Title: Log in to your Cougar Net
1Log in to your Cougar Net
2Once in your Cougarnet, click on the Staff Tab
3Scroll down to where you see the ENTER HERE for
eQuest Click on Enter Here
4The eQuest log in page will appear Type in your
User ID and Password (the same login name and
password for CougarNet)
5Your eQuest home page will appear after you are
logged in To submit a new request, Click on
Submit on the left menu bar, or on the Submit
Request icon
6Type in a short summary of your request,
(Example broken door, Concert Set up Jan 1st).
This is not where you type in a detailed
explanation of your request. This is just a short
7Scroll down to the request information. This is
where you will choose information Pertaining to
your request.
8From the choices listed, choose the closest type
of service you need. Click on the arrow to pull
the menu down Click on your choice
9Click on the arrow to pull the Impact menu
down Click on the appropriate Impact This is
where you will choose is impacted by either the
problem or request.
10Click on the arrow to pull the severity menu
down. Choose which severity bests fits your
11Click on the arrow to pull down the campus
menu Click on the Campus that is affected by your
12Type in the room number If you are entering a
request for someone else, click yes in the
Service for Someone else menu. If not, do
not click anything, your answer will stay no.
13If you are entering a request for someone else, a
pop up menu appears after you Click on yes.
14Click on the arrow to pull down the menu, choose
the correct criteria for the person Type in
their name and phone number
15Input your account information (requests for
signs, events and some equipment Require this)
16In the description box, type in all details
pertaining to your request.
17Scroll down to the bottom. If you have a file
that you want attached to your request This is
where you will attach it. If you would like the
eQuest information to go to another person, type
in their email Address here.
18Click on Save Your workorder will not be
submitted if you do not save it.
19Once your request has been saved and submitted,
you will receive a confirmation And the eQuest
20If you would like to check any of the workorders
you have submitted, simply Click on the View
Mine option under Requests