Title: GHSCareers.net
- to do whatever is necessary to assure that all
students are prepared to be successful citizens
that are able to participate in a global
community and recognize the need for life-long
learning. --Mission Statement
- Academy Principal- Dr. Diane Bryant
Counselor Michael Jackson Lead Teacher LaCrisia
Larkin Apprenticeship Chris Wade-Curry English
Christi Conti Gay Maehriein Family and
Consumer Science Karen Jackson Whittney
PeckhamHealth/PE Clay McDonald Jennifer
Moore Healthcare Science Amy Marcone Math Dave
Head, Andy Miller Louise Morrison Science Amy
Ahrens, Lori Dunagan Dr. Mark Henson Social
Studies Sonya Barrett Dave McConnell SPED
Laura Lucas, Tyrone Lucas Bryson Worley
(RVI) Trade and Industry Darrell Lucas, Mollie
Neufeld and Keith VincentTechnology Mark
Wade Charles Witt
3If you want to be a..Choose..
Cluster Family and Consumer Science
Pathway Teacher Education
Pathway Early Childhood Studies
- School Teacher or Childcare Provider
4If you want to be a..Choose..
Cluster Family and Consumer Science
Pathway Nutrition and Wellness
- Professional Chef, Dietician
5If you want to be an..Choose..
Cluster Trade and Industrial
Pathway Engineering Drawing and Design
6If you want to be an..Choose..
Cluster Family and Consumer Science
Pathway Housing and Interiors
- Interior Designer or Housing Designer
7If you want to be a..Choose..
Cluster Healthcare Science Technology
Pathway Pre-PharmacyPathway Pharmacy
Assistant Certificate Program
- Pharmacist, Pharmacy Technician, Pharmacy
8If you want to be a..Choose..
Cluster Trade and Industrial
Pathway Construction
Pathway Engineering Drawing Design
9If you want to be a..Choose..
Cluster Healthcare Science Technology
Pathway Therapeutic and Diagnostic
- Doctor, Nurse, X-Ray Tech, Physical Therapist
10If you want to be a..Choose..
Cluster Trade and Industry
Pathway Engineering Drawing and Design
Cluster Technology
Pathway Engineering
- Civil or Structural Engineer
11If you want to be a..Choose..
Cluster Technology
Pathway Information Data Pathway Management
- Programmer, Systems Analyst, Network Engineer
12If you want to be a..Choose..
Cluster Healthcare Science Technology
Pathway Informatics and Environmental
- Medical Researcher, Records Tech., Equipment
13If you want to be a..Choose..
Cluster Trade and Industry
Pathway Construction
- Carpenter, Brick Mason, Plumber, Electrician
14If you want to be a..Choose..
Cluster Technology
Pathway Information Operations Support
- Web Designer, Animation Designer, Audio/Video
15If you want to be a..Choose..
Cluster Technology
Pathway Engineering
Cluster Trade and Industrial
Pathway Car Audio Certificate Program
- Electrical Engineer, Electronics Technician,
Car/Audio Installation and Repair
16If you want to be a..Choose..
Cluster Horticulture (FUTURE ADDITION)
Pathway Landscape Design and Management
- Landscape Architect, Turf Grass Management
Can Get You Started!!!!!