Chapter 7. Terrestrial Decomposition - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chapter 7. Terrestrial Decomposition


Chapter 7. Terrestrial Decomposition – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Chapter 7. Terrestrial Decomposition

Chapter 7. Terrestrial Decomposition
  • Principles of Ecosystem Ecology
  • Chapin et al., 2002

  • Decomposition breaks down dead organic matter,
    releasing carbon to the atmosphere and nutrients
    in forms that can be used for plant and microbial
  • In the next two lectures we will discuss the key
    controls over decomposition and soil organic
    matter accumulation by ecosystems

  • Decomposition is the physical and chemical
    breakdown of detritus (i.e., dead plant, animal,
    and microbial material)
  • Heterotrophic respiration is a sub-concept of the
    term decomposition Rh only concerns the
    production of CO2 during the decomposition of
    organic substrates used for growth and
    maintenance of the decomposers
  • The balance between primary production and
    decomposition strongly influences C cycling at
    ecosystem and global scales

Decomposition Processes
  • Decomposition results from three types of
    processes with different controls and
  • (1) Leaching
  • (2) Fragmentation
  • (3) Chemical alteration
  • Litter ? SOM ? humus
  • Litter recognizable plant debris (e.g., Oi, Oe)
  • Humus unrecognizable, microbially modified,
    amorphous, colloidal (e.g., Oa)
  • SOM includes both litter and humus (sometimes
    living biomass in soil included as well)

  • Leaching is the rate-determining step for mass
    loss of litter when it first falls to the ground
  • Leaching is the physical process by which mineral
    ions and small water-soluble organic compounds
    dissolve in water and move through the soil
  • Compounds leached from leaves include sugars,
    amino acids, and other compounds that are labile
    (readily broken down) or are absorbed intact by
    soil microbes

Litter Fragmentation
  • Fragmentation creates fresh surfaces for
    microbial colonization and increases the
    proportion of the litter mass that is accessible
    to microbial attack
  • Fragmentation of litter greatly enhances
    microbial decomposition by piercing protective
    barriers and by increasing the ratio of litter
    surface area to mass.
  • Soil fauna are the main agents of litter
  • More important generally in grasslands and
    deciduous forests than in coniferous forests
    also important in arid ecosystems

Fig. 7.1 Representative types and sizes of soil
Soil Animals (Microfauna)
  • Soil animals influence decomposition by
    fragmenting and transforming litter, grazing
    populations of bacteria and fungi, and altering
    soil structure
  • Microfauna are the smallest animals (lt0.1 mm in
    width). They include nematodes, protozoans
    (ciliates and amoebae) and some mites
  • Protozoans consist of a single cell and ingest
    their prey primarily by phagocytosis.
  • Protozoans are usually mobile and are voracious
    predators of bacteria and other microfauna

Nematode (caught in a fungal web)
Amoeba protozoan
Ciliate protozoan
Soil Animals (Microfauna)
  • Nematodes are an abundant and trophically diverse
    group in which each species specializes on
    bacteria, fungi, roots or other soil animals
  • Protozoans are particularly important predators
    in the rhizosphere
  • Protozoans and nematodes are aquatic animals that
    move through water films on the surface of soil
    particles and are therefore sensitive to water

Soil Animals (Mesofauna)
  • The mesofauna are a taxonomically diverse group
    of soil animals 0.1 to 2 mm in width
  • They fragment and ingest litter coated with
    microbial biomass, producing large amounts of
    fecal material with a greater surface area and
    moisture-holding capacity than the original
  • Springtails (Collembola) are small insects that
    feed primarily on fungi
  • Mites (Acari) are a more trophically diverse
    group of spider-like animals that consume
    decomposing litter or feed on bacteria and/or

Soil Animals (Macrofauna)
  • Macrofauna (gt2 mm in width), such as earthworms
    and termites, alter resource availability by
    modifying the physical properties of soils and
  • Some macrofauna fragment litter like the
    mesofauna others burrow or ingest soil, reducing
    soil bulk density, breaking up soil aggregates,
    and increasing soil aeration and the infiltration
    of water

Earthworm Millsonia anomala
Termites Macrotermes muelleri on fungus comb
Soil Animals (Macrofauna)
  • The passages created by earthworms create
    channels in the soil through which water and
    roots readily penetrate
  • In temperate pastures earthworms may process 4 kg
    m-2 y-1 of soil, moving 3 to 4 mm of new soil to
    the ground surface each year this is a
    geomorphic force that is, on average, orders of
    magnitude larger than landslides or surface soil

Casts of earthworm (Eudrilidae) scattered over of
the soil
Termites nest (Macrotermes bellicosus )
Soil Animals (Macrofauna)
  • Soil mixing by earthworms tends to disrupt the
    formation of distinct soil horizons
  • Once the soil enters the digestive tract of an
    earthworm, mixing and secretions by the earthworm
    stimulate microbial activity, so soil microbes
    act as gut mutualists
  • Earthworms are most abundant in the temperate
    zone, whereas termites are most abundant in
    tropical soils.
  • Termites eat plant litter directly, digest the
    cellulose with the aid of mutualistic protozoans
    in their guts, and mix the organic matter into
    the soil

