Aphelion, perihelion refer to farthest distance,
and closest to the Sun. Apogee, perigee refer to
farthest distance and closest to the Earth. (peri
is the closest)
Finding the semi major axis. This is the average
distance from the orbiting body
How much it departs from a circle between o and 1
Velocity at peri (closest point), use correct
Velocity at ap (farthest point), use correct
Period using a in solar system only use if
orbiting the Sun.
3Period of orbiting object in seconds, use correct
The escape velocity from a body , use correct
Velocity for object orbiting in a circular orbit
. Use correct
Closet distance the orbiting object comes to the
object being orbited in an elliptical orbit
Farthest distance the orbiting object comes to
the object being orbited in an elliptical orbit
To change from km/sec to miles/hr Km/sec (3600
sec/hr)(0.62137 miles/km miles/hr
If the period is in seconds / 3600 for hours
To change from au to km multiply by 150,000,000
or km
To change from miles to km multiply by 1.61
e has no units.
There is a review of math with scientific
notation on slide 15
Be sure you use the of the body that is
being orbited
I did not always follow exactly significant
figures, but I did not use all the digits.
Answers may vary slightly depending upon how you
round off the decimals, and thats ok.
5The gravitational parameter
In Astrodynamics,the standard gravitational
parameter of a celestial body is the product
of the gravitational constant and the mass
The units of the standard
gravitational parameter are km3 s-2
Be sure to use the right for the object
you are orbiting !
6Eccentricity of ellipse
- eccentricity (e) 0circle, 1 line
- aphelion - perihelion
aphelion perihelion
7Properties of Ellipses
semi-major axis a 1/2 length of major axis
a Semi-major axis b Semi-minor axis
8 a aphelion perihelion
P2 a3
9Using the KeplersThird Law
- P2 µ a3
- P2 a3 if
- P measured in earth years, and a in AU.
- A planets avg distance from the sun is 4 au,
what is the period of the planet ?
10Astronomers use the metric system, whereas we are
all more familiar with the English system. I will
use conversion so that you can be more familiar
with the answers. I. The space shuttle is in a
circular orbit 200 miles above the earth. Find
the period and velocity of the shuttle. 200miles(1
.61 km/mile) 322 km above the Earth. The height
of the satellite in the problem must be the
radius of the earth height of object. Radius of
earth 6378km rh 6378322 6700 km
11You cant use because it
circles the earth, not the Sun.
a is the distance from center of Earth to the
II. This problem covers a lot of formulas. An
asteroids closest approach to the sun is 2 au,
and its farthest distance from the Sun is 4.5 au.
Find a, the eccentricity, distance at perihelion,
distance at aphelion, period, velocity at
perihelion, and aphelion.
12Find the perihelion, and aphelion distances.
3.25au (1 - 0.385) (3.25)(.615) 1.99 au
3.25au (1 0.385) 4.43 au
Find the period.
Perihelion, and aphelion must be changer to km,
since contains km . To change multiply au
by 150,000,000 km/au , or
24.8 km/sec(3600)(.6213) 55,469.7 miles/hour
13 3.504(3600)(0.62137) 7,838.8 mils/hour
III. An Earth satellite is in an elliptical orbit
around the Earth its perigee is 160 km, and the
apogee is 800 km. Find e, period, and velocity at
perigee, and apogee. Radius of the Earth 6380 km
800 6380 7180km
160 6380 6540 km
14We need a
/3600 1.57 hrs
15I had to include my Halleys comet problem.
Halleys has a period of 76 years and e0.967
Find the velocity at perihelion (close), and
aphelion (far).
17.94(0.033) .592 au ( )
17.94(1.967) 35.45 au ( )
16A Review of Scientific Notation Math
- Multiplication
- The digit terms are multiplied in the normal way
and the exponents are added. The end result is
changed so that there is only one nonzero digit
to the left of the decimal. - Example (3.4 x 106)(4.2 x 103) (3.4)(4.2) x
10(63) 14.28 x 109 1.4 x 1010(to 2
significant figures) - Example (6.73 x 10-5)(2.91 x 102) (6.73)(2.91)
x 10(-52) 19.58 x 10-3 1.96 x 10-2(to 3
significant figures)
17- Division
- The digit terms are divided in the normal way and
the exponents are subtracted. The quotient is
changed (if necessary) so that there is only one
nonzero digit to the left of the decimal. - Example (6.4 x 106)/(8.9 x 102) (6.4)/(8.9) x
10(6-2) 0.719 x 104 7.2 x 103(to 2
significant figures) - Example (3.2 x 103)/(5.7 x 10-2) (3.2)/(5.7) x
103-(-2) 0.561 x 105 5.6 x 104(to 2
significant figures)
18- Powers of Exponentials
- The digit term is raised to the indicated power
and the exponent is multiplied by the number that
indicates the power. - Example (2.4 x 104)3 (2.4)3 x 10(4x3) 13.824
x 1012 1.4 x 1013(to 2 significant figures) - Example (6.53 x 10-3)2 (6.53)2 x 10(-3)x2
42.64 x 10-6 4.26 x 10-5(to 3 significant
figures) - Roots of Exponentials
- Change the exponent if necessary so that the
number is divisible by the root. Remember that
taking the square root is the same as raising the
number to the one-half power. - Example