Title: BSP Training to Airline
1BSP Training to Airline
IATA HK 30 May 2006
- Address
- 1203 Harcourt House, 39 Gloucester Road, Wanchai
- Contact
- 2528-9321 (Tel) 2520-0329 (Fax)
- Web site email address
- http//www.iata.org/hk
- cshkg_at_iata.org
- Office hours
- 0830-1230 1330-1730 (Monday - Friday)
- Regional offfice
- North Asia regional office in BJS
3IATA HK - Contacts
5Ticketing System Providers
6Airline Charges (I)
- BSP joining fees
- USD 10,000 - HK MO
- one-off payment at the time of participation
- Standard Traffic Document (STD) charges
- USD 0.062 (HKD 0.484) per coupon
- monthly collection via global charging structure
- Data Processing (DP) charges
- USD 0.013 (HKD 0.101) per transaction
- monthly collection via global charging structure
7Airline Charges (II)
- Local Management Fee (LMF)
- 50 equally shared by all airlines, 50 in pro
rata to UTP remittance - annual amount advised by IATA HQ re-cut at
year-end - quarterly local collection by ACM
- BSPlink login fees
- USD30 per login (non-IATA airlines only)
- monthly local collection by ACM
- Charges for optional product
- monthly local collection by ACM
8Agent - Monitor/Control
- Assessment before approval
- Annual financial/staff/STD review
- Bank guarantee from agents who fail assessment
- Ad hoc on-site STD/staff audit
- Ticket limit
- Working supply of ticket stock
- Industry Trust Fund
9Industry Trust Fund
- Protection of 30 to airlines
- Disbursement after all efforts of recovery
- Fund managed by TIC
- Agents contribute 3 per valid ticket
- Reimburse agents when fund 10 million
- Reimburse agents when agents relinquish
- New Terms Conditions finalized in July 2005
103 Airline Working Group
- Local Customer Advisory Group (LCAG)
- CX, CI, KA, JL, MH, LH, LX, NX, OZ, QF, SQ, TG,
UA, IATA - advise to ISS management on local customer
service issues - Executive Council (EC)
- CX, JL, KA, MH, SQ, TG, UA, IATA 7 agent
representatives - consider all aspects of agency program
- ISS Operation Working Group (IOWG)
- BA, CI, CX, GF, JL, KA, KL, LX, MH, NH, QF, SQ,
UA, IATA - follow up LCAG issues make recommendations
- ? meeting minutes to all airlines by email ?
11BSP Operations
Please refer to BSP calendar (P. 1-2)
12Resolution 832 Section 1
? 4 irregularities within 12 consecutive months ?
DEFAULT ? ? admin charge ? HKD/MOP 500.00 per
transaction ?
13Void Ticket Charges
- Total allowance of 15
- 7 for technical voids
- 8 for other voids
- 3-tier void ticket charges
- 20 no of void 15 (15 _at_)
- 50 no of void 20 (30 _at_)
- 50 (150 _at_)
14Unreported Transaction
- 1st instance
- 500 per transaction
- 2nd instance
- 1 irregularity penalty of 50 of gross fare to
airline - 3rd instance onward
- 1 irregularity penalty of 50 of gross fare to
airline 500 admin charge to BSP - ? penalty to airline - minimum 1000 maximum
5000 ?
