Title: Kinematics of a Rigid Body: Basic Concepts
1Kinematics of a Rigid Body Basic Concepts
- Particle vs. Rigid body
- Planar motion vs. Spatial motion
- Type of planar motions
2Review Planar Kinematics of a Rigid Body
- 1. Particle Versus Rigid Body
Rigid body A and B may have different motions
3- 2. Planar motion vs. Spatial motion
Example 1
4Example 2
5Spatial motion - Example
6Planar motion Scientific Definition
- All particles of a rigid body move along paths
which are equidistant from a fixed plane, the
body is said to undergo planar motion
A body system consists of several rigid bodies.
When all rigid bodies undergo planar motion, the
system is said to undergo planar motion
73. Types of planar motion
83. Types of planar motion
Rotation at a fixed axis
Planar general motion
9Types of planar motion Scientific definition
- Translation every line segment on the body
remains parallel to its original direction during
the motion
Rotation about a fixed axis all the particles
move along circular paths
General plane motion a combination of
translation and rotation.