Title: Open and Hidden Beauty in 920 GeV ProtonNucleus Collisions
1Open and Hidden Beauty in 920 GeV Proton-Nucleus
- Hernan Wahlberg
- Utrecht University/NIKHEF
- For the HERA-B Collaboration
- HERA-B detector
- Reference prompt J/y sample for beauty analysis
- Open cross section
- ? ( ) production cross section
- Summary
3HERA-B Detector (I)
4HERA-B Detector (II)
- Fixed target detector at p ring HERA, DESY
- Proton beam at 920 GeV/c (vs 41.6 GeV)
- Interaction rate 5 MHz
- Wire targets (different materials C,W,Ti) in
proton halo - Multiple trigger level (Hardware Software) for
lepton pairs - High resolution vertexing ( 500 mm-longitudinal)
- Very good particle ID for e, ?, ?, K and p
5Data Sample
- HERA-B has finished data taking (March 2003)
- Dilepton trigger
- Pretriggers high ET ECAL clusters, MUON hits
- FLT (hardware trigger) track finding behind
magnet - SLT (software trigger) track finding behind
magnet and in silicon detector vertex
reconstruction - 165 M dilepton triggered events
- 300.000 J/? (gt1000 per hour to tape)
- 3 target wires of different materials
- Carbon (A12, 64 of total statistics)
- Titanium (A48, 9)
- Tungsten (A184, 27)
6Reference Prompt J/y Sample
- Long tracks (vertex detector tracking system)
- PID m likelihood , E/p
- Dilepton vertex probability gt 1
- J/? acceptance -0.35 lt xF lt 0.15
J/y 148200500
J/y 1038001000
y 2600120
y 1700160
- HERA-B detector
- Reference prompt J/y sample for beauty analysis
- Open cross section
- ? ( ) production cross section
- Summary
8B Motivation
HERA-B 2002 measurement
- Theoretical uncertainties
- b quark mass 4.5 - 5 GeV
- Production near energy threshold. At NLO, scale
(m) dependence. - Need to go beyond NLO
- Previous measurements
- Poor statistical precision
- Incompatible
9B Selection Method
pA ?bb X b(b) ? B ? J/? X J/? ? mm-
- B Selection ( 40 Efficiency)
- Lepton impact to the wire
- Distance J/y to wire
10B Principle of Measurement
11B Data and MC Samples
- Good agreement between data and MC simulation
- Good separation between direct and detached J/?
12B Detached J/? (muons)
- Detachment cuts (on significance) optimized
blindly and simultaneously - ?z gt 9 s
- Iwl gt 2.6 s
- IwJ/? lt 9s
- Upstream from target
- unphysical region
- Downstream from target
- signal region
- Unbinned likelihood fit
- Background
- Combinatorial
- B doublesemileptonic
- No prompt J/?
13B Detached J/? (electrons)
- Detachment cuts (on significance) optimized
blindly and simultaneously - ?z gt 10 s
- Iwl gt 3.0 s
- IwJ/? lt 12s
- Upstream from target
- unphysical region
- Downstream from target
- signal region
- Unbinned likelihood fit
- Background
- Combinatorial
- B doublesemileptonic
- No prompt J/?
14B Sample Confirmation (I)
t 1.39 0.19 ps
- Confirmation of B flavor
- Long lived candidates around J/? mass
- B lifetime compatible with expectations 1.54 ps
15B Sample Confirmation (II)
- Search for additional tracks in a common vertex (
J/?h ) - Relax detachment cuts
- Partially independent sample
- Higher purity but lower stat
- R?s (4.31.0)x10-2 compatible with main result
(see next slide) - Some fully reconstructed final state events
- Ongoing study based on double semileptonic bb
decay sample
22 5
16B Results (I)
- e and µ channels are partially independent
- Results agree well within errors
- Good control of systematics
17B Results (II)
Cross section in full xF range
18B Results (III)
- Result compatible with lower limit of
theoretical predictions - Compatible with E789
- Ongoing study suggests 40 higher s(J/?) and
consequently s( )
- HERA-B detector
- Reference prompt J/y sample for beauty analysis
- Open cross section
- ? ( ) production cross section
- Summary
20? Motivation
- Several measurements available but unclear
situation at vs 40GeV
- Test quarkonium production models
- Possible nuclear suppression ?