15Document for Airline
- Documents
- ISS Service Provisions-Passenger
- BSP Calendar
- agent sales summaryP (P 3-4)
- BSP statisticsP (P 5)
- IATA Agency ListQ (P 6-11)
- ticket limit listQ (P 12-13)
- ticket distribution listM (P 14-15)
- IDFS HK Updates (P.16)
- airline contact (P 17-26)
- Forms
- ECCB participation (P 27)
- airline contact (P 28)
- refund grid (P 29)
- refund eligibility time frame (P 30)
- BSP Quick Reference (P 31)
- email address (P 32)
D ? Daily M ? Monthly P ? Bi-monthly Q ? Quarterly
16Document for Agent
- BSP Calendar
- Travel Agents Handbook Resolution 810
- BSP Manual for Agents
- BSP Quick Reference (P 33-35)
- Refund Grid (P 36)
- Refund Eligibility Time Frame (P 37)
- BSP Newsletter (P 38)
17Standard Admin Forms
- Refund Notice (P 39)
- Universal Credit Card Charge Form
18Standard Traffic Document
- Auto Ticket
- on OPATB2 coupon
- Flight Coupon, Agent Coupon, Pax Receipt, Credit
Card Charge Form - E-Ticket
- on plain paper
- share same pool of ticket number same ticket
limit with ATB2 - Flight Coupon, Agent Coupon, Pax Receipt, Credit
Card Charge Form - Auto MCO
- on OPATB2 coupon
- separate ticket limit ticket number (form code
191, 192) - Exchange Coupon, Agent Coupon, Pax Receipt,
Credit Card Charge Form
Net Payable 952-(95220618)9118 -
20ET on Plain Paper
COUPON 99999992
HKG446.22NUC896.67END R OE7.798680SITI
HKD 7000 80HK FP/VI4100000000000001
M00880009/06 134SW FCI04 40YR HKD
7254 160 9698127788 2 PRI FFVV 7766/
HKD 7000
21ET in HK
- Implemented in 1998
- Certified ET system providers
- Abacus, Sabre, Amadeus, Worldspan, Galileo,
TravelSky - test not required if launched in other BSP via
same GDS - IATA ET target
- 40 by 2005 !
- 72 by 2006 !!
- 100 by 2007 !!!
- ET implementation Stat (P.40)
- Reissuing Paper Ticket into ET (P.40)
22Auto MCO
23Auto Ticket AMCO in Billing Analysis
? Comments Tour code ? Credit Card details ?
24Ticket Limit
- Controlled by CRS
- Limit in terms of number of ticket per period
- Airline decide on total ticket limit
- Agent decides allocation among CRS (P 41)
- New authorization or permanent change
- must be coordinated by IATA office
- inform IATA 1 working day in advance
- effective from 1st day of next BSP period
- Temporary change
- airline liaise with GDS directly
25Remit Schemes
- Normal 3 Net Remit schemes
26Credit Card Sales
- By default, for normal tickets only
- Net fare on credit card at individual airlines
discretion - NR2A
- airlines absorb all merchant fees
- implementation without involvement of IATA
- airlines absorb merchant fees on net-fare
- agents absorb merchant fees on mark-up
- Inform IATA at least 1 month in advance before
implementation - Refund with airline directly
- Daily ECCB processing
27Credit Card Charge Form
- 2 types of CCCF
- automated ATB CCCF coupon
- manual CCCF (submission of CCCF required only)
- Submission
- 1st 3 cps of CCCF copy of agent coupon
(submission of CCCF required only) - Reporting deadline
- 2 working days after ticket issue
- penalty at HKD 500.00 per transaction
- Reconciliation
- DPC follow up unreported cases
- reconciliation report to airline at the end of
sales period
28Output for Airlines
- 2 daily output
- CSI for airlines report (invoice report-RPAICCDT)
- Daily credit card summary (RPAIDCSM)
- Zipped into 1 file
- HKafXXXX _yyyymmdd_eccbyymmdd.zip
- CCCF sent to airlines by DHL every Monday
29Invoice Report Summary
- Invoice report (RPAICCDT) (P. 42-44)
- details of every credit transaction
- filename HKafXXXX_yyyymmdd_adhi00.pdf
- Invoice summary (RPAIDCSM) (P. 45)
- total sales per card
- total sales of all agents
- filename HKafXXXX_yyyymmdd_dcsmhi00.pdf
30(No Transcript)
31Auto Refund
- For tickets refundable with BSP
- Refund Notice not for reconciliation purposes
- Exceptions
- net refund amount with decimals
- commission rate has decimals
