Title: Creation of Colloidal Periodic Structure
1Chapter 12. Interaction of Light and Sound
12.0 Introduction Acousto-Optic(AO) effect
Effect of change in the index of refraction
of medium (crystal) by an Acoustic wave
Acoustic wave ? Photoelastic effect ? Change in
refractive index
Reference A. Ghatak, K. Thyagarajam, Optical
Electronics, Cambridge Univ. Press A. Yariv, P.
Yeh, Optical Waves in Crystals, John Wiley
2Photoelastic effect
Mechanical strain ? Index of refraction
Index ellipsoid for Principal axes
Strain tensor elements, S
Normal strain
Shear strain
where, u, v, w displacements along the x, y, z
3Change in index of refraction due to the
mechanical strain
where, Pij Elasto-Optic (Strain Optic)
Coefficient (6x6 matrix) ? Table 9.1 / 9.2
The equation of the index ellipsoid in the
presence of a strain field
4Example) Sound wave propagating along the z
direction in water
Sound wave
Elasto-Optic Coefficient for the water
(isotropic, Table 9.1)
The new index ellipsoid
5Example) y-polarized Shear wave propagating along
the z direction in Ge
Sound wave
Elasto-Optic Coefficient for the Ge (cubic, Table
The new index ellipsoid
6Acousto-Optic effect
Bragg diffraction Raman-Nath diffraction
Vector Representation
light wave
acoustic wave
Spread angle of Acoustic wave
Raman-Nath diffraction acoustic wave vector
has an angular distribution
Bragg diffraction acoustic wave vector is
well defined
Diffraction angle of Light
Dimensionless parameter
7Example) Water, n1.33, W6MHz (vs1,500 m/s),
l632.8 nm
Raman-Nath diffraction Multiple order
Bragg diffraction Single order diffraction
8Raman-Nath diffraction
Moving periodic refractive index grating
Consider L is small enough so that the medium
behave as a thin phase grating,
where, f1(2p/l)n0L, f1(2p/l)Dn0L
The transmitted field on the plane xL
9amplitude reduction
Wave vector
Propagation in xgtL
1 order -1 order
Diffraction angles
10m-th order diffractive wave Frequency
Diffraction angle
The restriction on length of medium is severe
at higher frequency ? Diffraction efficiency
First order diffraction maximum
11Bragg diffraction
In this regime, we can no longer consider the
refractive index perturbation to act as a
thin phase grating. We should consider the
propagation equation of light
And, slow varying approximation
13(No Transcript)
14(1) Small Bragg angle diffraction
Bragg condition
15These equations have a solution for when
only , The solutions for aa, a-a are
independent each other, so let aa
16Diffraction efficiency, h
0-th and 1-st diffraction powers
ii) Maximum transfer
Diffration efficiency
17Acoustic intensity
(Text p. 483)
Figure of Merit
Diffraction efficiency
18Acoustic intensity for maximum efficiency
Diffraction figure of merit of the material
relative to water
Acoustic power for maximum efficiency (LH
cross-section, maximum impedance matching case)
19(2) Large Bragg angle diffraction
x-dependent term ?
20These equations have a solution for when
only , The two solutions are
independent each other, so let 1) bbK
(Co-directional coupling)
21Diffraction efficiency, h
0-th and 1-st diffraction powers
Diffraction efficiency
222) b-b-K (Counter-directional coupling)
23 Application DBR reflector
24Surface Acousto-Optics
Diffraction effect through a thin film surface
or wave guide High intensity localized on the
interface ? enhancing the diffraction efficiency
1967, Ippen et al. (first experimental
demonstration in a quartz)
Surface undulation profile by the acoustic wave
Wave vectors of reflected and transmitted light
Electric field on the surface
251) Reflection wave
26Diffraction angle
the amplitude of reflected wave
27Diffraction efficiency of l-th order
282) Transmitted wave
Diffraction efficiency of l-th order