the trouble with you is the trouble with me,got
two good eyes but still dont see
Casey Jones, the Grateful Dead
2Visiona statement of your desired future
Goala broad, action-oriented statement
A Community Vision community based plan in which
citizens and leaders work together to identify a
series of shared goals and specific strategies to
implement each goal
3Benefits of Vision
- creating shared goals
- identifying concrete strategies
- building consensus and good will
- facilitating action
- energizing local networks
- developing new leadership
4Challenges to a Vision
- water quality and quantity are complex issues
requiring complex solutions
- scope and duration of the solutions are
far-reaching, often 30 years or more
- decline in civic involvement plagues many
5Five Principles of Visioning
- a vision must be inclusive
- a vision must deal with all areas of concern to
- a vision must be community driven
- a vision must be carefully orchestrated
- a vision must lead seamlessly into
- on-the-ground success
6Conducting a Vision
- gathering ideas things valued, things to
preserve, things to restore
- developing shared goals and strategies
- setting priorities
- celebrating the vision
7What does a Vision look like?
- A nice place to live, work and
- play.
- Chattanooga Vision 2000
- An active community that works
- proactively to preserve, protect,
- restore and promote Fluvannas
- rich heritage in the context of
- change.
- Fluvanna County, Virginia
8Heritage Preservation to Open Space
ConservationRe-Using the Vision Stuff
- Goals
- 1999 Heritage Preservation
- preserve historic/cultural sites
- manage waterways/protect water quality
- promote heritage tourism
- government mechanisms to implement heritage
- civic participation
- develop community leadership
- public education/awareness
- growth management
- Goals
- 2002 Open Space Conservation
- preserve rural character and sense of place
- identify and prioritize lands to protect as open
- develop County open space and land preservation
- facilitate citizen input in revising zoning
ordinances to implement County Comprehensive
- manage growth by preserving important landscapes
and directing future development to appropriate
9What does a Vision look like?
- Facilitate a voluntary regional approach to
- protect, preserve and promote our history and
- water heritage and to enhance fishing, farms,
- forests and villages, with consideration for
- sustainable economic development and public
- access.
- Northern Neck, Virginia Heritage
10What does a Vision look like?
- encourage all citizens of the Chesapeake
- Bay watershed to work toward a shared vision--
- a system with abundant, diverse populations of
- living resources, fed by healthy streams and
- rivers, sustaining strong local and regional
- economies, and our unique way of life.
- Chesapeake 2000 Vision
11Vision/Mission Goals
- Mission
- assist landowners and their
- communities in maintaining healthy
- rivers, protecting forest and farmland,
- and preserving rural heritage for the
- enjoyment and well being of present
- and future generations
- Resource Goals
- Water Quality-identify and conserve lands
critical to water quality and quantity
- Forests-protect and maintain functioning forest
- Agriculture-support working family farms in a
viable economy
- Rural Heritage-preserve rural lifestyle, cultural
traditions, working landscapes and wild lands
- Cacapon and Lost Rivers Land Trust
12Additional Information
- American Communities Partnership www.acp-planning.
- Chattanooga Vision 2000 www.rivercitycompany.com
- Envision Utah www.envisionutah.org
- Building Gateway Partnerships, National Park
Service, RTCA, April 1997
- Crafting a Community Vision Statement
Reflecting the Process in the
- Product, Dotson, A. Bruce, www.people.virginia.e