he uses in a
    variety of ways for the effective functioning of
    his unit.
  • 4. Monitor
  • As a monitor of information, the manager scans
    his environment for information. As a monitor of
    information he is continuously keeping his ears
    open for all sources. Typically, this is done by
    reading papers and talking with others.
  • 5. Disseminator
  • After having acquired information, the manager
    also passes this information relatively to his
    subordinates, superiors and colleagues.
  • 6. Spokesman role
  • The manager represents his unit and its problems
    in different forums. As a spokesman, the manager
    presents the problem of his unit to others, and
    presents information to others who control his
    unit and so on.

  • C. Decisional Roles. By virtue of the position
    and authority vested in him, a manager is
    continuously making decisions dealing with the
    unit's strategy, allocation of resources, solving
    problems, etc.
  • 7. Entrepreneurial role
  • The manager seeks to respond to the changing
    conditions of environment. He is constantly
    looking for new ideas and initiating development
  • 8. Disturbance handler
  • He responds to pressures and crisis situations.
  • 9. Resource allocater
  • This role involves the allocation of resources
    human, physical, financial and other forms of
    resources to get things done. Allocation of his
    own time and powers are important dimension
  • 10. Negotiator
  • The manager is carrying on negotiations with
    external as well as internal agents. The
    negotiator role is very important as the
    manager's capability to negotiate determines the
    unit's performance.

Category Role Activity Examples
Informational (managing by information) Monitor Seek and acquire work-related information Scan/read trade press,  periodicals, reports attend seminars andtraining maintain personal contacts
  Disseminator Communicate/ disseminate information to others within the organization Send memos and reports inform staffers and subordinates of decisions
  Spokesperson Communicate/transmit information to outsiders Pass on memos, reports and informational materials participate inconferences/meetings and report progress
Interpersonal (managing through people) Figurehead Perform social and legal duties, act as symbolic leader Greet visitors, sign legal documents, attend ribbon cutting ceremonies,host receptions, etc.
  Leader Direct and motivate subordinates, select and train employees Includes almost all interactions with subordinates
  Liaison Establish and maintain contacts within and outside the organization Business correspondence, participation in meetings with representativesof other divisions or organizations. 
Decisional (managing through action) Entrepreneur Identify new ideas and initiate improvement projects Implement innovations Plan for the future
  Disturbance Handler Deals with disputes or problems and takes corrective action Settle conflicts between subordinates Choose strategic alternatives Overcome crisis situations
Resource Allocator Decide where to apply resources Draft and approve of plans, schedules, budgets Set priorities
Negotiator Defends business interests Participates in and directs negotiations within team, department, and organization
  • A manager does not perform each of these roles in
    isolation. In fact all these roles are linked and
    in reality it may become difficult to separate
    them. Some managers may be performing more of one
    set of roles than others. Most managers
    irrespective of their levels and nature perform,
    to a little degree at least, all these roles.
  • In the real world, these roles overlap and a
    manager must learn to balance them in order to
    manage effectively. While a managers work can be
    analyzed by these individual roles, in practice
    they are intermixed and interdependent.

Managerial Skills
  • Skill is the knowledge and ability that enables
    one to do a job very well.
  • Managers need to develop different skills in
    order to perform their duties effectively. There
    are some basic skills, which all managers should

Exercise Managerial Skills
  • What skills you require to perform the role of a

Managerial Skills
  • Robert Katz identified three types of skills to
    make a manager effective technical, human and
  • 1. Technical skills involve an understanding of,
    and proficiency in a specific kind of activity
    particularly one involving methods, processes,
    procedures and techniques.
  • 2. Human skills reflect the ability of a manager
    to work effectively as a team member and build
    cooperative effort within the team he heads.
    Human skills deal with working with people.
  • 3. Conceptual skills involve the ability to see
    the enterprise as a whole. It includes
    recognising how the various functions of an
    organisation depend on one another and how
    changes in one part affect all the other parts
    and it extends to visualising the relationship of
    the individual business to the organisation, the
    community and the political, social and economic
    forces of the nation as a whole.

Management Skills
- Robert Katz
Managerial Skills
Communication Leadership Listening Delegation Critical Thinking Trustworthy Decision Making Time Management Managing Discipline Motivation Managing conflict Managing meeting Managing diversity Maintaining integrity
Key Competencies
  • A competency is more than just knowledge and
    skill. It involves creative abilities to meet
    complex demands of society and organisations by
    drawing on and mobilising psychosocial resources
    including attitudes, motivation and values which
    an individual must possess in order to produce
    the outputs for his/her roles in a particular
  • Job competency describes the underlying
    characteristics of an individual that drive
    behaviour leading to superior performance in a

Exercise Key Competencies
  • What are key competencies of a manager?
  • A competency is a generic knowledge, motive,
    trait, value, bahaviour, self-image, social role
    or skill of a person that is usually related to
    superior performance on a job, such as

  • Leadership / Self Management
  • Decision Making
  • Personal Effectiveness- Integrity, Interpersonal
    skills / Communication, Adaptive, Innovative,
    Creative, Self-directed and Self-motivated
  • Strategic Planning
  • Change Management
  • Learning and Achievement Orientation
  • Technical Know-how
  • According to American Management Association, the
    competencies of an effective manager are
  • Entrepreneurial competencies
  • Intellectual competencies
  • Socio-emotional competencies
  • Interpersonal competencies

Key competencies, OECD (1997)
  • Individuals need to be able to
  • use a wide range of tools for interacting
    effectively with the environment.
  • engage with others in an increasingly
    interdependent world
  • take responsibility for managing their own lives,
    situate their lives in the broader social context
    and act autonomously

(No Transcript)
Personal Qualities
  • A quality is a characteristic like honesty that
    is part of the nature of a person.
  • Among other things, those who want to lead people
    and manage events must bring with them a set of
    qualities that cant always be taught but can be
  • Will Desire to make a difference, influence
    others, and gain satisfaction from doing so -in
    sum, the "will to manage."
  • Power Healthy desire for power. Enjoy it but
    dont abuse it.
  • EmpathyAble to understand feelings and roles of

Exercise Personal Qualities
  • What are Personal Qualities of a Manager?
  • A manager must
  • Be a professional- integrity, courage,
    imagination, commitment
  • Know oneself, job, organisation and human nature-
    needs emotions
  • Do directing, implementing, monitoring

  • Character the thought man, the action man,
    the front man
  • Capacity to judge upon relevant advice and to
    decide promptly and rightly
  • Capacity to inspire confidence among subordinates
    / team player
  • Earning respect from being to be fair,
    trustworthy and approachable.
  • No vacillation after a decision is made.

Successful Manager
  • Needs knowledge of all factors that he has to
    manage and all that is beyond, which directly or
    indirectly impinge on his micro environment
  • Is impartial
  • Creates conducive work environment - Geeta

Thank You
Managing and leading endeavors
  • Managers Leaders
  • Handle things Inspire people
  • Maintain stability Force change
  • Emphasises process Emphasises people
  • Define procedures Create vision
  • Solve today's problems Seek tomorrow's
  • Use their heads Listen to their hearts
  • Get people to do things Get people to
    want to do things
  • Count beans Win wars
  • Asks how and when Asks what and why
  • Directs Motivates
  • Surrender to context Conquer context

Managers do things right.Leaders do the right
things.- Warren Bennis
A Manager must be able to manage and lead at the
same time.
Examples of managing and leading at the same time
Activity Managing Leading
Run a meeting Follow the agenda Build consensus
Sell a proposal Persuade with logic Create enthusiasm
Devise a plan Issue instructions Give people ownership
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