Title: Lecture 17 Search Trees I
1Lecture 17 Search Trees I
- April 22, 2008
- Prof. Kyu Ho Park
2Keys and Comparable Types
- ?Comparable Interface
- public int compareTo(Object object)
- ? It returns an integer c that is assumed to
signal one of three possibilities - If clt0, then this object is less than the
given object - If c0, then this object is equal to the
given object - If cgt0, then this object is greater than
the given object.
3Binary Search Trees
- As an implementation of a dictionary for example
we study several data structures. - When ordered access is needed, search trees are
the best data structures to use.
4compareTo( )
- ? Example
- String s1 ACE, s2 ADB
- if (s1.compareTo(s2) lt 0) System.out.println(
s1lts2) - if (s2.compareTo(s1) gt 0) System.out.println(
s2gts1) -
5Node Class
- ? class Node
- int iData// data used as key value
- double dataToStore
- node leftChild
- node rightChild
6Inorder Traversing
- private void inOrder(node localRoot)
- if( localRoot ! null)
- inOrder( localRoot.leftChild)
- System.out.print(localRoot.iData )
- inOrder(localRoot.rightChild)
Traversing Visit all the nodes in some specified
7Expression Tree and Infix, Prefixand Postfix
- Infix A (B C)
- Prefix ABC
- Postfix ABC
3 representations
Expression tree
8Binary Search Trees(BST)
- ? BST
- It is a binary tree that contains a key-address
pair in each node which satisfies this BST
property - For each key in the tree, all the keys in its
left subtree are less than it, and all the keys
in its right subtree are greater than it.
- ? BST traversal
- An inorder traversal of a BST visits the keys in
increasing order
10BST Retrieve
- ? Input a BST T and a key.
- Output the data address for that key , or null
if that key is not in T. - 1. If T is empty, return null.
- 2. If key lt root.key, return the value returned
by recursively searching left for key. - 3. If key gt root.key return the value returned
by recursively searching right for key. - 4. Return root.address
11BST Insertion
- ?A new node is always inserted at the leaves of
the tree. - Input a BST T and a key-address pair.
- Output false if key is already in T otherwise
true. - PostCondition the key-address pair is in T
- 1. If T is empty, make it a singleton
containing the key-address pair, and return
true. - 2. If key lt root.key, return the value returned
by recursively inserting the key-address pair
in the left subtree. - 3. If key gt root.key, return the value returned
by recursively inserting the key-address pair
in the right subtree. - 4. Return false.
12BST insertion
- if you insert the keys 22,33,44,55,66,77,88,99 ,
what will happen?
13Building a BST
? BSTs are built by repeated calls to the insert
14The Best-case and Worst-case BST
15BST Delete
16BST Delete
17BST Deletion
- ? How to find the inorder successor y of a BST
node x. There are three possibilities - 1. If x has a right subtree, then y is the
left-most node in that subtree. - 2. Otherwise, if x has a right ancestor, then y
is its closest right ancestor. - 3. Otherwise, x is the right-most node in tree
and therefore has no inorder successor.
18Inorder successor of a node
19BST Minimum
? BST minimum algorithm Input a nonempty BST
T. Output the minimum node in T. 1.Let x be
the root of T. 2.While x.left is not empty, set
x x.left. 3.Return x.
20BST Successor
- Input a nonempty BST T and a node x.
- Output the inorder successor of x ,
- or nil if x is the maximum element of T.
- Precondition x is not the maximum node of T.
- 1. If the right subtree of x is not empty,
return its minimum. - 2.Whle x is a right child, set x x.parent.
- 3. Return x.parent(which may be NIL).
21BST Delete
Input a BST T and a key Output false if key is
not found in T otherwise true. PostCondition
the key is not in T. 1. If T is empty, return
false. 2. If key lt root.key, return the value
returned by recursively deleting the key from
the left subtree. 3. If key gt root.key, return
the value returned by recursively deleting the
key from the right subtree. 4. If T is a
singleton, make it the empty tree and return
true. 5. If the left subtree is empty, copy the
root, left, and right fields of the right
subtree of T into T inself, and return true. 6.
If the right subtree is empty, copy the root,
left, and right fields of the left subtree of T
into T itself, and return true. 7. Replace the
root with the node returned by applying
deleteMinimum to the right subtree, and return
22Case 1 of Deletion
23 Case 2
24 Case 3
25 BST Performance
- ? BST Insert and Search
- B(n) T(1)
- A(n) T(lg n)
- W(n) T(n)
- ?Average Time Complexity of the BST Search and
Insertion -
lg n log2 n
26AVL Tree
?AVL (Adelson-Velskii-Landis) Tree It is a
binary search tree that maintains its balance by
forcing the two subtrees at any node to have
nearly the same height. This is done by rotating
subtrees whenever an imbalance occurs. ?AVL
Rotation ? Simple Rotate Left ? Simple
Rotate Right ? Compound Right-Left ? Compound
27Rotate Left (1)
28Rotate Left (2)
29Double Rotation (1)
30Double Rotation (2)
31AVL Rotation Patterns