Title: The Twelve Days of Christmas
1The Twelve Days of Christmas
- By Group Dillon, Rachel, Nikki
2On the first day of Christmas we had 100.00 to
spend on one item!
- Our group chose to buy a globe for 99.99. So
far we have spent 99.99.
3On the second day of Christmas we had 100.00 to
spend on two items.
- Our group chose to buy a remote control bug for
49.99. Our grand total is 199.97.
4On the third day of Christmas we had 100.00 to
spend on three items.
- Our group chose a radar gun for 20.99. Our grand
total is 264.94.
5On the fourth day of Christmas we had 100.00 to
spend on four items.
- Our group chose a game for 24.99 each. Our
grand total is 364.90.
6On the fifth day of Christmas we had 100.00 to
spend on five items.
- We chose a Tiny Turbo
- for 14.99 each. Our grand total is 439.85.
7On the sixth day of Christmas we had 100.00 to
spend on six items.
- Our group chose to buy Monopoly Junior for 12.99
each. Our grand total is 517.79
8On the seventh day of Christmas we had 100.00 to
spend on seven items.
- Our group chose this pony for 13.87. Our
grand total is 614.88.
9On the eighth day of Christmas we had 100.00 to
spend on eight items.
- We chose a hot wheels cars for 6.99. Our grand
total is 670.80.
10On the ninth day of Christmas we had 100.00 to
spend on nine items.
- Our group chose a crazy dog chew toyfor 5.76!
Our total is 722.64.
11On the tenth day of Christmas we had 100.00 to
spend on ten items.
- Our group chose this
- avatar toy for 7.99. Our total so far is
12On the eleventh day of Christmas we had 100.00
to spend on eleven items.
- Our group chose this Dora toy thing for 8.99.
Our grand total is 901.43.
13On the twelfth day of Christmas we had 100.00 to
spend on twelve items.
- Our group chose this game connet four for 6.99.
14Our Grand Total