- late MCO from airline
- no ticketing authorization
- guidelines for agents
32Auto Refund - Refund Notice
Calculation of net refund amount 1. Net Refund
(6990.93)12093234-1256822.70 2. Net Refund
33Auto Refund - BSP Report (Cash)
34Auto Refund BSP Report (Credit Card)
- Balance Payable (CC sales only) -357.70 (recall
commission) - Balance Payable (CashCC) -18.00
- (Transaction Cash Taxes Commission)
35Auto Refund (Credit Card)
36Refund Notice
37BSPLink Refund Application workflow
Agent issue RA in BSPlink
Agent submit RA printout supporting docs to
Airline check if docs are complete refund is
Airline reject RA in BSPlink
Airline calculate or check ref amount
Airline check if refund is credit card
(submission of CCCF required)
Agent follow up RA
Airline send refund to their HO
Airline enter auth ref amount in RA
Ref amount auto inclusion in report
Airline reject RA in BSPlink
38Refund Application (I)
- Use BSPlink Refund Application form (P 46)
- paper refund application not accepted (except
basic agents only) - Refund Application number
- prefix 5400 6-digit serial number
- Submission to airline directly
- Printout Flight Coupons Passenger Coupon
- Printout Electronic Ticket record (E-ticket)
- Refund to Passenger is gross refund amount
- Net Refund Refund to Pax - Commission
39Refund Application (II)
- Authorize or reject
- airline start processing upon receipt of
documents - auto inclusion in current billing once authorized
- Operations
- airline can only modify the stub area
- agent can delete or modify if not authorized
- airline cannot delete when authorized
- value in "Sub total credit" is exactly the amount
to be refunded to the cardholder via credit card
40Refund Application Query
Authorize or reject
41Refund Authorization Rejection
Click to reject
Click to authorize
42Refund Authorization
Airlines Remarks
43Refund Application Credit Card
credit card number
44Refund Application in BillingCredit Card
45Refund Application in Billing Credit Card
46Refund Application in Billing - Cash
47ADM ACM Workflow
48ADM ACM Issuance
- 2 options BSPlink online form upload
- Operations
- Reason for Memo 20 lines x 45
- no modification once issued
- can delete or deactivate if not billed
- ADCM number
- ADM 60 3-digit airline code 5-digit
serial number - ACM 81 3-digit airline code 5-digit
serial number - Fare Tax
- for ADM, Airlines Calculation Agents
Calculation - for ACM, Airlines Calculation Calculation
49ADCM Form
- specify billing period
- (ADM will be automatically kept
- on hold for 14 days)
only Difference will be reported
50ADM ACM Query (I)
51ADM ACM Query (II)
52ADM in Billing
53ADM/ACM Request (I)
- Replace manual Adjustment Request Form
- Airlines may switch off during transitional
period or reject - Will phase out all manual Adjustment Request Form
end of this year - Serial No
- ADM Request 67777 00000 67777 9999
- ACM Request 87777 00000 87777 9999
- Number will be automatically assigned as soon as
an agent raised a request
54ADM/ACM Request (II)
- Email Alerts
- Auto sent to Enhanced airlines after agent make
ADCM requests - Auto sent to Enhanced agents after airlines
authorize or reject ADCM requests - Supporting Documents
- Agents are still required to submit supporting
documents to airlines - Airlines may consider to allow agents to use the
attachment function to make online submission
where appropriate - Airline Action
- Airlines can either authorize or Reject but
cannot modify or delete - Airlines can attach files at the time of
authorization or rejection
55ADM/ACM Request
Please refer to email of 26Feb for details (p.47)
56ADM/ACM Request (I)
- After authorized, ADM/ACM will be included in
billing report
57ADM/ACM Request (II)
58Printing ADM, ACM Refund
click Print
click Print
right click pick Print Target
59Agent Report Submission
- Agent
- manual refunds
