Title: By: Sarah Haviland and Cody Owens
- By Sarah Haviland and Cody Owens
2The three Goals of the American Red Cross are..
3- To gradually introduce diversity into all of
their processes.
4To increase the understanding of how diversity
impacts their missions.
5To help units use diversity as a strategy to grow.
6The Red Cross wants every household to be
involved with their Programs.
7The mission of the Red Cross is to provide
leadership, consultation, and training.
8Understanding the similarities and differences
helps us be the most relied on service.
9Americas great diversity is a natural resource
that makes us different.
10Diversity among the red cross is important to
developing and delivering life saving services.
11We have teamed up with other organizations that
have diversity goals to reach ours.
12To achieve in spreading diversity, the Red Cross
has programs nationally and locally.
13The American Red Cross is built to be based on
diversity-positive leadership.
14Achieving total diversity is a priority for the
entire organization and through out the entire
program says Marsha Evens.
15Everyone must walk the talk of total diversity
if we are to be successful.
16We shall continue to have different services, and
programs open to all people.
17Valuing the diversity of the people helps the Red
Cross meet all the needs of all communities.
18Everyone is equal.
19Help from volunteers, and employees we will work
toward total diversity in all programs.
20We shall graduate and introduce diversity into
the Red Cross within all organizations.
21The Red Cross wants to embrace the American
public and its rich diversity.
22Anyone can give blood
23Or donate disaster funds
24Visit The Red Cross www.redcross.org 1-800-REDCROS
25We would like to thank Bette Midler for the music
used in our presentation. From a Distance
26(No Transcript)