The Menace of Obesity, its Health Hazards and Management - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Menace of Obesity, its Health Hazards and Management


Simply put, obesity is a state of excess accumulation of fat in the body. It leads to a number of health-related complications and reduces life expectancy. The health hazards of obesity include hypertension, type 2 diabetes, dyslipidemia, cancer, liver disease, reproductive disorders, heart disease, mood disorders, etc. Lifestyle modification and dietary changes are suggested to an obese person. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Menace of Obesity, its Health Hazards and Management

"Lifestyle Disorder"
  • Obesity is the most common disorder of the
    affluent countries of the West as well as the
    higher socio- economic groups of our country.
  • It is a state of excess accumulation of fat in
    the body
  • Obesity is a condition of excess body weight,
    i.e. when the weight of a person is 20 or more
    than the ideal body weight
  • The ideal body weight of a person depends on age,
    sex, height and body frame
  • However, as each person is an individual, even
    normal values of ideal body weight in healthy
    persons vary over a relatively wide range

  • Body Mass Index (BMI)-
  • The Body Mass Index (BMI) is a statistical
    measurement derived from your height and weight
  • Although it is considered to be a useful way to
    estimate healthy body weight, it does not measure
    the percentage of body fat
  • The BMI measurement can sometimes be misleading -
    a muscleman may have a high BMI but have much
    less fat than an unfit person whose BMI is lower
  • However, in general, the BMI measurement can be a
    useful indicator for an 'average person'

  • Two important factors associated with the
    risk of developing several chronic diseases are
    total body fat and the distribution of that fat
    on the abdomen and trunk or peripherally on the
    arms and legs.
  • "Body fat comprises "essential" and "storage"
  • Essential Fat is present in small amounts in the
    muscles, bone and marrow, heart, lungs, liver and
    nervous tissue and is required for their normal
  • Storage Fat is the energy reserve stored as
    adipose tissue under the skin and around the
    internal organs and is expandable
  • "The total body fat(essential and storage)
    associated with optimal health is 10-25 of body
    weight for a normal adult man and 18-30 for a
    normal adult woman"

Distribution of Fat-
  • It differs in men and women and is controlled
  • Excess of subcutaneous truncal abdominal fat is
    known as"android fat" distribution and gives the
    body an "apple shaped" appearance the trunk to
    hip ratio becomes high
  • It is common in men
  • Risk Factors-
  • Cardiovascular problems
  • Hypertension
  • Hyperlipidemia and
  • Android obesity is also known as
  • the metabolic syndrome

Distribution of Fat-
  • Deposits of gluteo-femoral fat around the hips
    and thighs is the "gynoid fat" seen in women
  • Giving a "pear shape" to the body
  • The fat deposits support the demands of pregnancy
    and lactation
  • Risk Factors-
  • Predisposition to glucose intolerance
  • Cardiovascular disease is lower with gynoid fat
  • After menopause, women are more likely to have
    the android fat distribution and hence have
    greater risk of diabetes and cardiovascular

Assessment of Obesity-
  • Standard weight for height measures
  • Body mass index(BMI)/Quetelet's Index
  • Waist Circumference
  • Skinfold Thickness

Health Hazards of Obesity-
  • Obesity leads to psychological problems
  • Mechanical disabilities
  • Predisposes to renal diseases
  • Metabolic diseases
  • Cardiovascular diseases and
  • Reduces life expectancy

Health Hazards of Obesity
Health Hazards of Obesity-
  • The causes of obesity have been a subject of
    continuous, intensive research
  • It is an interplay of both genetic and
    environmental factors involving several variables
  • Genetic factors
  • Psychological factors
  • Behavioural factors Physical inactivity, Eating
    habits, Social aspects
  • Physiological factors Age and sex, Endocrinal

  • Successful weight loss can be brought about
    through a combined nutritional and behavioural
  • Diet and feeding pattern-
  • The satiety value of the diet is extremely
    important so as to give a feeling of satisfaction
    and well being
  • Adequate amount of protein foods, fibrous fruits
    and vegetables, whole grains and pulses provide
    satiety and thus help cut down food intake
  • Fluid and salt restriction is not needed unless
    obesity is accompanied by odema, hypertension and
    congestive heart failure. Beverages, however,
    should not be sweetened

  • Foods to be used in restricted amount or avoided
  • High fat foods like butter, processed cheese,
    chocolates, cream, ice cream, fatty meals, fried
    foods like samosa, mathries, pranthas, poories,
    kachories, potato chips, nuts pastries, saland
    dressing, etc.
  • High carbohydrate foods such as bread, cakes,
    cookies, dried fruits, rich pulaos, potatoes,
    sweet potatoes, honey, syrups, jams, rich
    puddings, etc.
  • Carbonated and malted beverages, alcoholic drinks
    and sweetened fruit juices

Criteria of weight reducing diets are-
  • Deficient in energy
  • Adequate in other nutrients
  • Sufficient bulk to provide satiety
  • Easily adapted from family meals
  • Easy to follow when eating out
  • Reasonable in cost
  • Must modify dietary behaviour

Lifestyle Modification forWeight Loss
  • Lifestyle modification is most important, not
    only to bring about weight loss, but also to
    maintain the weight loss achieved
  • It requires analyzing behaviour to identify
    events associated with eating, exercise and
    thinking and hence to avoid those that contribute
    to weight gain
  • Self-maintaining and self-discipline are required
    to exercise control and bring about behavioural

You can also know more about some good eating
habits lifestyle modification programs through
the website
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