Title: IT Executive Steering Committee Meeting
1IT Executive Steering Committee
presented by Ben Berry, Chief Information
May 11, 2007
CIO Update- CIO
Update- IS Strategic Plan Update- Legislative
Response to ODOT IT Related POPs- Integrated
Systems ERP Update- IS Budget Update
2May 11, 2007 1000am Noon
3Acceptable Use Policy
Internet Use Options A) No Personal Use Model
B) Limited
Personal Use Model
- Limited Personal Use Feedback
- Cost/resources to monitor compliance of no
personal use -- agencies believe it should be
random monitoring - Several State agencies would prefer limited
personal use lunches and breaks only. - Managers time wasted determining if a particular
Internet access was for business or personal use.
- No Personal Use Feedback
- The focus is on improving security and reducing
risk. - In-sync with States no personal gain rules.
- Sends a message that we dont trust employees.
- Concern that with too restrictive a policy, the
state may have difficulty attracting younger
employees. - DOR implemented this as policy and saw an 80
reduction in network traffic and higher
productivity. - DORs message to employees emphasized the reason
for the more restrictive policy was for security
staff appear to accept that rational.
4Camera Cell Phone Use
- On 2/10/05 "The Ethics Committee with
guidance from the Director's office has decided
that it is not appropriate for us to purchase
cell phones with camera capability for our ODOT
business use." - Ethics Committee Decision. Shortly after this
decision, the Ethics Committee was asked to
review its decision because it was cost effective
for some employees to use camera cell phones. In
April 2005, the following revision of the Ethics
Committee decision was made - "An ODOT Appointing Authority or designee may
authorize the purchase of cell phones with camera
capability, on a case by case basis, where there
is a demonstrated business need for an employee
or crew to have this technological capability. We
are cognizant of public perception, but a limited
use of camera phones has proven to be a cost
effective tool that helps ODOT staff to do their
work faster, better, and cheaper." - 2) Cingular Vendor. Cingular plans to limit cell
phones available to state employees to only
camera cell phones. All the new cell phone
contracts are not yet fully settled. Second,
according to DAS, the available cell phones
change on a monthly basis. Third, as of now,
Cingular does not offer cell phones that do not
have camera capability. - 3) Vendor Coverage Varies. ODOT cannot limit the
choice of cell phone service to its employees
because each company does not cover all areas of
Oregon equally well. - 4) Ethics Committee Consensus. ODOT may have
crossed a social threshold. Camera cell phones
are becoming so ubiquitous that it is probable
that soon ODOT employees will not be able to
purchase one without camera capability.
Therefore, the matter has been revisited by the
Ethics Committee. There is consensus in the
Ethics Committee that the limitation on camera
cell phones should be lifted. - 5) Misuse Consideration. Misuse of this
technology can be avoided with internal controls
because supervisors can check if employees are
inappropriately sending pictures, causing the
State a loss. - DECISION For business needs, does IT ESC
approve the use of cell phones with cameras?
5Advanced Unified Messaging View in
Microsoft Outlook Client
For end user productivity, voice messages appear
in an integrated email voicemail
box. Voicemail is indicated by subject heading
and microphone icon. Access to VM Email from
Outlook Exchange Investigations could include
email voicemail discovery
DECISION Does IT ESC want to include voice and
email in one directory?
6CNIC Strategic Timeline
SDC Migration Project Completion
SDC Program
7(No Transcript)
8(No Transcript)
9State Data CenterBreak/Fix Incidents Status
ODOT Q1 2007
Closed 49
Opened 51
Severity 1 Level Incidents 7
10State Data CenterTotal Break/Fix Incidents
OpenEnd of Month
16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0
ODOT Open Incidents
11State Data CenterNew Infrastructure Support
RequestsODOT Q1 2007
Closed 42
Opened 58
12State Data CenterNew Infrastructure Support
Requests OpenedEnd of Month
16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0
ODOT Open Requests
13State Data CenterChange Management Requests by
Service DomainQ1 2007
14State Data CenterChange Management Requests by
Service DomainQ1 2007
15Mainframe Upgrade with Zipp Processor
The Zipp processor makes the z-Series enterprise
server more efficient and significantly expands
its workload processing for the System z9's IFL
(Linux), zAAP (Java), and now zIPP (DB2 database)
specialty engines.
16Statewide Initiatives Impact
- Enterprise Portfolio Management. All statewide
enterprise projects ought to be managed as a
single portfolio. It won't help the agencies
much for SDC, EISPD, Security, DAS HR, etc. each
to have their own view of scope of work to be
done by agencies. The attached spreadsheet is an
example of this, but there is a need for DAS to
track multiple requests for agency work across
the entire scope of how they are asking agencies
to help make enterprise wide improvements. - Work Breakdown Structure. There should be some
standard work breakdowns and processes
established to feed into the enterprise
portfolio. This would establish commonly
understood project types and gateways that
projects go through. - Enterprise Portfolio Reporting. Once the project
is established, there should be agreed upon,
regular reporting about the status and plans for
the projects. - Time Reporting. There should be agreed upon time
reporting on the project, to include hours spent
by DAS as well as the agencies. - Secure Web Site for Reporting. Each enterprise
project ought to have a secure website, wiki, or
some venue to communicate and, hopefully,
collaborate with agencies.
17How are we doing?
Customer Satisfaction
Central Services Customer Service Survey
- Half of the ODOT Supervising Managers are
surveyed each year about their level of
satisfaction with the IS service. - Im glad to be able to share the results which
show we are making improvements in all areas
between 2006 2007.
182006 Customer Satisfaction
192007 Customer Satisfaction
20ISB and All of Central Services
21Timeliness of Service for Nine Years
22The Goal Introduce Wireless Wide Area Network
WWAN Site-to-Site SSL-VPN
Agency Headquarters
Employees using Agency managed and controlled
End point terminals controlled and managed via
Commercial Wireless Vendors
Authorized partners and customers
Telecommuters Contractors
23Thin and Thick Client Wireless Architecture using
SSL-VPN Application Layer Security
Frame Relay or
Remedy ARS
Radio Access Net
or BEA/
Potential Wireless Applications
- Truck Inspection
- Incident Response Vehicles
- Road Inventory
- License Lookup
- Over Dimensional Permits
- Trucks Over Scale
- On-Call
24Roadside Wireless Initiative
Roadside Mobile Computing
25Wireless Access to Remote Facilities Initiative
End to End Netmotion persistent VPN
ODOT servers
2.5G/3G WWAN
Internet/Frame Relay
Netmotion Server
WWAN Router
Commercial Radio Access Network
Remote Facilities
26 CIO Update
The Future of ODOT IT!"