Soil Animals (Macrofauna)
  • Soil food webs are complex, so many of the
    effects of soil animals on decomposition are
  • Loss or exclusion of soil invertebrates can
    reduce decomposition rate (and therefore nutrient
    cycling) substantially, indicating the important
    role of animals in the decomposition process

A GREATLY simplified soil food web.
Soil Animals
  • The soil fauna is critical to the carbon and
    nutrient dynamics of soils. Microbes contain 70
    to 80 of the labile C and N in soils, so
    variations in predation rates of microbes by
    fauna dramatically alter C and N turnover in
  • Soil animals account for only about 5 of soil
    respiration, so their major effect on
    decomposition is their enhancement of microbial
    activity through fragmentation, rather than their
    own processing of energy derived from detritus

Chemical Alteration by Fungi
  • Fungi are the main initial decomposers of
    terrestrial dead plant material and, together
    with bacteria, account for 80-90 of the total
    decomposer biomass and respiration
  • Fungi have networks of hyphae (i.e., filaments
    that enable them to grow into new substrates and
    transport materials through the soil over
    distances of cm to m)
  • Hyphal networks enable fungi to acquire their
    carbon in one place and their N in another
  • White-rot fungi decompose lignin to get at N

A network of fungal hyphae binding soil particles
on to wheat stubble
The white-rot fungus, Bjerkandera adusta, growing
on a beech stump
Chemical Alteration by Fungi
  • Fungi account for 60-90 of the microbial biomass
    in forest soils, where litter frequently has a
    high lignin and low N concentration
  • They have a competitive advantage at low pH,
    which is also common in forest soils
  • Fungi make up about half the microbial biomass in
    grassland soils where pH is higher, and wood is
  • Most fungi lack a capacity for anaerobic
    metabolism and are therefore absent from or
    dormant in anaerobic soils and aquatic sediments

Chemical Alteration by Bacteria
  • The small size and large surfacevolume ratio of
    bacteria enable them to rapidly absorb soluble
    substrates and to grow and divide quickly in
    substrate-rich zones
  • The major functional limitation resulting from
    their small size is that each bacterium is
    completely dependent on the substrates that move
    to the bacterium
  • There is a wide range of bacterial types in
    soils. Rapidly growing gram-negative bacteria
    specialize on labile substrates secreted by roots

Mixed culture of large Gram positive rod and
small Gram negative rods.
Gram Stain The Gram technique involves the
application of two dyes, crystal violet and
safranin. If the cell wall is composed of
peptidoglycan, crystal violet would adhere to the
molecules and will appear violet purple in color.
If the cell wall contains little or no
peptidoglycan, the crystal violet will decolorize
and a counterstain of safranin is used.
Chemical Alteration by Bacteria
  • Actinomycetes are slow-growing gram-positive
    bacteria that have a filamentous structure
    similar to that of fungal hyphae
  • Like fungi, actinomycetes produce
    lignin-degrading enzymes and can break down
    relatively recalcitrant substrates
  • They often produce fungicides to reduce
    competition from fungi
  • Much of the fungal and bacterial biomass is
    metabolically inactive at any given point in time

Myxococcus xanthus G- bacterium
Nocardia colony G bacterium
Temporal Pattern of Decomposition
  • The predominant controls over decomposition
    change with time

Mean Residence Time (MRT)
Units time
Units time-1
Lt is mass at time t, Lo is initial mass, k
decomposition constant
Fig. 7.2 Time course of litter
decomposition Phase 1 Leaching Phase 2
Relatively constant fractional mass loss Phase
3 Stabilization
Temporal Pattern of Decomposition
  • Methods for studying
  • Tethered litter
  • Litterbags
  • Isotopically labeled

Litterbag 3 x 4 mm mesh, bridal veil material,
containing ponderosa pine needles
  • Problems with litterbags
  • May exclude soil fauna
  • Alter microenvironment
  • Utility decreases with time
  • Use of uniformly labeled litter
  • Has none of the disadvantages above
  • Can track the movement of labeled elements
    out of the bag
  • Example
  • Hart (1990)
  • 14C and 15N labeled Bromus mollis litter

(No Transcript)
(No Transcript)
Factors Controlling Decomposition
  • Decomposition is controlled by three types of
  • (1) the physical environment
  • (2) the quantity and quality of substrate
    available to decomposers
  • (3) the characteristics of the microbial community

Physical Environment
  • Temperature direct Q10 effects and indirect

Relationship between soil respiration and soil
temperature across ecosystems (standardized so
that soil respiration at all sites is equal at
Temperature response curve for a single soil
(Arrhenius plot linear relation between log of
rate vs. 1 / temperature)
Fig. 7.4
Fig. 7.5 - Forest Floor biomass and aboveground
litter inputs for selected evergreen forests
Physical Environment
  • Moisture organic matter accumulation is greatest
    in wet soils because decomposition is more
    restricted by high soil moisture than is NPP, but
    is less restricted by low soil moisture than is
    NPP (note deserts have low SOM)
  • Oxygen diffusion is 10,000 slower through water
    than through air
  • Generally, microbial activity optimal near 0.01
    MPa (field capacity about 0.033 MPa)

