Title: Martin Unverdorben
1The Paclitaxel-Eluting PTCA-Balloon Catheter in
Coronary Artery Disease PEPCAD II-ISR
Martin Unverdorben Rotenburg/Fulda, Germany and
Richmond, VA, USA Clinical Research Institute,
Center for Cardiovascular Diseases On behalf of
the PEPCAD II Investigators
2Presenter Disclosure Information
PEPCAD II 12-Month Follow-up
The following relationships exist related to this
M.Unverdorben Nothing to disclose B.Scheller Cons
ulting and lecture fees from BBraun, co-patent
owner of Sequent Please
- The PACCOCATH technology
- PEPCAD II ISR 6-month angiographic and clinical
follow-up - PEPCAD II ISR 12-month clinical follow-up
- Descriptive statistics Mean SD
- Inferential statistics Students t-test,
Fishers exact test, Logrank test - Level of significance p lt 0.05
- Slow and continuous drug release from stent
struts - 100 - 200 µg Paclitaxel Sirolimus
- Polymers with associated reactions
- Implies stent deployment
- Instant and short term drug release from balloon
- 300 - 600 µg Paclitaxel
- No polymers
- Stenting optional
Scheller Heart 2007, 93 539-41
5The Matrix Coating
PACCOCATH technology creates a unique matrix
pure paclitaxel
paclitaxel hydrophilic spacer
with PACCOCATH technology
- huge contact surface between lipophilic drug and
the vessel wall - high bioavailability of paclitaxel at the target
site for rapid drug absorption by the vessel
wall -
- uniform/complete application of the drug after
1st balloon expansion
6SeQuent (uncoated balloon)
SeQuent Please (coated balloon)
SeQuent Please (B.Braun Vascular Systems,
Berlin, Germany) is manufactured based on the
PACCOCATH technology with 3µg paclitaxel/mm² CE
mark filed in the EU
7- Objective
- Safety and efficacy of the Sequent Please DEB in
the treatment of ISR in native coronary arteries
(reference Ø ?2.5mm, ?3.5mm lesion length
22mm) for procedural success and preservation of
vessel patency in comparison to the Taxus DES
Study Design Prospective, randomized,
multi-center, two-arm phase-II pilot study
conducted in Germany
8- Primary Variable
- 6-month late lumen loss
- Secondary Variables
- Procedural success (30)
- 6-month binary restenosis rate
- 6-month MACE
- MACE at 1 and 3 years
9- Inclusion Criteria
- Stable or unstable angina (no MI)
- ISR in native coronary arteries
- Medication
- ASS 100 mg daily
- Clopidogrel 75 mg daily
- 3 months DEB
- 6 months DES
10Patients (ITT N131)
- DEB (N66)
DES (N65) p - Age years 64.69.7 65.18.7 0.7
- Male 48 (72.7) 50 (76.9) 0.7
- BMI kg/m2 27.9 4.6 28.64.2 0.4
- Serum cholesterol mg/dl 172 42 180 34
0.3 - Serum LDL mg/dl 93 39 98 29
0.4 - Diabetes mellitus 22 (33.3) 17 (26.2)
0.4 - Current/ex-smokers 44 (66.7) 36 (55.4)
0.3 - Hypertension 53 (80.3) 54 (83.1) 0.8
- Family history of CAD 21 (31.8) 22 (33.8)
0.9 - Previous MI 37 (56.1) 28 (43.1) 0.2
- PAVD 9 (13.6) 7 (10.8) 0.8
- Serum crea mg/dL 1.1 1 1.0 0.2
11Baseline Angiography (ITT N131)
12Outcome (ITT N131)
1 each non-cardiac cardiac but not lesion
related non-cardiac death
fNSTEMI due to side branch occlusion
Randomization N131
Sequent Please n66
Taxus n65
4 protocol violators Lesion too long
(41.1mm) Multilesion PCI in metal
jacket Significant flap after PCI Severe renal
1 crossing failure treat/w convent balloon
4 crossing failure treat/w Sequent Please
66 DEB 56 DEB only 6 DEB BMS 4 DEB (cross-over)
60 DES 2 with additional DES
14Outcome (AsT N126)
fNSTEMI due to side branch occlusion
1 cardiac, not lesion related 2 non cardiac
non-cardiac death
15Event Free Survival (ITT/As-Treated)
p0.2 ITT
p0.03 As-Treated
Months post PCI
Logrank test
1612-Month Follow-up As-Treated
60 DES 2 with additional DES
66 DEB 56 DEB only 6 DEB BMS 4 DEB (cross-over)
Unknown today 1/66 (1.5)
Lost to FU 0/60 (0)
Unknown today 2/60 (3.3)
Lost to FU 1/60 (1.7)
Deaths 2/66 (3.0)
Deaths 3/60 (5)
Follow-up 12.30.8 months 57/60 (95.0)
Follow-up 12.30.7 months 59/60 (98.3)
1712-Month Event Free Survival (ITT/As-Treated)
P0.09 ITT
P0.01 As-Treated
Logrank test
Months post PCI
18Events From 6 to 12 Months
- 2 Px with PCI in non-target vessel
- 1/66 (1.5) Px with re-re PCI in target lesion
- 2 Px with non-cardiac death
- 3/60 (5) Px with re-re PCI in target lesion
No new patient with MACE
19Summary PEPCAD II
- In the treatment of ISR the paclitaxel-eluting
balloon catheter Sequent Please (B.Braun
Melsungen AG) - was safe and associated with a high procedural
success rate, - exhibited a significant reduction in 6-month late
lumen loss and 6/12-month MACE when compared to
the Taxus stent, and - was not associated with late thrombosis in ?250
patient years.
20The PEPCAD II Investigators
- F.X. Kleber, Unfallkrankenhaus Berlin
- H. Heuer, N. Schulze-Waltrup St. Johannes
Hospital, Dortmund - C. Vallbracht Herz- und Kreislaufzentrum,
Rotenburg an der Fulda - B. Scheller Universitätsklinikum des Saarlandes,
Homburg/Saar - C. Hengstenberg, Universitätsklinikum, Regensburg
- M. Leschke Städtische Kliniken, Esslingen
- C. Hamm, M. Rau Kerckhoff Klinik, Bad Nauheim
- G. Werner Städtisches Klinikum, Darmstadt
- D. Antoni Krankenhaus Bogenhausen, München
- W. Bocksch Charité Virchow, Berlin
- H.Ackermann Department for Biostatistics,
University of Frankfurt/M - M.Boxberger, B.Braun, Berlin
- R.Degenhardt, M.Unverdorben Clinical Research
Institute, Rotenburg an der Fulda
21The PEPCAD ProgramPaclitaxel-Eluting
PTCA-Catheter in Coronary Artery Disease
22This is not the end. It is not even the beginning
of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the
(Sir Winston S.Churchill)