Title: Todd T. Hattori, ABC
125 years on the makingTechnology new frontiers,
fads, and tipping points
- Todd T. Hattori, ABC
- Washington State Department of Information
Services - IABC International Executive Board
225 years in the makingLearning objectives
- Historical overview
- The great migration of everyday experience
- New frontiers, fads, and tipping points
- How to
- Best practices
- Dos and donts
- Questions
325 years in the makingHistorical overview
- Technology prior to the creation of IABC Tucson
1954 - Social network referred to nodes of
social familiarities
Mid 1980s - digital revolution
1983 National Science Foundation constructs a
university network backbone
1958 - Internet created for defense and science
425 years in the makingHistorical overview
- Technology during the development of IABC Tucson
1990 - Internet became public Precursers to the
blog usenet, e-mail lists, bulletin boards,
Internet forum
2004 Podcasting coined as a combination of iPod
and broadcasting
Mid to late 1990s dot com boom
1998 Open diary allows readers to add comments
1994 First wiki installed on the Web First
online diary appeared
2001 Wikipedia was launched
1991 CERN publicized the new World Wide Web
525 years in the makingThe great migration of
everyday experience
625 years in the makingThe great migration of
everyday experience
725 years in the makingThe great migration of
everyday experience
A powerful global conversation has begun.
Through the Internet, people are discovering and
inventing new ways to share relevant knowledge
with blinding speed.
As a direct result, markets are getting smarter
and getting smarter faster than most companies.
In both internetworked markets, and among
internetworked employees, people are speaking to
each other in a powerful new way. -- Cluetrain
825 years in the makingThe great migration of
everyday experience
1995 - classmates.com
2002 - friendster.com
925 years in the makingNew frontiers, fads, and
tipping points
1025 years in the makingNew frontiers, fads, and
tipping points
- Satisfying the cravings of the Connected
Shine the spotlight.
Make loose connections.
Give me brand candy.
Filter out the clutter.
Keep it underground.
Build it together.
Bring it to life.
Go inward.
Give back.
Raise my pulse.
1125 years in the makingNew frontiers, fads, and
tipping points
Blogs IABC Café Communication Commons
1225 years in the makingNew frontiers, fads, and
tipping points
- Should my CEO or corporate exec blog?
- Comfortable with technology
- Something to say
- Genuine interest
- Conversational
- Welcome unfiltered feedback
- Willing to show passion
- Comfortable with audience ownership
1325 years in the makingNew frontiers, fads, and
tipping points
- Realistic posting goals
- Map out your first few days/weeks
- Write and post use policy
- Define blog parameters
- Profile blogger(s)
- Personal in nature
- Contact information
1425 years in the makingNew frontiers, fads, and
tipping points
- First person
- Active voice
- Strong verbs
- Conversational tone
- Personal anecdotes
- Telling stories
- Captivating first line and headline
- Follow through with conversation
1525 years in the makingNew frontiers, fads, and
tipping points
Podcasts IABC Cafe2Go
1625 years in the makingNew frontiers, fads, and
tipping points
- Deliver messages engage discussions
- Listen to customers and employees
- Provide a service outside your sales offerings
- Serve an audience need
- Bolster community-building
1725 years in the makingNew frontiers, fads, and
tipping points
- Investor relations launch The future of
- 15 minutes each
- Topics ranging from cars, sports, cities, homes,
banking, video games, etc. - Not marketers engineers talking about how
technology affects our lives
1825 years in the makingNew frontiers, fads, and
tipping points
Wikis IABC Member Speak
1925 years in the makingNew frontiers, fads, and
tipping points
- Grassroots collaboration
- Organic knowledge base
- Eliminates hierarchies
- Invite comment/ criticism
2025 years in the makingNew frontiers, fads, and
tipping points
- Weblog Handbook, Rebecca Blood
- http//www.rebeccablood.net/handbook/excerpts/webl
og_ethics.html - The New PR Wiki
- http//www.thenewpr.com/wiki/pmwiki.php
- New Communications Review
- www.newcommreview.com
- Naked Conversations, Shel Israel Robert Scoble
- http//nakedconversations.com
21IABC Tucson25 years on the making
The living Web isnt a place to go. Its things
to do, ways to express ourselves, and the means
to connect with others.
22IABC Tucson25 years on the making
Todd T. Hattori, ABC IABC International Vice
Chair 3745 SW Thistle Street Seattle, WA
98126 206.853.2571 thattori_at_comcast.net