Title: The Twelve Dogs of Christmas
1The Twelve Dogs of Christmas
- LyricsEmma Kragen8 years old
Presentation Jeanine Carr The Pingry School
2On the first day of ChristmasMy true love gave
to me A Poodle in a doghouse
3On the second day of ChristmasMy true love gave
to me, 2 Saint Bernards
4And a Poodle in a doghouse
5On the third day of ChristmasMy true love gave
to me, 3 Cocker Spaniels
62 Saint Bernards
And a Poodle in a doghouse
7On the fourth day of ChristmasMy true love gave
to me, 4 Basset Hounds
83 Cocker Spaniels
2 Saint Bernards
And a Poodle in a doghouse
9On the fifth day of ChristmasMy true love gave
to me, 5 Golden Retrievers
104 Basset Hounds
3 Cocker Spaniels
2 Saint Bernards
And a Poodle in a doghouse
11On the sixth day of ChristmasMy true love gave
to me, Six Boxers boxing
125 Golden Retrievers
4 Basset Hounds
3 Cocker Spaniels
2 San Bernards
And a Poodle in a doghouse
13On the seventh day of ChristmasMy true love gave
to me, 7 Huskies howling
146 Boxers boxing
5 Golden Retrievers
4 Basset Hounds
3 Cocker Spaniels
2 San Bernards
And a Poodle in a doghouse
15On the eighth day of ChristmasMy true love gave
to me, 8 Sheepdogs snoring
167 Huskies howling
176 boxers boxing
5 Golden Retrievers
4 Basset Hounds
3 Cocker Spaniels
2 San Bernards
And a Poodle in a doghouse
18On the ninth day of ChristmasMy true love gave
to me, 9 Chihuahuas chomping
198 Sheepdogs snoring
7 Huskies howling
206 Boxers boxing
5 Golden Retrievers
4 Basset Hounds
3 Cocker Spaniels
2 Saint Bernards
And a Poodle in a doghouse
21On the tenth day of ChristmasMy true love gave
to me,10 Dalmatians dancing
229 Chihuahuas chomping
8 Sheepdogs snoring
7 Huskies howling
236 Boxers boxing
5 Golden Retrievers
4 Basset Hounds
3 Cocker Spaniels
2 Saint Bernards
And a Poodle in a doghouse
24On the eleventh day of ChristmasMy true love
gave to me, 11 Labs a laughing
2510 Dalmatians dancing
9 Chihuahuas chomping
8 Sheepdogs snoring
7 Huskies howling
266 Boxers boxing
5 Golden Retrievers
4 Basset Hounds
3 Cocker Spaniels
2 Saint Bernards
And a Poodle in a doghouse
27On the twelfth day of ChristmasMy true love gave
to me
28A CAT!
2911 Labs a laughing
3010 Dalmatians dancing
9 Chihuahuas chomping
8 Sheepdogs snoring
7 Huskies howling
316 Boxers boxing
5 Golden Retrievers
4 Basset Hounds
3 Cocker Spaniels
2 Saint Bernards
And a Poodle in a doghouse
32(No Transcript)