Title: A model for industry engagement
1A model for industry engagement
Australias CRC Programme
Bob Haydon 29 November 2005
2Outline of Talk
- Partner diversity
- Sponsorship model
- Project flexibility
- Motivation for collaboration
- What does it cost?
- Learnings
3CRC for Predictive Mineral Discovery pmdCRC
4Our participants
- Core participants
- Research providers (6)
- AMIRA International
- Supporting participants
- State Government departments (7)
- Minerals Council of Australia
- Industry companies (12)
5Participant Diversity - Global Megaminers to
- Alkane Exploration
- Ballarat Goldfields Ltd
- MPI Mines
- Leviathan Resources
- Perseverance Corporation
- Sons of Gwalia Ltd
Large Corporations
Barrick Gold Australasia Ltd Placer Dome Asia
Pacific Ltd WMC Resources Ltd Zinifex Ltd Xstrata
Copper MIMLtd Aurion Gold Goldfields Australasia
Ltd Outokumpu Oy Pasminco Ltd
6Our sponsorship model 3 key ingredients for
industry engagement
- Choice of project types
- Flexible 2 tiered sponsorship model
- Mechanism for fast transfer of knowledge to
7Projects types
- Collaborative projects funded by the Centre
- Confidential one-on-one projects, funded mainly
by the individual companies - Collaborative projects funded by an industry
consortium via AMIRA
8Sponsorship Flexibility
- 3 year commitment
- Majors 35k pa
- Juniors (VSEs) 10k pa
- Access to collaborative projects
- Majors full
- Juniors selective
- One-on-one projects
- Mainly with a few companies with the 7 year
9Fast knowledge transfer
All CRC participants
Collaborative CRC projects outcomes initially
restricted to all CRC participants/sponsors
Wider mineral exploration industry
One-on-one projects Outcomes initially
restricted to company
Conventional AMIRA projects Outcomes initially
restricted to AMIRA sponsors
Project information flow on expiry of embargo
10Benefits from the sponsorship model
- Juniors (SMEs VSEs) enjoy the focus on their
area of interest, for a lower fee - Majors benefit from full access to a wide
portfolio - 3 year commitment is more manageable than 7 but
is still a challenge - Sponsorship model raises 500k untied cash per
year - Sponsorship helps engagement in the CRC
- Executive Research Committee
- Project Development Teams
11Motivation for collaboration
Rapid diffusion of knowledge outcomes by Industry
Rapid diffusion at this point the critical
activity for the pmdCRC
The pmdCRC also engaged in developing modeling
capability - expected to be commercialised
12What are the key components in pmdCRC to promote
- Management Process Promotes Industry Engagement
- Strategic direction of research set by Board and
Industry stakeholders - Industry stakeholders review, monitor and
participate in research teams - Embedded Researchers
- On site to facilitate the process
13What do Industry Partners gain from collaboration?
14What contributions are needed?
- Companies contribute both cash and in-kind
resources - Levels depend on magnitude of the project
- 3 months to 7 years in duration
And as a result
- Access to progress and outcomes is full and
immediate - The leverage gained from sponsoring (predictive
mineral discovery) research should make this the
favored route for smaller players mpi mines
15Key learnings
- Industry collaboration inside the CRC essential
to speed up diffusion as new knowledge is
discovered - Collaboration lifts the collective knowledge base
and is an important leveraging tool - Researchers embedded at the business end, make
the difference and improve the value proposition
many-fold before the long term CRC goals
(commercial outcomes) are realised. - Some companies are beginning to see research and
adoption as seamless
16Help to find gold by drilling holes under wheat
..and finally What do we do in the pmdCRC?
17pmd CRC