Title: Non identical particle correlation
1Non identical particle correlation
- LBL soft hadron meeting
- February 26th, 2001
2Non identical particle correlation _at_ STAR
- What?
- p--p
- K--K
- K--p, K-p-, K-p, K--p-
- What physics?
- Source size parameters
- Additional constraints especially to kaons
- Sequence of emission
- Different emission space/time for different
- How?
- Correlation function calculation
- Coulomb interaction
- Strong interaction (resonances contribution)
- Detector issues
- Non correlated pairs lower correlation
- Correlated pairs Bad!!!
- Momentum resolution
3Sequence of emission
- Catching up
- long interaction time
- large correlation function
- Moving away
- short interaction time
- small correlation function
- Ratio of both scenarios allow quantitative study
of the emission asymmetry
Kinematics selection
4Detector issues
- Correlated pairs
- Unpredictable effect
- e--e from g conversion
- Hijing for shape scale from Aihongs
probability - Momentum resolution
- Lower the sharp part of the correlation
function - Single particle resolution from embedding
- Convolution into CF
- Uncorrelated pairs
- Lower the whole correlation function
- Combination of pions misidentified kaons and
electrons - Aihongs pid probability
- Pions from strange hyperon and K0s decays
- Hijing scaling on global DCA?
- Or, Al Saulyss probability?
- Detector issues
- Uncorrelated pairs
- Combination of pions misidentified kaons and
electrons - Pions from strange hyperon and K0s decays
- Correlated pairs
- e--e from g conversion
- Momentum resolution
- What physics?
- Source size crosscheck coulomb correction
applied to HBT - Sequence of emission
- Would be a huge surprise if something seen
- Status of the analysis
- Not far!
- What physics?
- Source size understand coulomb correction for
KK HBT - Sequence of emission
- Would be a rather big surprise if something seen
given the low baryon density _at_ RHIC - Status of the analysis
- Correlation function
- Effect of the e--e pairs
- Sequence of emission
- Detector issues
- Uncorrelated pairs
- Combination of pions misidentified kaons and
electrons - Correlated pairs
- e--e from g conversion may be important
- Momentum resolution
7K--K correlation function
- Loose cuts
- Ylt1. and pTlt1. GeV/c
- Nhits gt15
- Loose dEdx pid
- 2 tight cuts
- Momentum gt 0.25 GeV/c
- Tight e-/e removal
- Shape
- Coulomb
- Strong interaction, resonances a0 and f0
8Detector issues 1Purity and momentum resolution
78 Pair purity when klt0.2 GeV/c
K- momentum resolution from embedding. Need to
fold it in CF
9Detector issues 2Effect of the e--e pairs
10Detector issues 2Effect of the e--e pairs
No correlation expected
Correlation from g -gt ee-
11Sequence of emission
Low statistics
12K--p, K-p-, K-p, K--p-
- What physics?
- Source size how does it compare to pp and KK?
- Sequence of emission
- Sudden freeze out of every particles?
- Flow effect?
- Status of the analysis
- Correlation function
- Sequence of emission
- Detector issues
- Uncorrelated pairs
- Combination of pions misidentified kaons and
electrons - Pions from strange hyperon and K0s decays
- Correlated pairs
- None ?
- Momentum resolution
13K--p, K-p-, K-p, K--p- correlation functions
14Correlation under control
15Sequence of emissionKaon first?
- Experimental signal
- Clean correlation functions
- Evidence of emission asymmetry between Kaon and
pions - Purity and momentum resolution being studied
- However, unexpected detector issues
- Correlated pairs
- Others?
- Physics
- Correlations Kp and KK- seem to be understood.
- How to parameterize the sequence of emission
(3D?) - Model comparison
- Time scale
- Before next beam time doable?