Title: XML Web Services Cross MITRE and Government
1XML Web Services Cross MITRE and Government
- Dr. Joe Molitoris
- jemc.mitre.org (also pixit.mitre.org or on CD)
- jmolitor_at_mitre.org
- 11/12/02
- Background
- Participation
- Technology focus
- Select successes
3XML Web Services Cross MITRE and Government
- MITRE is engaged in several strategic XML/web
efforts - XML/web service use in PEO flagship programs, C2
systems, messaging, information processing, and
databases to enable more interoperable C2 - March 29 2001 PEO Interchange MOU and briefs to
GOs - PIXIT was phase one, JEMC is phase two
- PEO Interchange is DOD PEOs collaborative effort
- JEMC is a MITRE led collaborative effort focused
on joint experiments - Quarterly technology exchanges at MITRE and
government sites (since October 2000) - Next is planned for Feb. 4,5 at MITRE Langley or
4Technology focus XML the Foundation of Web
UDDI for directories publish and find
services via registries
Sep. 2000
WSDL for services define/describe services
Sep. 2000
SOAP for remote procedures simple
request/response model using XML messages
Dec. 1999
Feb. 1998
XML for structured information/data
HTTP and TCP/IP for transport
Note not a silver bullet
But in .NET, ONE, WebSphere...
Emerging WWW Technologies
5XML Standards' Readiness
- XML and the XML family of technologies are in
production use in a variety of applications - XML-based e-Business platforms are still in early
adoption phases - Standard XML security is emerging
- Maturity as indicated on a Gartner Maturity Curve
(OASIS, Gartner)
6Standard Security--the Missing Link
- WS-Security TC
- New technical committee (Sept.), Covers SOAP
security headers and tokens - SAML
- Spec. official as of May, Defines authentication
or authorization attributes - XACML
- Was to be official draft in October, Defines
framework for author. assertions - W3C
- XML Signature
- Final Standard but extended charter this month,
Digital signature standard for XML documents,
Critical to all of the OASIS Standards - XML Encryption
- Two Proposed Recommendations this month,
Encryption for arbitrary XML documents or
elements, Critical to WS-Security and XACML - XKMS
- Targeted to be a standard in November, Optional
for all above and OASIS Standards - Real-time service for locating, retrieving and
validating Signatures and Encryption Keys
7XML/web Goals of MITRE
- Small steps towards interoperable C2 and
Information Systems using XML/web services where
appropriate - Increase visibility, synergy, and leverage of
XML/web activities for the warrior and sponsors
(engage and mine industrial expertise for the
PEOs) - Ensure coordination of XML/web vision and
strategy cross PEOs/agencies/MITRE/contractors
(education, discussion, collaboration) - Focus on XML/web opportunities define,
formulate, and implement specific actions - Cross PEO/agency/MITRE/industry XML technology
8Meeting Participation
- XML/web TEM Attendance Jan. 01 to Oct. 02
- 440 folks in eight regular meetings
- 40 in three special topic meetings
- 3 MITRE FFRDCs, 19 sites, 14 divisions, 40 depts
- 40 other companies/organizations
- Open meaningful cross-PEO engagement and
9Corporate Participation
- Microsoft
- Sun, OASIS, ICH, ASN, HVLtd., i4i, Systematic,
Systinet - PureEdge, BEA, LM, TRW, eclipsenetworks
- SoftwareAG, Silverstream, Progressive IT, IKIMBO,
vitalContact, Polexis, eXcelon, Mantech - NeoCore, Junctionality, Xaware, SAIC, Junctional.
- webmethods, Internosis, TIBCO, DCL, Sybase
- ...many others including MIT, DON CIO, and NPS
10Major Outcomes
- (1) Agreed-upon XML Plan
- (2) Agreed-upon XML/Web Vision
- (3) Surveys of relevant XML work in progress
- (4) Signed XML Framework for Guidance MOU
- (5) Technology focus (TEMs)
11Outcome 1 XML Plan
- (1) Apply XML in mission critical or flagship
systems - (1a) Focus on Messaging - Evolve formats to XML
- (1b) Focus on XML enable database and other
processing - Evolve needed processors/servers and
db/application exchange mechanisms - (2) Leverage XML-enabled emerging commercial
software as common tools (e.g. operating systems,
browsers, applications, databases, middleware,
networks) in an explicit and synchronized way
(XML is coming into systems implicitly via COTS
products) - (3) Develop XML guidance/framework and policy
reuse existing and register new XML components
from COI, registries and repositories in a way
that serves the users/programs (common use and
New native XML databases
An XML plan was created to focus on messaging,
database use, COTS products, and guidance (Nov.
12Outcome 2 XML/web Vision An XML vision was
created to implement the plan over a multiyear
XML/web Guidelines and Info Engineering Process
C3 and Info System XML/web evolution
Policy, guidelines, registries, message
processing, and some data structures limited
browser use
Database and intersystem XML/HTML-based interoper
ability increased browser use
Benefits 1. View/expose 2. Access/query 3.