- supporting documents in separate envelopes for
airlines - Auto Refund refund notice printout supporting
document - Reissue flight coupons copy of agent coupon (P
48) - Seamen ticket seamen form ticket copy
- data-capture sort the envelopes
- send the supporting docs to airlines by DHL
- https//www.bsplink.iata.org
- One basic login for each airline
- Separate login for HK MO
- One-stop repository
- BSP billings
- ECCB report
- Refund Application
- statistical report
- 10 characters maximum
- alphanumeric
- case-sensitive
- 8-10 characters
- alphanumeric
- case-sensitive
all help pages
To previous screen
To first screen
To login screen
To logout close browser
63Basic Package
64BSP Billing - Download
- Recommended steps
- 1. save to hard disk
- 2. rename file to facilitate organization
- 3. copy to CD-R or disk as backup
- 4. store backup files in proper place
- 5. unzip copy in hard disk
- 6. use unzipped copy as working file
65Download Online Deleted
can sort in different orders
click to delete multiple files
click to download
files kept for 2 months
files kept for 3 months
66Download Process
67BSPLink Files for download
68Standard BSP Billings
- 5 bi-monthly output
- Billing Summary (RPAISTMB) (P 49)
- Billing Analysis (RPAISTC1) (P 50-53)
- Tax Summary (RPAITAX1) (P 54)
- Charges Statement (RPAICHGS) (P 55-57)
- Ticket Image (RPFAXIML) (P 58)
- File format
- Zipped into 1 file
- HKaaXXXX_yyyymmdd_alrptmmp.zip
- notification by email when available for download
69Billing Statement
- Summarize each agents remittance position
- In IATA agent code order
- Issues ? Gross Fare with taxes
- Calculation
Cash ADM - Refund - ACM - Total Commission
Payable Balance
70Billing Analysis
- List out details of each transaction
- In IATA agent code order
- Ticket ? ADM ? Refund ? ACM ? Agent Total
- Calculation
Transaction Gross Fare w/o Tax ADM - ACM -
Cash Cash Tax - Std Comm - Supp Comm Payable
71Tax Summary Charges Statement
- Tax Summary
- report code RPAITAX1
- total cash credit amount for each type of tax
- Charges Statement
- report code RPAICHGS
- transactions volume in each category for the
airline all airlines - Auto/Manual STD
- Auto/Manual plated void
- Auto/Manual unplated void
- Auto/Manual CCCF
- Auto/Manual ADCM
- Auto/Manual refund
- E-Ticket Electronic CCCF
72Disputed Billings
- Major disputes
- request in writing and send documents to BSP
before settlement - approved when disputable amount
- cause financial hardship
- accounts for at least 10 of total payable
balance - approval faxed to agent cc airline
- Minor disputes
- complete Adjustment Request and attach supporting
documents - send the adjustment documents to airline directly
73BSP Remittance
- D1 Settlement
- disbursement on next working day (except
Saturday) after remittance - Remittance advice sent by email (P.59)
- Notice of shortfall via email
- Default procedures
- suspend ticketing facilities
- withdraw ticket stock
- no outstanding - reinstate after assessment
- w/ outstanding cash BG and/or hold creditor
74Products Services
- Bi-monthly HOT
- Daily Sales Summary (P 60-61)
- Statistical reports of HK MO for airlines
- PDF statistical reports for airlines
- BSPlink advanced package
- Additional BSPLink login
- Daily HOT
? local collection by charges statement (P 62) ?
75IATA HK Website
- http//www.iata.org/hk
- Airline Training PowerPoint File
- ECCB PowerPoint for Airline
- Net Remit on Credit Card (NRCC) Presentation
PowerPoint - Communique 11
- Catalogue of Statistical Reports for Airlines
- BSPlink ADCM Upload Specification
- BSPlink Basic Enhanced Fact Sheet
- Forms for Airlinesetc
76Future Developments
- 100 ET in 2007 !!!
- Local program redevelopment
- New statistical reports
- Automating agency accreditation
- Phase out ticket wallets
- Elimination of CCCF
- Elimination of submission of supporting documents
77Thank You!