Title: Uniform Circular Motion
1Uniform Circular Motion
21.Define Uniform circular motion
- When the tangential speed is constant
- (speed a moment in time)
32. Show the position and instantaneous
velocity vectors at several time intervals for
an object moving in a circular path.
43. How could the magnitude of the tangential
velocity be calculated if the object is in
constant motion ?
- Velocity ?x
- ?t
- Distance traveled around a circle ?
- C 2pr
- Time ?
- Period (T) time it takes for something to
- complete a cycle so, V 2pr
54. What would be the direction of the
instantaneous acceleration ?
- Acceleration ?v or vf - v0
- ?t
?t - How do we subtract vectors ?
The acceleration is toward the center.
65. Give a formula that would give the
magnitude of the acceleration
- Centripetal (Center Seeking) acceleration
- ac v2 r
7Example Problem PG 236 1 A Rope attaches a
tire to an over hanging tree limb. A girl
swinging on the tire has a centripetal
acceleration of 3.0 m/s2. If the length of the
rope is 2.1 m. What is the girls tangential
speed ?
ac 3.0 m/s2
r 2.1m
V ?
86. Combine the equations for velocity (2)
and acceleration (6)
- since v 2pr
- T
- Then ac (2pr)2 OR ac 4 p2r
- T
T 2 - r
9Example Problem If a girl sits 1.2 m from the
center of a merry-go-round what is her
centripetal acceleration if the period of her
revolution is 3.4 s ?
10Example Problem Pg 236 4A race car moving
along a circular track has a centripetal
acceleration of 15.4 m/s2. If the car has a
tangential speed of 30.0 m/s, what is the
distance between the car and the center of the
track ?
117. How can a motion with constant speed be
an accelerated motion?
- The object has a constant speed, but it is
changing - direction !!!!
128. Show that the expression v2 / r for
centripetal acceleration has the units of
- a m/s2
- v2 / r So, (m/s)2 / m m2
. 1 m/s2 S2 m
139. What is Centripetal Force and how is it
found ?
- Centripetal (Center Seeking) force is a force
toward the center of a circle that keeps an
object moving in a circle. - Remember Something MAKES the centripetal force
!!!! - It must be a contact or a plus 1
1410. What is the formula for
centripetal force ?
- It is a force So
- F ma
- But a is a centripetal acceleration So
- Fc mac
- Remember ac v2/r which means
- Fc m v2
- r
15 Example Problem Pg 238 1A 2.1m rope
attaches a tire to an overhanging tree limb. A
girl swinging on the tire has a tangential speed
of 2.50 m/s. If the magnitude of the centripetal
force is 88.o N, what is the girls mass ?
1611. Suppose the speed of an object moving in a
circular path of radius R is doubled. How
does this affect
- the magnitude of the centripetal force
- Fc m v2
- r
- Fc is directly proportional to v2
- so if v doubles Then Fc Quadruples
1712. Suppose the speed of an object moving in a
circular path stays constant and the radius r is
doubled. How does this affect the magnitude of
the centripetal force
- Fc m v2
- r
- Fc is inversely proportional to r so
- If r is doubled then Fc will be halved
18Example Problem Pg 238 3 A dog sits 1.50 m
from the center of a merry-go-round and revolves
at a tangential speed of 1.80 m/s. If the dogs
mass is 18.5 kg, what is the magnitude of the
centripetal force on the dog ?
1913. Identify the Centripetal Forces
- The Earth goes around the
Sun - The gravitational Force
IS the Centripetal Force
20- The stopper in the lab activity
- How many forces are acting
- On the stopper ?
- 2
- Weight
- Tension
- Where does the tension come from ?
- The weight of the hanging Mass
- What is the centripetal force
- The x component of the tension
IS the Centripetal Force - What does the y component of the tension do ?
- Equals the weight
21- A car going around a curve
- As the car goes around the
- Turn which way does it want to go ?
- Tangent to the circle ( 1st law)
- What keeps it from going off of the curve ?
- Friction So friction IS the centripetal force
22Example ProblemA 1000. kg car rounds a curve on
a flat road of radius 50 m at a speed of 14 m/s.
Will the car make the turn, or will it skid , if
A) the pavement is dry and the µ .60B) the
pavement is icy and µ .25
23What happens if there is not enough friction to
keep the car on the Curve ?
24Can the banking of a road allow a car to go
around a curve if there is no friction ?
- Yes, a car can go around a curve with out
friction as the centripetal force !!
