Title: Exchanging and Maintaining Minnesota Hydrographic Data
1 Exchanging and Maintaining Minnesota
Hydrographic Data
- Creating the Minnesota Reach Address Database
Project Cooperators Mark Olsen, MPCA Susanne
Maeder, LMIC Tommy Dewald, USEPA/OW Paul
Kimsey, USGS NHD Team
2Water Quality Data - Challenges
- Distributed authority
- Requires cooperation
- Need to integrate and exchange data
- Legacy data systems
- Standards codified and de facto
- Data inconsistencies
3Water Quality Data - Business Needs
- Integrate
- Access
- Exchange
- Enhance
- Maintain
4Project Objectives
- 2004 Challenge Grant
- Establish central repository for data and events
- Integrate and Access
- Enable electronic exchange of water quality data
- Exchange
- 2005 Challenge Grant
- Local Stewardship
- Enhance and Maintain
5WATERS Data Architecture
(Watershed Assessment, Tracking Environmental
ResultS) (www.epa.gov/waters)
Reach Address Database (RAD)
6Minnesota Reach Address Database
- Versioned Geodatabase
- Minnesota NHD
- 124,000 data mostly
- Miscellaneous features of local interest
- Birdbaths?
- Events
- Features, characteristics or activities
- Points, lines or polygons
7Minnesota NHD
St Louis River
8Events Linked to NHD
St Louis River
Monitoring Station
Gaging Station
9Water Quality Assessments
10MnRAD Accomplishments
- 2004 Challenge Grant
- Repository for MN NHD and related events
- New WQ reporting data and process flows with EPA
- New data flows for Integrated Reporting
- Programmatic
- Geospatial
- XML and GML components
- GeoToolkit
11MnRAD Accomplishments
- 2005 Challenge Grant
- MN implementation of USGS validation processes
- NHD maintenance system design
- Draft event maintenance process design
12Next Steps
- Finalize flow configuration document for NHD
update - USGS to establish exchange node
- Fully automate flow for NHD updates
- Implement event update procedures
13Implementing MnRAD Elsewhere
- Correct, enhance or update?
- Stewardship
- Organization and roles?
- Local repository
- Attributes and features not in national NHD?
- Local distribution?
- Events
- Keep in synch with NHD?
14Project Contacts
- Mark Olsen
- Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
- Mark.Olsen_at_pca.state.mn.us
- Susanne Maeder
- Minnesota Land Management Information Center
- Tommy Dewald
- USEPA, Office of Water
- Paul Kimsey
- USGS, NHD Team
15Thank You
17WQ Reporting data and process flow
18USGS Node
MN Node
Exchange Network