Title: Cooled Heavy Ions in the ESR
1Cooled Heavy Ions in the ESR
M. Steck for the ESR team K. Beckert, P. Beller,
B. Franzke, F. Nolden
- Outline
- Stochastic cooling
- Electron cooling
- Equilibrium with IBS
- Ultra-cold Beams
- Laser Cooling
2The ESR Electron Cooler
electron beam parameters
energy 1.6 250 keV current
0.001 1 A diameter
50.8 mm gun perveance 1.95
?P collection efficiency gt 0.9998 temperature
transverse 0.1 eV longitudinal
0.1 meV
magnetic field
strength 0.015 0.2 T straightness
210-11 mbar
3Stochastic Cooling at the ESR
Fast pre-cooling of hot fragment beams
electrodes installed inside magnets
energy 400 (-550) MeV/ubandwidth 0.8 GHz (range
0.9-1.7 GHz) ?p/p ?0.35 ? ?p/p ?0.01
e 10 ? 10-6 m ? e 2 ? 10-6 m
combination of signals from electrodes
power amplifiersfor generation ofcorrection
4Stochastic Cooling
Longitudinal cooling
(Schottky noise)
Cooling time
dependent on beam intensity
5 s
Transverse cooling
(beam profile)
cooling time for U92 (N106) longit., vert.
0.5 s, horiz. 2.5 s
5 s
5Combination of Stochastic and Electron Cooling
stochastic pre-cooling final electron
cooling immediately after injection
Primary Uranium beam heated in thick target
One trace every 120 ms 5.52 s in total
Accumulation of secondary beams 1) S.C. on
injection orbit 2) rf stacking 3) electron
cooling of stack
Subsequent fast electron cooling
Fast pre-cooling of large initial momentum width
Ion current mA
time s
hot secondary beams can be cooled in reduced
total time
6Beam Quality of Cooled Beams in the ESR
- Electron cooling is more powerful for cold beams.
- Electron cooling allows the achievement of
smaller momentum spread (by a factor of 5) and
smaller emittance (by a factor of 2). - Consequently the cooling rate (for cold ion
beams) must be more than an order of magnitude
higher. - The equilibrium is a balance between the cooling
rate and the heating rate by intrabeam scattering.
7Electron Cooled Beams in Equilibrium with IBS
by non-destructive methods (particle detectors,
profile monitor)
by destructive scraping
?p/p ? N0.3
E 400 MeV/u
horizontal radius mm
?x mm mrad
?x,y ? N0.5-0.6
?y mm mrad
vertical radius mm
Phase space volume increases with ion beam
intensity and ion charge
8Equilibrium of Bunched Beams
comparison coasting beam - bunched beam as a
function of the line density
emittance ?x mm mrad
bunched beams show the same IBS dominated beam
parameters as coasting beams
9Comparison Experiment (ESR) and Simulation
Simulation with BETACOOL program (black dots)
Ni28 200 MeV/u
G. Trubnikov, JINR Dubna
Magnetized kT?? 10 meV, kT? 100meV
Non-magnetized kT?? 0.2 meV, kT? 100meV
Magnetized kT?? 50 meV, kT? 100meV
Magnetized kT?? 0.2 meV, kT? 100meV
Main uncertainty originates from cooling force
10Observation of Ultra-cold Beam
temporal evolution of Schottky noise allows
independent determination of particle
number decay time due to REC
Reduction of momentum spread
Schottky noise power a.u.
sudden reduction of the momentum spread for less
than about one thousand stored ions
? linear ordering in ion string
storage time min
11Transverse Beam Size of Ultra-cold Beam
high precision measurement employing a scraper in
a dispersive section ( D ? 1 m )
lowest temperature for C6 at 4800 MeV kT??
0.26 meV kTX 0.14 meV
minimum ion temperature of the order of the
longitudinal electron temperature
? magnetized cooling
scraper position mm
12Increase of Phase Space Density
The phase space density below the transition
point is dramatically increased
- At higher intensities the cooling rate is
slightly reduced. - Intrabeam scattering must be absent for low ion
beam intensity. - The cooling rate cannot be increased
correspondingly to the IBS heating rate.
13Detection of Single Ions
decay of an unstable nucleus
measurement of excited states in unstable nuclei
resolution m/?m up to 1106
14Bunched Ultra-cold Beam
150 s
bunch length lb2c?/?s?p/p
before heating
after heating
?s2 ?r2h?eV0(2??cp0)-1
line density (?lN/hlb) limit is the same as for
coasting ultra-cold beam
? ? 10 ions / m
15Cooling above Transition Energy
horizontal beam profile
longitudinal Schottky signal
- ESR operation in isochronous mode
- ?t 1.38
noise power a.u.
beam energy ? 1.41 Kr36
position mm
frequency MHz
momentum spread
?f/f 10-4, ?x 10-6m
compared with Keil-Schnell limit
16Laser Cooling of C3 in the ESR
Beam parameters before laser cooling
Electron cooling is applied for pre-cooling of
the injected beam in order to reduce the
emittance and momentum spread. The longitudinal
captured range and the transverse size of the
laser beam are limited.
?Qx ? -0.005
17Laser Cooling of C3 in the ESR
Schottky Diagnostics of Bunched Laser Cooled
C3 122 MeV/u (ß0.47) ?0(2S1/2-2P1/2)
154.82 nm
?laser/2 257.34 nm
U.Schramm, D. Habs, M. Bussmann
18Laser Cooling of C3 in the ESR
Diagnostics of Bunched Beams
19Laser Cooling of C3 in the ESR
Fluorescence Diagnostics
current cooling limit available laser power