Title: Dilepton production in NN collisions
1Dilepton production in NN collisions
A comparison of
Shyam Mosel Phys. Rev. C. 67, 065202 (2003)
Kaptari Kaempfer Nucl. Phys. A 764, 338 (2006)
2Both include contribution from the following
Intermediate mesons ?, ?, s, ? Box ? isobar
or nucleon intermediate states
Lagrangians, coupling constants, form factors,
cut off parameters are the same in two
3Differences in two calculations
Gauge Invariance when using the electromagnetic
form factors for half off shell photon production
Nucleon-nucleon-photon vertices
Not independent WT
LNN? -e?GNN?? A?
GNN? -ieSF1 ?? F2 (is??k?/2mN ) F3 k? ?
Use on-shell form of the vertex also for the
off-shell momenta
F1 F1- F1, F2 F2- F2, F3 F3- F3 0
Multiply the external photon emission vertices by
the same form factors that multiply the hadronic
Multiply the internal photon production diagrams
by an additional factor
Fint 1 (m2meson q21 )/(?2-q22) (m2meson
q22 )/(?2-q21)
Hagalin, Kapusta, Gale, Phys. Lett. B 224, 433
(1989), Towner, Phys. Rep. 155, 263
(1987) Feuster and Mosel, Phys. Rev. C 58, 457
4Comparison with Kaptari and Kaempfer
Bremsstrahlung of KK is larger by factors of 2-3
Delta is also larger by factors of 2
Total is larger by the similar factor
5A possible way to solve this problem
Compare with the DLS data
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