Integrated Common C3 architecture with XML web
services publish-subscribe environment
Common XML/web Investments to leverage
Nov. 8, 00 PEO-I
Nov. 8, 01 PEO-I
Jan. 9, 02 PEO-I
135 Technology Focus
- 5A Quarterly Technical Exchange Meetings
- Facilitating vibrant technology exchange amongst
world class experts from MITRE, industry, and
government leading to improved future
interoperability - 5B Special meetings
- MITRE instrumental in resolving key technical
issues across the services/PEOs - 5C Cross MITRE/PEO information repository
- PIXIT/JEMC web Site
Note Some of the activities that find their way
to the MITRE forum start and end
elsewhere in the XML/Web Services community
14Selected Successes in DOD PEOs
- ABCS 7.0 architecture includes XML and SOAP
- Web services will also be key to FCS
- ABCS/TBMCS signed interface requirements spec
- Paving the way to move from messaging to XML
interfaces - Joint CCB approved XML-MTF and -ADatP-3 standards
- MITRE Langley, FTMO, agency, corporate
collaboration - Feb. 01 special USAF/USA meeting settled
technical misunderstandings - XML-MTF tags and schema registered
- By MITRE Langley
- XML web service tools identified and evaluated
- i4i, Silverstream, Polexis, CMP, IRIS, eXtend,
HVLtd.,Xaware, Neocore - MITRE FTMO, Langley, and MD reports exist
- XML Guidance Framework MOU (signed April 4, 2002)
- XML-DB tags and schema (JCDB, MIDB) registered
- By JCDB and other PMs with MITRE SSEI/PIXIT and
other help - MITRE publications, briefings, and
recommendations to PEO sponsors
15Selected Successes (cont.)
- Fostered successful collaborations
- JBI cross PEO (.NET, J2EE, XIS)
- ESC and PEO C3T (ABCS and TBMCS Interoperability)
- XML-VMF specification, briefed to CCBs, OPORD
schema - MITRE Langley, FTMO, TRW, LM collaboration
(AC2ISRC/HTIO/NCTSI) - Briefed Army CCB April 02 (awaiting funding for
further progress MITRE report finalized) - XML-VMF OPORD/OPLAN in progress (awaiting funding
and final ABCS 7.0 decisions) - XML-TDL plan, core set of XML tags/schema
proposed - In progress MITRE Langley, FTMO collaboration
- Briefed XML Warfighters Conference Feb. 02
- XML registry issues identified
- MITRE Bedford, NH, Langley, FTMO, CO Springs (55
folks) - Input provided to MITRE and USAF XML Tiger teams
- MITRE publications, briefings, and
recommendations to PEO sponsors also FAA and IRS
XML efforts
- Based on survey, some modifications to ongoing
TEM meeting format - Panel discussions tried and were successful
- Continuing goals under MITRE leadership
- Developing synergy with other like minded groups
- Addressing key technical issues
- What technologies are mature (XML, SOAP)
- What products are open and optimal
- Evolution of XML based publish subscribe
interfaces - Next meeting Feb. 4, 5 at Langley (FT MO
sponsor, Langley host)
18Web Services Standards
- Small Object Access Protocol (SOAP)
- XML-base lightweight protocol for information
exchange - W3C XML Protocol WG SOAP v1.2
- Still in process
- Web Services Description Language (WSDL)
- XML Format for describing Web Services as end
points acting on messages containing either
documents or procedural calls (Port Types) - WSDL v1.1 (IBM MS) W3C Note Mar. 2001
- W3C WS Description WG started Jan. 2002
- Universal Description, Discovery Integration
(UDDI) - Facilitates Describing/Discovering Services
Business - Registration of Business Identity Information
- UDDI.org v3.0 specification August 2002
- OASIS Member Section August 2002
- First TC meeting 9/13
19SOAP Messages
- Define a vocabulary for electronic message
"envelope" - Message itself is encoded in another specific
vocabulary - Uses XML structure to create request-response
messages - Still being developed to address more complex
business requirements - Hides application technology from users / other
20XML/web TEM Survey (Aug. 02)
- Survey has been developed and used to obtain
feedback from attendees good response rate - Results of survey
- Respondents are satisfied with
- World class industry, MITRE, and keynote speakers
(90) - Open government industry day (90 desire this)
- Meeting advertisements (65 favor e-mail)
- Respondents request
- More time on open debate (34), QA (21), and
panel discussion (45) - Longer meeting (80 desire 2 day vs. 1.5 day with
less speakers on first day)
21Survey Results cont.