The centripetal force is the horizontal
component of the normal force
Fc mv2 r
Tan? v2 rg
Tan? mv2 r mg
25Example ProblemWhat is the angle for an
expressway off-ramp curve of radius 50. m at a
design speed of 14 m/s
26Example Problem A 2.0 kg ball is swung in a
circle at the end of a 1.5 m string. How long
would it take the ball to complete 1.0
revolutions if the tension in the string is 3.2 N
2714. Describe what happens to the centripetal
force in a vertical circle
At the top T mg Fc
At the bottom T- mg Fc
On each side T Fc
2815. What is the gravitational Force ?
- The gravitational force is the pull of one
- object on another.Multimedia National
Highway Traffic Safety Administration(NHTSA)
U.S. Department of Transportation
2916. Give Newtons law of universal
gravitation and identify the variables.
- FG a m1m2
- ?x2
- Note this is a proportionality
- The two sides are not
- equal
- FG - Gravitational Force
- m1m2 - product of the
- masses
- ?x - distance between the centers of
- mass
3017. So what are the two things that effect the
gravitational force ? Give their relation to
centripetal force ?
- Product of the masses
- The product of the masses is directly
proportional to the gravitational force - FG a m1m2
- ?x2
The bigger the masses the bigger the force
31- Distance between the centers of mass
- The gravitational force is inversely proportional
to the square of the distance between the centers
of mass
As the distance increases the force decreases by
the square !!
3218. What is an inverse square law ?
- When a value changes another changes by the
square. - Universal gravitation is an example of an inverse
square law. - What happens to the gravitational force when
distance is
3319. What is the universal gravitation
constant and who came up with it ?
- FG a m1m2
- ?x2
- Newton could not make the above equation equal
only proportional - FG Gm1m2 G makes the both sides
equal - ?x2
- G is the Universal Gravitation Constant 6.67
X10-11 Nm2 - kg2
- The Universal Gravitation Constant was calculated
by Henry Cavendish (1798) - almost 100 years after Newton came up with
Universal Gravitation
34Example ProblemMars has a mass of about 6.4 x
1023kg, and its moon Phobos has a mass of about
9.6 x 1015kg. If the magnitude of the
gravitational force between the two bodies is 4.6
x 1015, how far apart are Mars and Phobos ?
35Example Problem What is the force of gravity
acting on a 2000. kg spacecraft when it orbits
two Earth radii from the Earths center(rE
6380 km and m E 5.98 x 1024 kg)
36 Example ProblemAt what height above the Earths
surface would a satellite be placed to be
geosynchronous ?U\Astronomy\04 Modern History
of Astronomy (ch3)\Geosynchronous Orbit.bmp
37Example ProblemFind the net force on the Moon
(mM 7.35x 1022 kg) due to the gravitational
attraction of both the Earth (mE 5.98 x 1024 kg
) and the Sun (m S 1.99 x 1030 kg), Assuming
they are at right angles ( ?x E - M 3.84 x 108
m, ?x s - M 1.50 x 1011 m)
3820. So, what are the implications of Universal
Gravitation ?
- With Universal Gravitation
- The force between all objects can be calculated.
- The position of all present and future objects
can be identified - Explained the glue of the universe
3921. What is the relationship between the
acceleration due to gravity and
universal gravitation ?
- FG GMEmo
- ?x2
- mog GMEmo
- ?x2
- g depends on the mass of the central object and
the - distance to its center.
- g is also the same for ALL objects the same
distance from the central object
4022. So, what is g really ?
- g is the acceleration of an object near a
- mass.
- g is the Gravitation Field Strength
- - the force per mass on an object in a
- gravitational field measure in N
- kg
- So near the surface of the Earth there is
- 9.8 N
- kg
41Near the surface of the Earth the Gravitational
Field Strength is 9.8 N/m For all objects
Twice the distance from the center of the Earth
the Gravitational field strength is 2.45 N/m
4223. Which experiences a greater gravitational
field strength the Moon or a satellite the same
distance as the Moon away from the Earth ?
- The field strength is the same for all objects
the same distance from the central object. - Just like the field strength is 9.8 N/m for each
person near the surface. - But F mg multiply the mass time the
- field strength and
the - Force is greater on more
- massive objects.
4324. So, do you weigh the same everywhere
on the Earth ?
- NO !!!!
- The Earth is not round.
- - it is an oblate spheroid
The Earth bulges on the equator and is flatter on
the top and bottom.
W mg
Remember that
g is smaller at the equator so you would weigh
4425. Why is the section on gravitation in the
same chapter as circular motion ?
- Planets move in nearly circular orbits
4526. What keeps the planet in its orbit ? What
implications does this have ?
- The gravitational force is the force that keeps
planets in their orbit - This means the gravitational force
- is the centripetal force !!!!!
- FG Fc
- Gm1m2 mv2
- ?x2 r
4627. Give another implication
- Your weight is a centripetal force
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