Title: Pragmatic Strategy
1Pragmatic Strategy
- Dancing with Efficiency, Creativity and Legitimacy
Zhichang zhu
University of Hull Business School, UK
July 2004, Xiamen and Guangzhou, China
- Background towards pragmatic strategy
- Strategy what do strategists do and how do they
do it? - Firms what are they and how do they differ?
- What is strategy?
- Why pragmatism, why now?
- Pragmatism East and West
4What is strategy?
Strategy is about envisioning a valued future
for common goodness and realising it with
available resources, workable means and novel
manoeuvre, which is based on profound
understanding of situated particulars and unique
organisational profiles.
5What is strategy?
6What is pragmatism?
The four faces of Confucian pragmatism
7Pragmatism and strategy
- Pragmatism facilitates people to respect, to
share, to create and to act upon what works, and
the real world appears to reward what works and
penalises what does not. - Practical strategies are generated by ethically
informed, interested managers who take the
responsibility skilfully to make timely political
judgments and situated decisions, with idealistic
inspirations and realistic manoeuvres, without
knowing what is to unfold yet able to mobilise
others working together toward an imagined ideal
world. - Strategies and knowledge are validated on the
consequences of acting upon them.
8Problem 1 the phronetic gap
- Detached
- Reductionist
- Rountinised
- Utopian
9Problem 2 fragmentation
- Theory led
- Boxes syndrome
- Imperialist pluralism
10Boxes syndrome
Generic approaches to strategy (source
Whittington 20013)
11Searching for coherent strategy
- Unifying paradigm
- Good science is conversation
- Conversation needs a vocabulary
- Towards a pragmatic vocabulary
12Tasks at hand
Towards ethical, coherent and effective strategy
13Pragmatism East and West
Moral virtues
Intellectual virtues
??Timely balancing
Confucian circular how acting wisely as timely
balancing wuli-shili-renli
Aristotelian hierarchical what practical
wisdom as the highest intellectual virtue
Aristotle vs. Confucius different approaches to
practically wise strategy?
14Learning from differences
- What knowledge vs. how to act
- Articulative reasoning vs. suggestive exemplars
- Hierarchical vs. circular knowledge
- Polarising-and-choosing vs. associating-and-comple
15Contrasting Aristotelian and Confucian practical
16What and how strategists do?
Emergent action
Rational action
Constrained action
Creative network
Charismatic leadership
Strategic management
Entrepreneurial action
Emergent, rational and constrained actions
(source Hirst 1995).
17WSR acting rationally, creatively and normatively
Shall we?
What is?
How to?
19Timely balance
- The Tao of Haven operates mysteriously and
secretly (????) it has no fixed shape (??), and
it follows no definite rules (??) it is so great
that you can never come to the end of it, it is
so deep that you can never fathom it (Huai-nan-zi
(?-122 bc) 9/1/2). - Po I among the sages was the pure one Yi Yin was
the responsible one Hui of Liu-hsia was the
accommodating one and Confucius was the timely
one (Mencius 5/2/1). - The Superior Man is in the state of zhong
(balance) and rung (normality) the small man is
in the reverse of these states. The superior Man
exhibits them, because he is the Superior Man,
and holds to the timely balance the small man is
the opposite of them, because he is the small
man, and has no caution (Doctrine of the Mean 2/1
and 2)
20Timely balance
The bubbling of WSR concerns, issues and problems
21Strategy dancing with efficiency, creativity and
22Does strategy matter?
Downwards reduction
Upwards reduction
How actors make choices
Why actors do not have choices to make
23A systemic view of reality
24Sources of creativity structure, agency and
action complexities
25ba where structure meets agency
26Why is strategy possible?
- Structure complexity generates emerging
opportunity - Agency complexity allows actors exploit
opportunities in different ways - Actions complexity brings structure an agency
into interplay
27Strategy as knowledge-creation
28Theories of the firm
Neoclassical economics
Wuli efficiency theories
Industrial organisation economics Resource-based
theory Planned coordination theory
Behaviourist theory
Shili creativity theories
Renli relationality theories
Entrepreneurship theory Evolutionary
theory Subjectivist theory Knowledge-based theory
Transaction cost economics Team monitoring
theory Principal-agent theory Property-rights
theory Social relation theory
Institutional theory
Postmodernist theory
29The table
30Wuli theories of the firm
31Shili theories of the firm
32Renli theories of the firm
33Theories of the firmdifferent groupings
34A WSR view of firms
35The theory of the firm or theories of firms?
- Is the firm a firm?
- Is a firm the firm
- Firms, markets and social models
36What follows? - 1
Wuli efficiency getting the fundamentals right
- Strategic positioning
- Competing on resources
- Creating relationship advantage
- Value chain, value web and business model
- God is in details samurai strategisinig
37What follows? - 2
Shili creativity envisioning a valued future
- Subjectivity and strategy
- Dominant design and innovation
- Creative destruction and dynamic capability
- Living with uncertainty
- SECI an envisioning procces
38What follows? - 3
Renli legitimacy realising shared goodness
- Strategic games
- Contracting opportunism
- Ethical business
- Embedded strategists
- ba a fountain of shared goodness
39What follows? - 4
Strategy in action
- Phronesis as practical knowledge
- Phronesis as pragmatic action
- Phronesis as distributed leadership