- Key
- 1. 65 attend 2 or more meetings
- 2. 90 present at a meeting
- 3. 80 site hosted a meeting
- 4. 65 willing to help organize event
- 5. 90 satisfied with speakers
- 6. 58 completely satisfied
- 7. 20 want more time for speakers
- 8. 79 more open debate and panel discussions
- 9. 80 make meeting longer and reduce no. of
speakers - 10. 90 keep the govt./industry day
- 11. 80 keep the MITRE day
22Sample Feedback (1 of 2)
- I think these sessions are an excellent way to
communicate and take advantage of advances in
multiple programs..USAF Pentagon - Really excited about coming together on
XML..USA PEO C3T - XML initiatives have been kept at the
forefront. PEO C3T - Great source of information on nationwide XML
projects.USN DC area - Everything at the meeting was pretty
interesting.DISA - It is beneficial to industry to hear from MITRE
on the problems being worked, meaningful
discussion on what industry solutions would be
beneficial...Lockheed Martin - All in all I found the meeting informative and
useful.Finestra - Government speakers have been the best because
they give a usage perspective.
.SoftwareAG - The interaction I have with the audience is what
I find the most beneficial. I enjoyed seeing the
MITRE presentations and I had some good
discussions. .IBM - TEM meetings give industry the opportunity to
expose new ideas, methods, and products that
otherwise would go unnoticed. This has enabled
us to develop associations with larger companies
and make possible solutions. These meetings are
excellent forums. ...Systematic/Mantech
23Sample Feedback (2 of 2)
- I found the TEM Meetings very informative and
appreciate the opportunity to participate.
There's a good networking opportunity....
. I4I - I enjoy going to your meetings and I find them
informative." ... ..G050 - I was very satisfied by the experiences and the
exchange of ideas, so I will attempt to be a
regular attendee and contributor."...
W300 - This has been a very active forum and lots of
good things are happening as a result.
D400/500 - Id try to keep it going as you have--focus on
the PEOs where the real work is getting done and
try to bring them together as much as you can.
You could have the MITRE bunch using this as the
generic vehicle for XML web services.
.G050 - TEM effective assistance has tremendously
shortened the time I would need to spend on the
project. Obviously, they have carried the MITRE
tradition in helping colleagues. Their
assistance has been highly appreciated.. W300 - Sample XSLT files to convert XML to HTML are
precious hard to find. With your help, I was up
and running in half a day. Rare example of good
MITRE collaboration..G020
- TEM allowed me to interact on technology with
corporate sponsors....W900 - I enjoyed learning how other MITRE projects are
using XML..D400/500
245A Quarterly TEMs
- Technical issues addressed
- XML messaging (bandwidth, specification)
- XML databases (native vs. relational)
- DTDs vs. Schema
- XML compression
- XML web service interoperability and timelines
- Emerging areas
- WSDL, UDDI, Ontologies, Agents
- The use of XML in Joint experiments, prototypes,
exercises - FTMO (J2EE/.NET, MCS/FBCB2, JCDB), Bedford
(AODB), and Langley (JBI) prototypes - Demos/prototypes/interoperability for MITRE
Board, MC, JWID, PEO sponsors
25Technology Focus
- 5B. Special Meetings
- Feb. 2001 to resolve USAF and USA XML-MTF
technical disagreements (10) - Mar. 2001 to kick off USAF, USA, USN XML-VMF
effort (12) FTMO, NJ - Dec. 2001 and March 2002 USAF, USA, USN, USMC,
DISA to move forward on PEO Interchange XML
Guidance Framework MOU (18) Reston, VA - 5C. Repository of Information
- MITRE internal Web Site pixit.mitre.org or
jemc.mitre.org - Focuses on cross MITRE/PEO XML/Web services
- Repository available via CD and ZIP disk to govt.
- Web site Metrics
- 100 Projects 16 POCs
- 977 Documents 45 Links
- 15 Code samples 205 List serves
- Premier cross MITRE/PEO XML/ web services
information repository
26Why XML Web Services
- XML allows us to take the next giant step in
managing information..MG Steven Boutelle - Really excited about coming together on XML
- ....BG Michael Mazzucchi
- All cross program information in XML
...Lt Gen Leslie Kenne DAC 002 - The momentum is there to drive XML web services
to the same kind of central position that the
graphics interface and HTML had across all the
different systems in the past...Bi
ll Gates - Small step towards improved interoperability The
ability of systems, units, or forces to provide
services to and accept services from other
systems...JPUB 1-02
27Outcome 3 Surveys of Nationwide XML Work in
- There are many XML efforts in the DOD PEOs
- (surveys conducted MITRE/agency/service wide Dec.
00 and Dec. 01) - See pixit.mitre.org for listing/survey and POCs
Flagship Programs
Technical Prototypes
28Outcome 4 Signed XML Guidance Framework MOU
April 02
- 1. Where appropriate and cost operationally
effective, use XML for data transfers - Internally and externally
- 2. Use XML standards
- 2a. Follow PEO, service, DOD policy
- 2b. Use XML IAW W3C recommendations
- 3. As objective, use and improve DOD (formerly
DISA COE) XML registry -
- Presented to senior managers the
collaborative process used in obtaining this MOU
as a model for achieving joint agreement