- HERA-B has good coverage in the central region
of collisions ( xF -0.35,0.15)
21? Method
pA ?? X ? ? mm- ee-
- Measurement relative to prompt J/y
- Less sensitive to systematic effects
- Prompt J/y cross section from E771 and E789
22? Signal
? ? ee-
- Background
- Random combinatorial estimated by like sign
pairs of real data - Drell-Yan shape estimated from MC
- ?(1S) / ?(2S) / ?(3S) relative production fixed
to E605 results
? ? mm-
23? Preliminary Results
- Based on sJ/? (352 2 26) nb/n (average
- Both channels are compatible
- Extrapolation to vs 38.8 GeV yields
- Br d?/dy?y0 2.3 0.5stat 0.5sys pb/n
- compatible with E605
- (more than 1 s) below E772 and E771
24? Global Situation
- Modified Craigie parameterization to include
nuclear suppression (parameter a) - Data compatible with no nuclear suppression
- ? 0.96 ? 0.05
25Conclusions (I) B cross section
- HERA-B measured (20002004) Rs
( - Lifetime of candidates in agreement with
expectations - Compatibility between different channels
- The complete HERA-B sample (90 events) is
significantly larger than previous fixed target
experiments - Based on sJ/? (352 2 26) nb/n (average
E789-E771) - Ongoing fit of existing experimental results on
s(J/?) with COM parametrisation to provide
absolute bb cross section
26Conclusions (II) ? cross section
- Preliminary ? cross section measurement
- 3.5 0.8 pb/n
- In agreement with E605
- Global fit to ? data consistent with no nuclear
27Backup Slides
29J/? cross section
E771/E789 scaled to HERA-B cms energy
?(J/?)352 2 26 nb/nucleon
HERAB Preliminary
HERA-B measurement on min. bias data ongoing
30Detector characteristics (I)
- Large acceptance 15-220 mrad in x (bending
plane), - 15-160 mrad in y (vertical plane)
- ? Target up to 8 wires inserted into the halo
of 920 GeV proton beam (C, Ti, W) - VDS Vertex Detector System.
- Dilepton vertex resolutions sz ? 600 mm, sx,y
? 70 mm - Dipole Magnet- field integral 2.13 Tm
- OTR Outer Tracker. Honeycomb drift cells wire
pitch 5/10 mm spatial hit resolution ? 350 mm - Backward hemisphere in CM (negative xF)
- World largerst honeycomb tracker 1000 modules,
115000 channels - ITR Inner Tracker MicroStrip Gas Chambers,
pitch 100 mm, resolution 100 mm - Forward hemisphere in CM (positive xF)
- Not used in this analysis (stability issues)
31Detector characteristics (II)
- RICH Ring Imaging Cherenkov Detector
- C4F10 radiator gas, 2 planes of PMT
- 4s separation e/p p ?3.4, 15 GeV/c, p/K
p ? 12,54 GeV/c - ECAL Electromagnetic CALorimeter Sandwich
sampling calorimeter (Shashlik) Pb and W as
converter 3 regions - MUON detector 4 tracking stations Gas pixel
chambers, Proportional tube chambers, some with
segmented cathodes - DAQ system High bandwidth, high trigger and
logging rates - TRIGGER.
- - Pretriggers on ECAL MUON seeds
- - FLT hardware based on ITR/OTR
- - SLT software trigger TrackingVertexing linux
farm with 240 nodes - ? Event reconstruction on-line, linux farm with
200 nodes
33b production model systematics
Default model MRST PDF, Peterson FF e0.006
Studied variations
Sys cont. to s(bb )
- Changing PDFs from MRST to CTEQ
- b quark mass from 4.5 to 5.0 GeV/c2
- QCD renormalization scale m from 0.5 mo to 2 mo
- Fragmentation functions
- Peterson form with e from 0.002 to 0.008
- Kartvelishvili form with ab from 12.4 to 15.0
- ltkT2gt from 0.125 to 2.0 GeV2
- Fraction of b-baryons produced in the
- b-hadronization process from 0 to 12
Total 5
34J/y from b decays kinematics
92 of J/y are produced in our xF range
35? Theory (preliminary)
- Theoretical prediction
- Uncertainties
- b mass
- Renormalization scale m
- Compatible with Modified Craigie parameterisation