Title: Its time to raise the bar in healthcare
1Its time to raise the bar in healthcare
- Michael R. Cohen, RPh, MS, ScD
- Institute for Safe Medication Practices
- www.ismp.org
2Medication Errors Reporting ProgramOperated by
theUnited States Pharmacopeia and the Institute
for Safe Medication PracticesReport medication
errors in confidence1 800 23 ERRORwww.ismp.org/
www.usp.org(USP, ISMP, FDA and product
manufacturers receive all reports)
3Where do medication errors occur?
JAMA 1995 Jul 5,274(1)29-34
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7Accurate Identification and Administration
- Automated bedside verification
- Provides legible on-line medication
administration record - Assures five rights during drug administration
- Prevents dose omissions
- Enhances care team communications
- Comprehensive charting for accurate
documentation and billing
8ISMP bar code studyISMP Medication Safety Alert!
March 6, 2002 issue
- Almost half of the respondents reported that they
are actively engaged in discussing possible
implementation of bar code technology, or have
partially implemented this technology into some
part of the drug use process.
9ACHE SurveyHealthcare Executive Sept/Oct 2002
- Technology
- Clinical Results Online
- Filmless X-rays
- Drug Barcodes
- 1-2 years/ Quality Impact/ Cost Impact
- 26 76 44
- 48 74 56
- 55 87 46
- 62 85 45
10Computerized prescribing (Jan 2003 Leapfrog
Group press release)
- 3.3 percent of the responding hospitals have
instituted CPOE - 30 percent indicated specific plans to implement
such systems by 2004
11Hospitals are ready to move!
- Nearly 50 of participants in ISMP study say they
are actively discussing bar code systems - HCA - all 200 hospitals by 2005 (4 of US)
- Veterans Affairs - all 162 acute care facilities
(3 of US) - Premier, Novation, VA, etc. demand bar coding
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13Bar Coding