Soil moisture-temperature interactive effects on
microbial respiration
Physical Environment
  • Soil properties
  • Decomposition highest at circum-neutral pH
  • Disturbances increases decomposition by promoting
    aeration and new surfaces for microbial attack

The influence of environment on the decomposition
of ponderosa pine needles. Partial restoration
treatment involved thinning of small diameter
trees. Complete restoration treatment included
this thinning and forest floor biomass reduction
and reintroduction of prescribed fire. Higher
moisture (more canopy throughfall) and warmer
soils (more isolation) likely contributed to the
faster rates of litter decomposition in the
restored stands (Hart, unpublished data).
Substrate Quality
  • Carbon quality of substrates may be the
    predominant chemical control over decomposition
    (five- to ten-fold range in decomposition rate of
    litter in a given climate)
  • Substrate quality susceptibility of a substrate
    to decomposition measured under standardized
  • (1) labile, metabolic compounds, such as sugars
    and amino acids
  • (2) moderately labile structural compounds such
    as cellulose and hemicellulose
  • (3) recalcitrant structural material such as
    lignin and defensive compounds such as condensed

Fig. 7.8 Comparison of decomposition dynamics
of substrates of varying qualities.
Substrate Quality Predictors
  • CN ratio (or N) Why does it work?
  • Litter CN 1001, microbe 101
  • If respire 50 of C, CN 501 still too much C
  • Need to import N, slows decomposition
  • ButN fertilization doesnt always lead to higher
    decomposition rates Why?
  • Limitation of available C
  • N interaction with organic matter

Leaf Litter Decomposition Rates in Ecosystems of
the Colorado Plateau

Fig. 7.10 -Relationship for hardwood leaf litters
in NE USA other factors like climate would
change overall values
The decomposition constants shown here should NOT
have a negative sign attached to them!
Substrate Quality Predictors
  • LigninN Why does it work?
  • Same principle as with CN
  • Lignin better measure of C quality than total C

Nutrient Dynamics During Decomposition
Inverse linear relationship denotes net N
Nearly vertical lines denote mass loss in
proportion to N release
Initial N lt0.5 Initial CN gt100
Initial N gt1.25 Initial CN lt 42
N in Remaining Material
N in Remaining Material
The LIDET data set 27 species of leaf and root
litter decomposing across over 28 contrasting
sites in North and Central America (LIDET
Nutrient Dynamics During Decomposition
Net N immobilization in ponderosa pine needles
during decomposition, suggesting N-limitation of
microbial growth of decomposers.
Nutrient Dynamics During Decomposition
Net P release in ponderosa pine needles during
decomposition, suggesting P is in excess of
decomposer demand (Hart, unpublished data).
Controls on SOM Decomposition
  • Controls on humus decomposition different than
  • Temperature may not be as strong a driver
  • Why? Interactions with surfaces (clays) become

Physical Environment
Fig. 7.7 - Clay interacts with SOM impeding its
Microbial Community Composition
  • Believed to be important to decomposition, but
    not well understood
  • Many enzymes involved in decomposition are
    ubiquitous (e.g., proteases, peptidases) others
    are not (e.g., phenol oxidases produced by
    white-rot fungi and some actinomycetes)

Long-term Storage of SOM
  • In climates that are favorable for decomposition,
    humus is the major long-term reservoir of soil
  • Humification several important biotic and
    abiotic processes and several theories
  • Lignin Theory
  • Polyphenol Theory
  • Sugar-Amine Theory (browning reactions)

Fig. 7.12 - This diagram is a mixture of all
three major theories of humus formation
Fig. 7.13 - Many important processes in
Note the quinones should have O double bonded to
C, NOT OH groups
A hypothetical humic acid
Decomposition at the Ecosystem Scale
  • Aerobic heterotrophic respiration is the major
    avenue of carbon loss from ecosystems
  • The controls over stand-level decomposition are
    similar to the controls over GPP and NPP
  • Most of the annual heterotrophic decomposition
    (respiration) occurs from recent litter (not
  • Currently, we cannot measure heterotrophic
    respiration directly (surrogates soil
    respiration, ecosystem respiration during night
    both of these include root respiration)

Fig. 7.15 - Relationship between mean annual soil
respiration rate and mean annual NPP for Earth's
major biomes
KEY Agricultural lands (A), boreal forest and
woodland (B), desert scrub (D), temperate forest
(F), temperate grassland (G), moist tropical
forest (M), tropical savanna and dry forest (S),
tundra (T), and Mediterranean woodland and heath
11 line
Root respiration probably accounts for the 25
greater soil respiration than NPP at any point
along this regression line
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