Title: Two factors, AB mostly basids
1Two factors, A/B (mostly basids)
- Tetrapolar mating system ? meiosis gives four
types of segregants - Need different alleles at each mating locus
- A1B1 A2B2 ?A1B1, A1B2, A2B1, A2B2
- Schizophyllum has 28,000 mating type
2Basidiomycete mating
- Mating ? dikaryon formation ? fruiting
- Mating uses pheromones receptors that signal
through a kinase cascade
fruit body
for heterobasidiomycetes
3A and B functions are distinct
- in homobasids (.....?)
- A controls pairing and synchronous division of
nuclei, hook cell formation - B controls septal dissolution and hook cell
fusion (precise b-glucanase activity) and nuclear
4Basidiomycete mating, part 1
Precise branch positioning and determinate
Septum modification and nuclear
migration Nuclear proliferation and hyphal
5Clamp connections in basidiomycete dikaryons
6A and B functions are distinct
- in heterobasids (....?)
- A controls pathogenicity
- B controls filamentous growth
karyogamy, meiosis, sporulation
7Using genetics to explore biologymutants in
experimental fungal systems
- spontaneous mutations or mutagenesis (uv,
chemicals) - each gene is named for 1st described mutation
- Example gene for pigmentation is called white
because the mutant lacked colouration
8Gene naming systems
- Genes generally, three-letters plus a letter or
number cdc2, CDC28, nimX (species specific) - Alleles generally a numeral, e.g. nimX3
- Allele descriptors nimX3 Y305H
- Other descriptors wildtype, D dominant, ts
temperature sensitive, D deletion - Gene product p34cdc2, NIMX
- Gene name product identifier nimXcdc2
9Mating and progeny analysis in Aspergillus
10The genetics of spore colour in A. nidulans
- The ability to make pigment is controlled by the
gene called white - The first mutant had white spores, wA
- Wildtype green is WA (typically wildtype alleles
are not written in the genotype) - WA and wA are allelic
11Colour can be modified
- If a strain is WA, then it has pigmented spores
- Colour can be modified by other genes
- Green pigment formation takes two steps, only the
first of which is controlled by white
12Mating white and green strains
- Cross WAwA (two alleles of the same gene locus)
- Pattern of colour inheritance?
- WAwA ? WA wA 11
13Two steps for making green pigment
- The yellow gene is required for making green
pigment - Wildtype allele is YA mutant is yA
- If a strain has yellow spores, which allele is at
the w/W locus? - YAyA ? progeny genotype, phenotype, proportions?
14Mating a white and a yellow strain
- wAyA
- Implications regarding w/W?
- Since the yellow strain is yellow, it must be WA
yA - The white strain is wA but unknown for yA vs YA
- Epistasis
15How do we find out?
- Mate wA strain to yA
- If wA, YA WA, yA ?? white yellow
- wA, YA WA, yA wA, yA WA, YA
- white yellow white green
- If wA, yA WA, yA ?? white yellow
- wA, yA WA, yA wA, yA WA, yA
- white, yellow, white, yellow