Title: Andrew J' Houtenville, Ph'D'
1(No Transcript)
2Who Are People with Disabilities? Demographic
Andrew J. Houtenville, Ph.D. Employment and
Disability Institute School of Industrial and
Labor Relations Cornell University Ithaca, New
York The Future of Disability Statistics
What We Know and Need to Know October 5, 2006
3Definition of Disability from ACS
- Do you have any of the following conditions
- a. Blindness, deafness, or a severe vision or
hearing impairment? ... Sensory Disability - b. A condition that substantially limits one or
more basic physical activities such as walking,
climbing stairs, reaching, lifting, or carrying?
... Physical Disability
4Definition of Disability from ACS
- Because of a physical, mental, or emotional
condition lasting 6 months or more, do you have
any difficulty in doing any of the following
activities - a. Learning, remembering, or concentrating? ...
Mental Disability - b. Dressing, bathing, or getting around inside
the home? ... Self-Care Disability
5Definition of Disability from ACS
- Because of a physical, mental, or emotional
condition lasting 6 months or more, do you have
any difficulty in doing any of the following
activities - a. Going outside the home alone to shop or
visit a doctor's office? ... Go-Outside-Home
Disability - b. Working at a job or business? ...
Employment Disability
6Prevalence Rate, by Age
7Prevalence Rate, by Gender (Ages 21-64)
8Prevalence Rate, by Race/Ethnicity (Ages 21-64)
Race categories were recoded to be
non-Hispanic. Ordered by prevalence rate.
9Prevalence Rate, by Selected States (Ages 21-64)
Reflects the Disability Belt
10Census 2000 Sensory, Mental, Physical, and/or
Self-Care Disability Rate, by County (Ages 21-64)
11Prevalence Rate, by Education (Ages 21-64)
Overall 12.6
12Prevalence Rate, by Disability Type (Ages 21-64)
13Demographics by Disability Type
- Age
- Education Same patterns as overall, except only
physical and employment disabilities have a rise
in prevalence between the first two categories
(grades 8 and less and grades 9 and 10). - Do you have any of the following conditions
- a. Blindness, deafness, or a severe vision or
hearing impairment? ... Sensory Disability - b. A condition that substantially limits one or
more basic physical activities such as walking,
climbing stairs, reaching, lifting, or carrying?
... Physical Disability - (continued)
- How do we begin to recognize the environmental
component of disability in population statistics? - Environment characteristics are worth collecting.
- Many policies are oriented to address physical,
social, and policy barriers.
15Reporting of Self-Care, Go-Outside-Home, and
Employment Disabilities (Ages 21-64)
16Contact Information
- Andrew J. Houtenville, Ph.D. RRTC on
Disability Demographics and Statistics
(StatsRRTC)Employment and Disability Institute
School of Industrial and Labor RelationsCornell
University303B ILR Extension BuildingIthaca,
New York 14853Telephone (607)
255-5702TTY/TDD (607) 255-2891 Fax (607)
255-2763E-mail ajh29_at_cornell.eduWebsite
17Miscellaneous Slides Not Covered in the
18Prevalence Rate, by Age and Type
19Prevalence Rate, by Age and Type
20Prevalence Rate, by Gender and Type (Ages 21-64)