Title: Goal 3 Protect and Restore the land
1Goal 3- Protect and Restore the land
2Improving Waste Management
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7Loading Trash Bundles
Havasupai Tribe
Landmark New Solid Waste Management Program
8Tribal Horse Team hauling trash bundles
9Ak-Chin Indian Tribal Community
Community Clean-up Day
10Hopland Rancheria
Grand Opening of Tribal Recycling Center
Tribal Environmental Staff
11EPA and Tribes inspected 55 underground storage
tanks and issued 24 field citations.
12San Carlos Apache Nation
Leaking Underground Storage Tank Site
13Gila River Indian Community
Soil Treatment System
14Oil Spill Prevention
- There is no funding for oil spill prevention
control and countermeasures - There is presently one person in the Region who
performs inspections. - Tribes request increased outreach and technical
assistance in this area.
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16Elem Indian Colony
Sulphur Bank Mercury and Arsenic Removal
17Elem Indian Colony
New Modular Home
18Yerington Paiute Tribe
Abandoned Anaconda Copper Mine PCBs Removal
19Yerington Paiute Tribe
Construction of a four-acre pond
20Navajo Nation
Church Rock Mine Site
21Targeted Brownfields Site Assessment
Tohono Oodham Nation
Targeted Brownfields Assessment Activities