Title: UTA
1UTA GEM updates J.Li, A.White, J.Yu 5/9/02
2Preparations for prototype construction
- Test GEM chamber designed at UTA
- - allows varying layer configurations
- - straightforward gas, HV etc.
- Main issue is acquisition of GEM foils
- - contact with GEM inventor, F.Sauli, CERN
3GEM test chamber J.Li, UTA
4- Most foils made in CERN printed circuit workshop
- Approximately 1,000 foils made
- Big project for COMPASS expt. 31x31 cm2 foils
- Most difficult step is kapton etching Sauli
has offered to reveal trade secrets in context
of formal collaboration. - Fastest route buy a few foils from Sauli
- 10x10 cm2 foils 70?m holes 140?m pitch
300 - - Foils HV tested/verified at CERN.
5- Sauli - procure a fully assembled, dismountable
detector for usbut prefer our design - Also Edik Tsyganov at UT Southwestern Med.
has working multi-gem detector - Ultimately we want to able to make our own foils.
- Some interesting GEM details
6CERN GDD Group electron-micrograph of GEM foil
7CERN GDD Group electron-micrograph of GEM foil
8GEM Issues
- Gain uniformity ( 15) should not be a big
- issue for digital mode operation
- Discharges single/double GEMs
- - single GEMS OK for G ? 1500
- - double GEMs
- double detectors obtained cascading a Gas
Electron Multiplier (GEM) as - preamplification, and a second GEM, a MSGC or
other devices as second - amplifier permit to reach gains above 10000
before discharge under very - high rates and exposure to heavily ionizing
tracks. GDD group Web site -
9Single GEM gain/discharge probability
A.Bressan et al NIM A424 (1998) 321
10-gt We need to determine particle flux vs.
particle type (MIP, neutral, heavily ionizing)
from detailed simulation. -gt Variations of hole
sizes, shapes affect the discharge probability
and hence operating region.
- Learning more about GEMs
- Source(s) of GEM foils identified
- Test Chamber designed
- Need studies of particle fluxes in calorimeter
- Need !